Age of Empires Series Wiki

Fortification used to train your unique unit and Spearman-line. Unique building of the Sicilians.
—In-game description

The Donjon is a military building and defensive structure in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West that is unique to the Sicilians. It can be built from the Feudal Age and replaces the tower line in the Sicilian tech tree. Like the Castle, it can be used to train Serjeants and the Spearman line, and garrison units for protection. It can be built and repaired by both Villagers and Serjeants.

Tactics and placement[]

Donjons cost 50 wood, 175 stone, significantly more than the 35 wood, 125 stone for the Watch Tower line. It has the same damage (including bonus damage types) for the main and extra projectiles as Watch Towers. However, it gains one extra arrow in each age after Feudal, firing two arrows in the Castle and three in the Imperial Age with no units garrisoned, as opposed to the Watch Tower's one. It is also larger than the Watch Tower, taking up four tiles as opposed to one. The larger size allows the Donjon to be built and repaired faster in some scenarios, since more units can work on it at the same time. However, the larger size also allows more melee units to attack simultaneously compared to a Watch Tower. The Donjon can garrison ten units as opposed to five for the Watch Tower, increasing its damage output if garrisoned by Villagers or archers. They can garrison more units than Towers, but the number of maximum extra arrows Donjons can get from garrisoned units in Feudal Age is 4 (the same as Towers). Like towers, they heal garrisoned units at 6 HP per minute, or 36 after Herbal Medicine.

Unlike the Watch Tower line, which must be upgraded in the Castle Age and Imperial Age at the University to Guard Towers and Keeps, respectively, the Donjon instantly gains more hit points for free upon advancing to the next age, going from 1,250 hit points in the Feudal Age to 1,500 in the Castle Age and then 2,250 in the Imperial Age. Also, unlike towers, Donjons receive +1/+1 armor upon reaching the next age (towers receive additional armor with the Guard Tower and Keep upgrades). The Donjon receives +3 attack from Arrowslits, the same as a Keep, and benefits from Chemistry and Heated Shot. Also, the limit of additional arrows from garrisoned archers or Villagers raises to a total of 7 extra arrows (plus main projectile), and in the Imperial Age to a total of 11 extra arrows (plus main projectile). Most dramatically, Hoardings increase the hit points of a Donjon by 44%, while having no effect on the Watch Tower-line.

Like the tower line, it does not count as a Feudal or Castle Age building for the requirement of two Feudal Age buildings to advance to the Castle Age or two Castle Age buildings to advance to the Imperial Age.

Unlike the tower line, and like the Barracks, Donjons also unlock Archery Ranges and Stables.

Unlike Towers, Donjons are also able to train the Sicilian unique unit the Serjeant, which is an infantry unit that can build Donjons, as well as the Spearman-line, which is a cheap counter to enemy cavalry. One possible strategy involving Donjons and Serjeants consists of accumulating stone in the Dark and Feudal Age, then take some Villagers for creating the first Donjon near an opponent. Train Serjeants, that will continue the job of creating more Donjons around the opponent in a similar fashion to a Tower rush (however, since Donjons are more expensive than Towers and built 25% slower by Serjeants in Feudal Age, those must be preferably placed near important resources for the opponent). A fully upgraded Keep is superior in hit points and base attack to Donjons without garrisoned units inside, but Donjons with garrisoned archers can quickly defeat a generic fully upgraded Keep (and this not taking in consideration its ability to train Serjeants and Halberdiers), as it can fire up to 11 secondary arrows (generic Keeps only fire up to 4 secondary arrows), all of which have +5 attack vs. stone defenses. Another advantage Donjons have over towers is that they do not need to be upgraded; however, the outcome in some circumstances is similar considering the higher cost of the Donjon.

Defensively speaking, Donjons should be considered as a type of tower and should be placed on choke points or behind an obstacle (like Forests, Walls or cliffs) in order to maximize their defensive capabilities. Donjons are relatively weak against tower rushes, as a single Donjon requires a large percentage of the stone bank available to the player at the start of the game. This allows the opponent to delete the initial tower and rebuild it elsewhere uncontested. The Sicilian player should place their Donjon in a wise way since the Donjon is costly. The two advantages of a Donjon against a tower rush is +400 HP (in the Feudal Age) and the ability to train Serjeants, while the damage and garrison abilities are the same as a Watch Tower (in the Feudal Age); also, the Donjon takes 10 more seconds to be constructed (90 seconds vs 80 seconds for a Watch Tower).

