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Age of Empires Series Wiki

Ranged anti-archer unit that cannot attack at close range.
Age of Empires II description

The Elite Skirmisher is an anti-archer foot archer in Age of Empires II that can be upgraded from the Skirmisher at the Archery Range once the Castle Age is reached. They have an attack bonus against archers and, as opposed to its predecessor, an extra attack bonus against mounted archers. They also have increased hit points, attack power, and pierce armor. This makes Elite Skirmishers more useful against other ranged units even beyond the Castle Age.

The Elite Skirmisher is available to all civilizations except for the Turks.

The Imperial Skirmisher is the unique upgrade for the Vietnamese and their allies.


Civilizations that can fully upgrade their Elite Skirmishers (Bracer, Ring Archer Armor, and Thumb Ring) Civilizations with fully upgraded Elite Skirmishers and a civilization bonus that benefits them Civilizations with a civilization bonus that benefits their Elite Skirmishers but cannot fully upgrade them


The Elite Skirmisher upgrade notably grants +1 attack, +1 anti-archer bonus damage, +2 anti-cavalry archer bonus damage, +1 pierce armor, and +1 range. Given the moderately low price of the upgrade, it is almost always worth obtaining early.

Most of the time, Skirmishers are very weak to everything except Archers, Hand Cannoneers, and Pikemen (to a degree). With a weak and slow attack, as well as a minimum range, they deal almost no damage to infantry and cavalry. Nevertheless, their attack bonus against archers and high pierce resilience can make them valuable against any archer-using opponent, especially if the player's civilization bonuses benefit infantry or heavy cavalry. Unless created to retaliate against enemy archers, each unit does poor damage. Elite Skirmishers also have a +4 attack bonus against Pikemen, allowing groups of them to quickly take out approaching Pikemen, but their minimum range still makes them vulnerable. However, they work great as support for cavalry because of this and their cheap cost.

While Elite Skirmishers make poor ranged support in small numbers, they are extremely cheap. As they cost no gold, they are considered trash units and can be easily massed in significant numbers enough to kill units with a single volley. The size of the mob of units should also prevent enemy units from coming close enough to all of the units, allowing them to continue to fire. Therefore the Elite Skirmisher becomes especially important in the late game when gold becomes scarce and players have to rely on a wood and food economy. In a trash war, their bonus against the Spearman line also becomes more useful.

Further statistics[]

Unit strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Archers, Spearman line
Weak vs. Melee units, siege units
Attack FletchingDE Fletching (+1)
BodkinArrowDE Bodkin Arrow (+1)
BracerDE Bracer (+1)
ChemistryDE Chemistry (+1)
UniqueTechCastle-DE Atlatl (+1, Aztecs only)
UniqueTechCastle-DE Hul'che Javelineers (Extra spear, Mayans only)
Range FletchingDE Fletching (+1)
BodkinArrowDE Bodkin Arrow (+1)
BracerDE Bracer (+1)
UniqueTechCastle-DE Atlatl (+1, Aztecs only)
UniqueTechCastle-DE Yeomen (+1, Britons only)
UniqueTechCastle-DE Andean Sling (eliminates the minimum range, Incas only)
Accuracy ThumbRingDE Thumb Ring (increases accuracy to 100%)
BallisticsDE Ballistics (hit moving targets)
Armor PaddedArcherArmorDE Padded Archer Armor (+1/+1)
LeatherArcherArmorDE Leather Archer Armor (+1/+1)
RingArcherArmorDE Ring Archer Armor (+1/+2)
UniqueTechImperialDE Tower Shields (+2 pierce armor, Lithuanians only)
Conversion defense Devotion icon AoE2DE Devotion (+1 min, +1 max)
FaithDE Faith (+4 min, +4 max)
HeresyDE Heresy (die upon getting converted)
UniqueTechCastle-DE First Crusade (+4 min, +4 max, Sicilians only)
Creation cost UniqueTechCastle-DE Kshatriyas (-25% food, Gurjaras only)
Creation speed ConscriptionDE Conscription (+33%)
Upgrades Imperialskirmisherresearch Imperial Skirmisher (Vietnamese and allies only)

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Aztecs AoE2 Aztecs: Elite Skirmishers are created 15% faster.
  • Bulgarians AoE2 Bulgarians: Researching archer armor and attack upgrades at the Blacksmith costs -50% food.
  • Burmese AoE2 Burmese: Researching Devotion and Faith is 50% cheaper.
  • Byzantines AoE2 Byzantines: Elite Skirmishers are 25% cheaper.
  • Celts AoE2 Celts: Elite Skirmishers can convert herdable animals even if enemy units are next to them.
  • Chinese AoE2 Chinese: Technologies that benefit Elite Skirmishers are 5%/10%/15% cheaper in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age.
  • Dravidians AoE2 Dravidians: Elite Skirmishers attack 25% faster.
  • Georgians AoE2 Georgians: Elite Skirmishers receive -20% damage (-40% instead of -25%) when fighting from higher elevation.
  • Incas AoE2 Incas: Elite Skirmishers cost -20%/-25% food in the Castle/Imperial Age.
  • Italians AoE2 Italians: Researching Ballistics and Chemistry is 33% cheaper.
  • Koreans AoE2 Koreans: Elite Skirmishers cost -50% wood. Armor upgrades are free.
  • Lithuanians AoE2 Lithuanians: Elite Skirmishers move 10% faster.
  • Sicilians AoE2 Sicilians: Elite Skirmishers take -33% bonus damage.
  • Spanish AoE2 Spanish: Blacksmith technologies that benefit Elite Skirmishers cost no gold. Researching technologies that benefit Elite Skirmishers provides 20 gold each.
  • Tatars AoE2 Tatars: Elite Skirmishers deal +20% damage (+50% instead of +25%) from cliffs and elevations. Thumb Ring is free.
  • Vietnamese AoE2 Vietnamese: Elite Skirmishers have +20% hit points. Conscription is free.

