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Eitri's Journey is the second scenario of the The Golden Gift campaign in Age of Mythology.

Brokk heads to the underground forge to create the Golden Boar, but Skult approaches Eitri's village and tells the Dwarf about his brother's plans. Eitri decides to travel to the forge and create the boar first.


  1. Gather resources and build a Dock. (Be careful with your village's Ragnarok Heroes! They're the only ones who can build buildings, and you can't train any more of them.)
  2. Bring Eitri and six dwarves to the entrance to the mines. (You'll need a strong navy to clear the oceans of pirates, raiders, and monsters. Be careful with your village's Ragnarok Heroes! They're the only ones who can build buildings, and you can't train any more of them. Your Ragnarok Heroes do not count as dwarves for the purposes of victory.)



  • Rolf's Raiders (Odin): They have a base on the western side of the map. They will send ships to strike at Bjarnar's Brigands, but will also attack the player's units if they come across them.
  • Bjarnar's Brigands (Odin): They have a base on the eastern side of the map. They will send ships to strike at Rolf's Raiders, but will also attack the player's units if they come across them.
  • Monsters (Loki): They consist of a few Krakens and Jormun Elvers around the northern part of the map. They represent a great danger to the player's ships.


Eitri starts out in the Heroic Age, with Thor as his major god and Forseti and Njord as the minor gods, but he has the Frost God Power instead of Walking Woods. He starts with a small base to the south, including some Heroes of Ragnarok - the exact number depends on the difficulty. The player cannot build Gatherers, only Dwarves, and cannot train human soldiers - Eitri's forces are limited to myth units and ships.

The goal is to get Eitri and six dwarves to the northern side of the map. This will require the player to gather enough resources to build a Dock and create a Transport Ship, as well as a few warships to protect it. The player should place Eitri, the dwarves, and a few Heroes of Ragnarok in the Transport Ship, and sail north. Rolf's Raiders and Bjarnar's Brigands will attack the player's ships, but it doesn't matter if the warships are lost, as long as the Transport Ship reaches the northern shore. Note that the area around the shore contains Krakens, which can sink the Transport Ship in a single attack, so caution is required.

The best place to land is the southernmost part of the northern landmass. Once Eitri's forces come close to the cave to the north, groups of Rolf's and Bjarnar's soldiers will charge each other and begin battling. The player can wait for them to finish and then use Eitri and the Heroes of Ragnarok to slay the survivors, or just use Frost and walk right past them. Further north is the cave entrance, guarded by a single Fenris Wolf Brood. Once it has been killed, Eitri and the dwarves can enter the forge.

There are two Relics on the map. The Ring of the Nibelung can be found on the southwestern island, while the Arrows of the Alfar can be found on the southeastern island. The central island has a Settlement, but there isn't much point in claiming it, as it's right in the path of the enemy ships and will be continuously attacked. Also, the player doesn't really need the population.

If the player wants to explore the map in peace, they can destroy the enemy Docks, as they won't be rebuilt. Rolf's Raiders and Bjarnar's Brigands have two Docks each. Note that if the player destroys both Docks on one side, the ships from the other side won't have any other targets than Eitri's forces, so the player should destroy Docks on both sides if using this tactic.

Campaigns in Age of Mythology
Learn to PlayHunt for a Killer ยท Pleasing the Gods ยท Uninvited Guests
Fall of the TridentOmens ยท Consequences ยท Scratching the Surface ยท A Fine Plan ยท Just Enough Rope ยท I Hope This Works ยท More Bandits ยท Bad News ยท Revelation ยท Strangers ยท The Lost Relic ยท Light Sleeper ยท Tug of War ยท Isis, Hear My Plea ยท Let's Go ยท Good Advice ยท The Jackal's Stronghold ยท A Long Way From Home ยท Watch That First Step ยท Where They Belong ยท Old Friends ยท North ยท The Dwarven Forge ยท Not From Around Here ยท Welcoming Committee ยท Union ยท The Well of Urd ยท Beneath the Surface ยท Unlikely Heroes ยท All Is Not Lost ยท Welcome Back ยท A Place in My Dreams
The Golden GiftBrokk's Journey ยท Eitri's Journey ยท Fight at the Forge ยท Loki's Temples
The New AtlantisA Lost People ยท Atlantis Reborn ยท Greetings from Greece ยท Odin's Tower ยท The Ancient Relics ยท Mount Olympus ยท Betrayal at Sikyos ยท Cerberus ยท Rampage ยท Making Amends ยท Atlantis Betrayed ยท War of the Titans
Tale of the DragonRising Waters ยท To the West ยท From Below ยท Trapped ยท Confrontation ยท The Realm of the Dead ยท The Water Palace ยท A Way Out ยท Yin and Yang
Mythical BattlesReginleif's Rally
StandaloneClose to Home ยท E3 2001 Story Showcase (cut) ยท PAX East scenario ยท Tutorial ยท Kronos' Escape