Conversion mechanics[]

For the purposes of conversion to and from a non-Sicilian civilization:

  • Villagers converted by Sicilians can construct Donjons.
  • Converted Sicilian Villagers and Serjeants cannot construct Donjons.
  • Converted Donjons cannot produce Serjeants, or any other unique unit.
  • Converted Donjons can still produce the Spearman line. The unit produced depend on the new owner's upgrades, similar to converted Barracks producing the Spearman line.
  • Researching Guard Tower and Keep upgrades also increases the attack of secondary projectiles to their attack value, since the Watch Tower line and Donjon have the same secondary projectile.

Trainable units[]

Clicking on the icon links to the corresponding page.

Blue: Units
Purple: Unique units
Imperial Age

Serjeants and Spearman line must still be upgraded at the Castle and Barracks, respectively.

Comparison with the Watch Tower line[]

Watch Tower icon AoE2DE Watch Tower line Aoe2-icon-donjon Donjon Equivalent Bonus
Cost 35 wood, 125 stone 50 wood, 175 stone
Time 80 seconds 83 seconds
Size 1×1 2×2
Garrison 5 10 Teutons AoE2 Teutons
FeudalageDE Feudal Age
Hit points 850 1,250 Masonry aoe2de Masonry + Chinese AoE2 Great Wall
Additional projectiles Min 0; Max 4 Min 0; Max 4
Pierce attack 5 5
Attack bonus +7 vs Ships +7 vs Ships
Armor (melee/pierce) 1/7 1/7
HeatedShotDE Heated Shot effect +9 vs Ships +9 vs Ships
ArrowSlitsDE Arrowslits effect +1 +3
CastleageDE Castle Age
Upgrade cost GuardTowerDE 100 food, 250 wood None Koreans AoE2 Koreans
Hit points 1,500 1,500
Additional projectiles Min 0; Max 4 Min 1; Max 7 Japanese AoE2 Yasama (somewhat)
Pierce attack 7 5
Attack bonus +9 vs Ships +7 vs Ships
Armor (melee/pierce) 2/8 2/8
HeatedShotDE Heated Shot effect +11 vs Ships +9 vs Ships
ArrowSlitsDE Arrowslits effect +2 +3
ImperialageDE Imperial Age
Upgrade cost KeepDE 500 food, 350 wood None Koreans AoE2 Koreans
Hit points 2,250 2,250
HoardingsDE Hoardings: 3,250

ArchitectureDE Architecture + Chinese AoE2 Great Wall
Additional projectiles Min 0; Max 4 Min 2; Max 11 Japanese AoE2 Yasama + Teutons AoE2 Teutons
Pierce attack 8 5
Attack bonus +10 vs Ships +7 vs Ships
Armor (melee/pierce) 3/9 3/9
HeatedShotDE Heated Shot effect +13 vs Ships +9 vs Ships
ArrowSlitsDE Arrowslits effect +3 +3


  • Garrison heal rate: 0.1 hit points/second
  • Range: 8
  • Line of Sight: 10
  • Primary projectiles attack bonus: +1 vs. Camels, +2 vs. Spearmen
  • Secondary projectiles attack bonus: +1 vs. Camels, +5 vs. Stone Defense
  • Armor classes: Stone defense

Further statistics[]

As Donjons are unique to the Sicilians, only technologies that are available to them are shown in the following table:

Building strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Ships, archers, weak melee units
Weak vs. Siege weapons, Tarkans, Huskarls, War Elephants, Cannon Galleons
Hit points Masonry aoe2de Masonry (+10%)
HoardingsDE Hoardings (+44%)
Attack FletchingDE Fletching (+1)
BodkinArrowDE Bodkin Arrow (+1)
BracerDE Bracer (+1)
ChemistryDE Chemistry (+1)
ArrowSlitsDE Arrowslits (+3)
HeatedShotDE Heated Shot (+125% attack against ships)
Range FletchingDE Fletching (+1)
BodkinArrowDE Bodkin Arrow (+1)
BracerDE Bracer (+1)
MurderHolesDE Murder Holes (eliminates minimum range)
Accuracy BallisticsDE Ballistics (hit moving targets)
Armor Masonry aoe2de Masonry (+1/+1, +3 building armor)
Line of Sight TownWatchDE Town Watch (+4)
TownPatrolDE Town Patrol (+4)
Conversion defense Devotion icon AoE2DE Devotion (+1 min, +1 max)
FaithDE Faith (+4 min, +4 max)
UniqueTechCastle-DE First Crusade (+4 min, +4 max)
Work rate ConscriptionDE Conscription (+33%)
Other HerbalDE Herbal Medicine (garrisoned units heal faster)

Civilization bonus[]

Team bonuses[]


AoE2Icon-LordsWest Lords of the West[]

AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of India[]

  • With update 61321, Donjon Serjeants train in 16 seconds in the Feudal Age. Starting in the Castle Age, Donjon (Elite) Serjeants train in 12 seconds, matching the train time of (Elite) Serjeants trained in Castles.
  • With update 61321, Feudal Age Donjons have 1,250 hit points.
  • With update 81058, Donjons benefit from Hoardings and can train the Spearman line, and also satisfy as a prerequisite for Archery Ranges and Stables.