Team bonuses[]


AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of Kings[]

AoE2-DLCicon-1 The Conquerors[]

AoE2-DLCicon-2 The Forgotten[]

AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African Kingdoms[]

  • Ethiopians AoE2 Ethiopians: Initially, all foot archers fired 15% faster. With patch 4.8, Elite Skirmishers no longer have an decreased Rate of Fire.
  • Italians AoE2 Italians: Before patch 4.8, Pavise affects Elite Skirmishers. With patch 4.8, Pavise does not affect Elite Skirmishers anymore.

AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the Rajas[]

  • Vietnamese AoE2 Vietnamese: Initially, Elite Skirmishers have +15%/+20% HP in the Castle/Imperial Age. With patch 5.8, they have +20% HP.

AoEIIDE icon Definitive Edition[]

AoE2Icon-LordsWest Lords of the West[]

  • Mayans AoE2 Mayans: Hul'che Javelineers is introduced to replace Obsidian Arrows; Hul'che Javelineers improves Skirmishers by making them throw a second projectile.

AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of India[]

  • Incas AoE2 Incas: With update 61321, the new team bonus gives Elite Skirmishers +2 Line of Sight.
  • Portuguese AoE2 Portuguese: With update 73855, as a team bonus, technologies that benefit Elite Skirmishers are researched 25% faster.
  • Incas: With update 81058, the team bonus is replaced and, as a new civilization bonus, Elite Skirmishers cost -25%/-30% food in the Castle/Imperial Age.
  • With update 81058, Elite Skirmishers receive a new Skirmisher armor class.

AoE2Icon-ReturnRome Return of Rome[]

  • Chinese AoE2 Chinese: With update 87863, technologies that benefit Elite Skirmishers are 5%/10%/15% cheaper in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age.
  • Koreans: With update 87863, Elite Skirmishers cost -50% wood.
  • With update 87863, Imperial Skirmisher upgrade cost reduced from 300 wood, 450 gold to 300 wood, 300 gold.

AoE2Icon-MountainRoyals The Mountain Royals[]


In many Middle Age armies skirmishers were the rabble that was thrown in at the start of a battle and then often overrun by the heavy cavalry of both sides. A few armies trained elite skirmishers who could disrupt enemy formations, fall back, and support the main friendly fighting force from the sides. An army that could put elite skirmishers in the field to support its main army had an advantage over an army that did not. The Swiss, for example, often employed up to a quarter of their force in a skirmish role. Elite Swiss skirmishers supported the dense phalanxes of Swiss pikemen by disrupting enemy troops before the pikes made their attack. In an emergency, the skirmishers could take cover under the rows of pointed pikes and then stand up once more to engage a withdrawing enemy.
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings manual


  • Skirmishers are the second cheapest of all military units, tied with the Spearman line, costing only 60 resources and no gold, only behind the Karambit Warrior (which costs 40 resources but is not a trash unit).
  • With update 44725, all Native American civilizations have a Castle Age unique technology that benefits the combat strength of Skirmishers.


