Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the god power in the handheld video game. For the god power in the PC game, see Earthquake.
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โ€œ Shake the earth with war! Ares rides to battle this day! โ€
—Ares upon casting Earthquake

Earthquake is a Greek god power in Age of Empires: Mythologies available to worshipers of Ares. It causes the map to tremble, damaging all enemy units and buildings.


Earthquake can be cast anywhere on the map, causing the ground to shake violently. Once the earth settles, all enemy units and buildings on the map receive considerable damage. Players can then immediately follow up with an attack to finish off the weakened enemy units. Any enemy unit that was being trained will instantly die, enabling the player to attack unit production buildings immediately. Attacking immediately after casting Earthquake is critical as the enemy may make full use of their Priests and heal as many units as possible.

If Earthquake is used as early as Age II when units have only 75% of their usual HP, the number of units likely to die from the tremors alone is increased, giving the player an early game advantage. It can however be saved for later when the enemy has more units that can suffer from the tremors, leaving the enemy with a large army of weak soldiers that cannot be replaced until more population space is available.

See also[]

Age of Empires: Mythologies
Gameplay elements Terrain
Categories Campaigns ยท Images ยท Gods ยท Units (Myth units ยท Heroes) ยท God powers ยท Greeks ยท Egyptians ยท Norse
Civilizations and gods
Greeks Zeus ยท Hades ยท Poseidon ยท Athena ยท Hermes ยท Ares ยท Apollo ยท Aphrodite ยท Hera ยท Hephaestus ยท Nyx
Egyptians Ra ยท Isis ยท Set ยท Bast ยท Anubis ยท Sobek ยท Sekhmet ยท Osiris ยท Horus ยท Thoth ยท Hathor
Norse Thor ยท Odin ยท Loki ยท Freyja ยท Heimdall ยท Forseti ยท Skadi ยท Njord ยท Baldr ยท Tyr ยท Hel
God powers
Greeks Maw of the Abyss ยท Curse ยท Underworld Passage ยท Earthquake ยท Restoration ยท Sentinels ยท Plenty ยท Lightning Storm ยท Ceasefire ยท Bolt ยท Cursed Voyage
Egyptians Swarm of Locusts ยท Eclipse ยท Meteor Shower ยท Tornado ยท Prosperity ยท Son of Osiris ยท Glorious Rain ยท Citadel ยท Eyes of the Desert ยท Deluge ยท Book of Thoth
Norse Ragnarok ยท Healing Spring ยท Wild Fire ยท Undermine ยท Nidhogg ยท Walking Woods ยท Spy ยท The Great Hunt ยท Frost ยท Dwarven Mine ยท Fimbulwinter
Campaigns and scenarios
Egypt campaign Border Skirmish ยท Portents ยท Hero's Welcome ยท Rebuilding ยท Expansion ยท Trust ยท Exodus ยท Valley of Shadows
Greece campaign Disruption ยท Prophecy ยท Gateway ยท Old Friends ยท Throne of the Dead ยท Escape ยท New Enemies ยท Mount Olympus
Norse campaign Tested ยท Memory ยท Ring of Fire ยท On the Front ยท Advance ยท Revenge ยท Citadel ยท Dragon's Den
Egypt scenarios Citadel of the Pharaoh ยท The Restless Dead ยท Clash on the Nile ยท Return of Osiris ยท Monthu's Trial ยท Sanctum of the Snake
Greece scenarios Wrath of Olympus ยท March of the Barbarians ยท Serpent's Coil ยท Tricksters' Game ยท Olympian's Rise ยท High Tide
Norse scenarios Cold Shoulder ยท Hawk's Eye ยท Assault of the Norse ยท Northward March ยท Monster's Den ยท The Lightning Fortress
Hells scenarios The Coiled Dragon ยท Prometheus' Gift ยท Zeus' Betrayal ยท Lionheart ยท Kronos' Rage ยท Children of the Gods