Age of Empires Series Wiki

Warship that spews fire at close range.
Age of Empires II description

The Fast Fire Ship is a ship in Age of Empires II that can be upgraded from the Fire Ship and then trained at the Dock once the Imperial Age is reached. Like its predecessor, it is a ship with a "flamethrower" mounted on the bow. The Fast Fire Ship has an attack bonus against other ships, but it must come in very close to enemy ships in order to attack.

Availability chart[]

Fastfireshipavailable AvailableFastfireshipunavailable Unavailable
x means that the civilization can fully upgrade its Fast Fire Ships. The technologies being considered here are Dry Dock and Shipwright.
+ means that the civilization some civilization or team bonus or a unique technology that benefits the combat strength of the Fast Fire Ship.


In comparison to its predecessor, the Fast Fire Ship has +20 hit points, +1 pierce damage, +1 damage against ships and fishing ships, +2 pierce armor, +3 ship armor, and +0.08 movement speed.

Ships fightanim aoe2de

Ships in mid-battle.

Although the Fast Fire Ship is better on a close confrontation against a Galleon, Galleons are usually preferred for their lower cost and superior range which can increase benefits from scouting. In large-scale confrontations, a fleet of Galleons can defeat a fleet of Fast Fire Ships comfortably due to their superior range, but if properly supported by other ships, a fleet of Fast Fire Ships can sink down a fleet of Galleons easily. Fast Fire Ships are also vulnerable against Demolition Ships and Turtle Ships, two other ship types that require a close range to attack.

Further statistics[]

Unit strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Transport Ships, Fishing Ships, buildings in the shoreline, melee units in the shallows, Galleons, Cannon Galleons
Weak vs. Demolition Ships, Turtle Ships, Longboats, towers, Castles, ranged siege units on the shoreline
Range UniqueTechCastle-DE Greek Fire (+1, Byzantines only)
Armor CareeningDE Careening (+0/+1)
Speed DryDockDE Dry Dock (+15%)
Conversion defense Devotion icon AoE2DE Devotion (+1 min, +1 max)
FaithDE Faith (+4 min, +4 max)
HeresyDE Heresy (die upon getting converted)
UniqueTechCastle-DE First Crusade (+4 min, +4 max, Sicilians only)
Creation speed ShipwrightDE Shipwright (+54%)
Train cost ShipwrightDE Shipwright (-20% wood)

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Aztecs AoE2 Aztecs: Fast Fire Ships are created 11% faster.
  • Berbers AoE2 Berbers: Fast Fire Ships move 10% faster.
  • Byzantines AoE2 Byzantines: Fast Fire Ships fire 25% faster.
  • Georgians AoE2 Georgians: Fast Fire Ships receive -20% (-40% instead of -25%) damage on higher elevations.
  • Italians AoE2 Italians: Researching Careening, Dry Dock, and Shipwright is 33% cheaper.
  • Koreans AoE2 Koreans: Fast Fire Ship cost -20% wood.
  • Persians AoE2 Persians: Fast Fire Ships are created 20% faster. Careening is researched 15%/20% faster in the Castle/Imperial Age. Dry Dock is researched 20% faster.
  • Spanish AoE2 Spanish: Researching technologies that benefit Fast Fire Ships provides 20 gold each.
  • Tatars AoE2 Tatars: Fast Fire Ship deal +20% damage (+50% instead of +25%) from elevations.

Team bonuses[]


AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of Kings[]

AoE2-DLCicon-1 The Conquerors[]

AoE2-DLCicon-2 The Forgotten[]

AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African Kingdoms[]

AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the Rajas[]

  • Fast Fire Ship have 8 pierce armor again.

AoEIIDE icon Definitive Edition[]


The fire ship was improved over the years to increase its speed, maneuverability, and armor. Constantinople was successfully defended by its navy of fast fire ships for many centuries.
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings manual


  • The Fire Ship is based on the Byzantine Dromon galleys and their Greek fire weapon. However, it is incorrectly depicted without oars.
  • The Fire Ships are the only units in the game without an integer range.
  • The Fast Fire Ship and the Fire Ship are the only units in the game to deal both melee and pierce damage.
  • Fast Fire Ships deal bonus damage against the cheat unit Saboteur (since The Conquerors) because it is in the same unit class as ships.