Units in Age of Empires II
CivilianMaleVillDE Villager · Tradecart aoe2DE Trade Cart · FishingShipDE Fishing Ship · Trade cog aoe2DE Trade Cog · King eu aoe2DE King
ReligiousMonk aoe2DE Monk
InfantryMilitiaDE MilitiaManatarms aoe2DE Man-at-ArmsLongswordsman aoe2DE Long SwordsmanTwohanded aoe2DE Two-Handed SwordsmanChampion aoe2DE Champion
Spearman aoe2DE SpearmanAoe2-infantry-2-pikeman PikemanHalberdier aoe2DE Halberdier
ArcherArcher aoe2DE ArcherCrossbowman aoe2DE CrossbowmanArbalester aoe2DE Arbalester
Skirmisher aoe2DE SkirmisherElite skirmisher aoe2DE Elite Skirmisher
Hand cannoneer aoe2DE Hand Cannoneer
Cavalryarcher aoe2DE Cavalry ArcherHeavycavalryarcher aoe2de Heavy Cavalry Archer
CavalryScoutcavalry aoe2DE Scout CavalryLightcavalry aoe2DE Light CavalryHussar aoe2DE Hussar
Knight aoe2DE KnightCavalier aoe2DE CavalierPaladin aoe2DE Paladin
Camelrider aoe2DE Camel RiderAoe2 heavycamelriderDE Heavy Camel Rider
SiegeBattering ram aoe2DE Battering RamCapped ram aoe2DE Capped RamSiege ram aoe2DE Siege Ram
Mangonel aoe2DE MangonelOnager aoe2DE OnagerSiege onager aoe2DE Siege Onager
Scorpion aoe2DE ScorpionHeavyscorpion aoe2DE Heavy Scorpion
Bombard cannon aoe2DE Bombard Cannon
Trebuchet aoe2DE Trebuchet
Petard aoe2DE Petard
Siegetower aoe2DE Siege Tower
War shipTransportship aoe2DE Transport Ship
Galley aoe2DE GalleyWar galley aoe2DE War GalleyGalleon aoe2DE Galleon
Fire galley aoe2DE Fire GalleyFireship aoe2DE Fire ShipFastfireship aoe2DE Fast Fire Ship
Demoraft aoe2DE Demolition RaftDemoship aoe2DE Demolition ShipHeavydemoship aoe2de Heavy Demolition Ship
Cannon galleon aoe2DE Cannon GalleonElite cannon galleon aoe2de Elite Cannon Galleon
InfantryEaglescout aoe2DE Eagle ScoutEaglewarrior aoe2DE Eagle WarriorEliteEaglewarrior aoe2DE Elite Eagle Warrior
ArcherAoe2de DOI elephant archer icon Elephant ArcherElephantArcherIcon-DE Elite Elephant Archer
CavalryBattle elephant aoe2DE Battle ElephantElite battle elephant aoe2DE Elite Battle Elephant
Steppelancericon Steppe LancerElitesteppelancericon Elite Steppe Lancer
Xolotlicon Xolotl Warrior
AoE2DE Armored Elephant icon Armored ElephantAoE2DE Siege Elephant icon Siege Elephant
War shipAoE2 Dromon Dromon
ReligiousMissionaryIcon-DE Missionary · AoE2 WarriorPriest Warrior Priest
InfantryBerserkIcon-DE Berserk · Aoe2de Chakram Chakram Thrower · CondottieroIcon-DE Condottiero · Aoe2-icon-flemish-militia Flemish Militia · GbetoIcon-DE Gbeto · Aoe2de Ghulam Ghulam · HuskarlIcon-DE Huskarl · JaguarWarriorIcon-DE Jaguar Warrior · KamayukIcon-DE Kamayuk · Karambitwarrioricon-DE Karambit Warrior · AoE2 DE Legionary new icon Legionary · Aoe2-icon--obuch Obuch · SamuraiIcon-DE Samurai · Aoe2-icon-serjeant Serjeant · Shotelwarrioricon-DE Shotel Warrior · TeutonicKnightIcon-DE Teutonic Knight · ThrowingAxemanIcon-DE Throwing Axeman · Aoe2de Urumi Urumi Swordsman · AoE2 WarriorPriest Warrior Priest · WoadRaiderIcon-DE Woad Raider
ArcherArambaiicon-DE Arambai · CamelArcherIcon-DE Camel Archer · ChukoNuIcon-DE Chu Ko Nu · AoE2 CompositeBowman Composite Bowman · ConquistadorIcon-DE Conquistador · GenitourIcon-DE Genitour · GenoeseCrossbowmanIcon-DE Genoese Crossbowman · Imperialskirmishericon-DE Imperial Skirmisher · JanissaryIcon-DE Janissary · Kipchakicon Kipchak · LongbowmanIcon-DE Longbowman · MangudaiIcon-DE Mangudai · PlumedArcherIcon-DE Plumed Archer · Aoe2de ratha ranged Ranged Ratha · Rattanarchericon-DE Rattan Archer · SlingerIcon-DE Slinger · WarWagonIcon-DE War Wagon
CavalryBallistaelephanticon-DE Ballista Elephant · BoyarIcon-DE Boyar · Aoe2de camel scout Camel Scout · CataphractIcon-DE Cataphract · Aoe2de roman unique centurion icon Centurion · Aoe2-icon-coustillier Coustillier · Flaming camel icon Flaming Camel · ImperialCamelRiderIcon-DE Imperial Camel Rider · Keshikicon Keshik · Konnikicon Konnik · Leitisicon Leitis · MagyarHuszarIcon-DE Magyar Huszar · MamelukeIcon-DE Mameluke · AoE2 Monaspa Monaspa · Aoe2de ratha melee Melee Ratha · AoE2 Savar Savar · Aoe2de shrivamsha rider Shrivamsha Rider · TarkanIcon-DE Tarkan · WarElephantIcon-DE War Elephant · Aoe2-icon-winged-hussar Winged Hussar
SiegeAoe2-icon--houfnice Houfnice · Aoe2-icon-hussite-wagon Hussite Wagon · OrganGunIcon-DE Organ Gun
War shipCaravelIcon-DE Caravel · LongboatIcon-DE Longboat · Aoe2de Thirisadai Thirisadai · TurtleShipIcon-DE Turtle Ship