Units in Age of Empires II
CivilianMaleVillDE Villager · Tradecart aoe2DE Trade Cart · FishingShipDE Fishing Ship · Trade cog aoe2DE Trade Cog · King eu aoe2DE King
ReligiousMonk aoe2DE Monk
InfantryMilitiaDE Militia · Manatarms aoe2DE Man-at-Arms · Longswordsman aoe2DE Long Swordsman · Twohanded aoe2DE Two-Handed Swordsman · Champion aoe2DE Champion
Spearman aoe2DE Spearman · Aoe2-infantry-2-pikeman Pikeman · Halberdier aoe2DE Halberdier
Eaglescout aoe2DE Eagle Scout · Eaglewarrior aoe2DE Eagle Warrior · EliteEaglewarrior aoe2DE Elite Eagle Warrior
ArcherArcher aoe2DE Archer · Crossbowman aoe2DE Crossbowman · Arbalester aoe2DE Arbalester
Skirmisher aoe2DE Skirmisher · Elite skirmisher aoe2DE Elite Skirmisher
Hand cannoneer aoe2DE Hand Cannoneer
Cavalryarcher aoe2DE Cavalry Archer · Heavycavalryarcher aoe2de Heavy Cavalry Archer
Aoe2de DOI elephant archer icon Elephant Archer · ElephantArcherIcon-DE Elite Elephant Archer
CavalryScoutcavalry aoe2DE Scout Cavalry · Lightcavalry aoe2DE Light Cavalry · Hussar aoe2DE Hussar
Knight aoe2DE Knight · Cavalier aoe2DE Cavalier · Paladin aoe2DE Paladin
Camelrider aoe2DE Camel Rider · Aoe2 heavycamelriderDE Heavy Camel Rider
Battle elephant aoe2DE Battle Elephant · Elite battle elephant aoe2DE Elite Battle Elephant
Steppelancericon Steppe Lancer · Elitesteppelancericon Elite Steppe Lancer
Xolotlicon Xolotl Warrior
AoE2DE Armored Elephant icon Armored Elephant · AoE2DE Siege Elephant icon Siege Elephant
SiegeBattering ram aoe2DE Battering Ram · Capped ram aoe2DE Capped Ram · Siege ram aoe2DE Siege Ram
Mangonel aoe2DE Mangonel · Onager aoe2DE Onager · Siege onager aoe2DE Siege Onager
Scorpion aoe2DE Scorpion · Heavyscorpion aoe2DE Heavy Scorpion
Bombard cannon aoe2DE Bombard Cannon
Trebuchet aoe2DE Trebuchet
Petard aoe2DE Petard
Siegetower aoe2DE Siege Tower
War shipTransportship aoe2DE Transport Ship
Galley aoe2DE Galley · War galley aoe2DE War Galley · Galleon aoe2DE Galleon
Fire galley aoe2DE Fire Galley · Fireship aoe2DE Fire Ship · Fastfireship aoe2DE Fast Fire Ship
Demoraft aoe2DE Demolition Raft · Demoship aoe2DE Demolition Ship · Heavydemoship aoe2de Heavy Demolition Ship
Cannon galleon aoe2DE Cannon Galleon · Elite cannon galleon aoe2de Elite Cannon Galleon
AoE2 Dromon Dromon
ReligiousMissionaryIcon-DE Missionary · AoE2 WarriorPriest Warrior Priest
InfantryBerserkIcon-DE Berserk · Aoe2de Chakram Chakram Thrower · CondottieroIcon-DE Condottiero · Aoe2-icon-flemish-militia Flemish Militia · GbetoIcon-DE Gbeto · Aoe2de Ghulam Ghulam · HuskarlIcon-DE Huskarl · JaguarWarriorIcon-DE Jaguar Warrior · KamayukIcon-DE Kamayuk · Karambitwarrioricon-DE Karambit Warrior · AoE2 DE Legionary new icon Legionary · Aoe2-icon--obuch Obuch · SamuraiIcon-DE Samurai · Aoe2-icon-serjeant Serjeant · Shotelwarrioricon-DE Shotel Warrior · TeutonicKnightIcon-DE Teutonic Knight · ThrowingAxemanIcon-DE Throwing Axeman · Aoe2de Urumi Urumi Swordsman · AoE2 WarriorPriest Warrior Priest · WoadRaiderIcon-DE Woad Raider
ArcherArambaiicon-DE Arambai · CamelArcherIcon-DE Camel Archer · ChukoNuIcon-DE Chu Ko Nu · AoE2 CompositeBowman Composite Bowman · ConquistadorIcon-DE Conquistador · GenitourIcon-DE Genitour · GenoeseCrossbowmanIcon-DE Genoese Crossbowman · Imperialskirmishericon-DE Imperial Skirmisher · JanissaryIcon-DE Janissary · Kipchakicon Kipchak · LongbowmanIcon-DE Longbowman · MangudaiIcon-DE Mangudai · PlumedArcherIcon-DE Plumed Archer · Aoe2de ratha ranged Ranged Ratha · Rattanarchericon-DE Rattan Archer · SlingerIcon-DE Slinger · WarWagonIcon-DE War Wagon
CavalryBallistaelephanticon-DE Ballista Elephant · BoyarIcon-DE Boyar · Aoe2de camel scout Camel Scout · CataphractIcon-DE Cataphract · Aoe2de roman unique centurion icon Centurion · Aoe2-icon-coustillier Coustillier · Flaming camel icon Flaming Camel · ImperialCamelRiderIcon-DE Imperial Camel Rider · Keshikicon Keshik · Konnikicon Konnik · Leitisicon Leitis · MagyarHuszarIcon-DE Magyar Huszar · MamelukeIcon-DE Mameluke · AoE2 Monaspa Monaspa · Aoe2de ratha melee Melee Ratha · AoE2 Savar Savar · Aoe2de shrivamsha rider Shrivamsha Rider · TarkanIcon-DE Tarkan · WarElephantIcon-DE War Elephant · Aoe2-icon-winged-hussar Winged Hussar
SiegeAoe2-icon--houfnice Houfnice · Aoe2-icon-hussite-wagon Hussite Wagon · OrganGunIcon-DE Organ Gun
War shipCaravelIcon-DE Caravel · LongboatIcon-DE Longboat · Aoe2de Thirisadai Thirisadai · TurtleShipIcon-DE Turtle Ship