AoE2Icon-MountainRoyals The Mountain Royals[]

Aoe2 hb Victors and Vanquished[]

  • With update 111772, Donjon base construction time increased from 90 seconds to 125 seconds (83 seconds after civilization bonus) and cost decreased from 75 wood, 175 stone to 50 wood, 175 stone.




Buildings in Age of Empires II
Civilian buildings
EconomicTowncenter aoe2DE Town Center · Dock aoe2de Dock · Fish trap aoe2DE Fish Trap · Mill aoe2de Mill · FarmDE Farm · Market aoe2DE Market · Lumber camp aoe2de Lumber Camp · Mining camp aoe2de Mining Camp · Feitoria aoe2DE Feitoria · Folwark Folwark · Ao2de caravanserai icon Caravanserai · AoE2 MuleCart Mule Cart
ResearchBlacksmith aoe2de Blacksmith · University AoE2 DE University
ReligiousAoE2 FortifiedChurch Fortified Church · MonasteryAoe2DE Monastery
MiscellaneousHouse aoe2DE House · Wonder aoe2DE Wonder
Military buildings
ProductionBarracks aoe2DE Barracks · Archery range aoe2DE Archery Range · Stable aoe2DE Stable · Siege workshop aoe2DE Siege Workshop · Dock aoe2de Dock
Fortified productionCastle aoe2DE Castle · Harbor aoe2de Harbor · Krepost icon updated Krepost · Aoe2-icon-donjon Donjon
TowerTowncenter aoe2DE Town Center · AoE2 FortifiedChurch Fortified Church · Outpost aoe2de Outpost · Watch Tower icon AoE2DE Watch Tower · Guard Tower icon AoE2DE Guard Tower · Keep icon AoE2DE Keep · Bombard tower aoe2DE Bombard Tower
WallPalisade wall aoe2de Palisade Wall · Palisade gate aoe2DE Palisade Gate · Stone wall aoe2de Stone Wall · Gate aoe2de Gate · Fortified wall aoe2de Fortified Wall · Gate aoe2de Fortified Gate
Scenario Editor buildings
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of KingsBridge · MonasteryAoe2DE Cathedral · Wonder aoe2DE Dome of the Rock · Pyramid aoe2DE Great Pyramid · MonasteryAoe2DE Mosque · Pavilion big icon AoE2DE Pavilion · Pyramid aoe2DE Pyramid · Accursed tower aoe2DE The Accursed Tower · Accursed tower aoe2DE The Tower of Flies · Market aoe2DE Trade Workshop · Yurt thatch big aoe2DE Yurt
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The ConquerorsWonder aoe2DE Monument · SeaGateDE Sea Gate · Watch Tower icon AoE2DE Sea Tower · Sea Wall icon AoE2DE Sea Wall
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The ForgottenAmphitheatre aoe2DE Amphitheatre · Aqueduct aoe2DE Aqueduct · Wonder aoe2DE Arch of Constantine · Fortified wall aoe2de City Wall · Amphitheatre aoe2DE Colosseum · Keep icon AoE2DE Fire Tower · Palisade wall aoe2de Fortified Palisade Wall · Castle aoe2DE Fortress · Castle aoe2DE Poenari Castle · Wonder aoe2DE Quimper Cathedral · MonasteryAoe2DE Temple of Heaven · Wooden Bridge
AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African KingdomsBarricade aoe2DE Barricade · Fence aoe2DE Fence · Accursed tower aoe2DEScenario tower orie aoe2deScenario tower east aoe2deScenario tower asia aoe2deScenario tower meso aoe2deScenario tower medi aoe2deScenario tower slav aoe2deScenario tower indi aoe2deScenario tower afri aoe2deScenario tower seas aoe2deScenario tower ceas aoe2de Fortified Tower · 2de granary new icon Granary · Hut small aoe2DE Hut · Wondericon Palace (removed) · Aoe2de storage icon new Storage · Tent small aoe2DE Tent
AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the RajasTent army small aoe2DE Army Tent · Wonder aoe2DE Gol Gumbaz · Wonder aoe2DE Sanchi Stupa
AoE2-DLCicon-5 The Last KhansWonder aoe2DE Aachen Cathedral · Chain aoe2DE Chain · Gate aoe2de City Gate · Wonder aoe2DE Dormition Cathedral · Wonder aoe2DE Rock Church · Wonder aoe2DE Sankore Madrasah · MonasteryAoe2DE Shrine · Wonder aoe2DE Tower of London
Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the DukesAoe2de pagan shrine icon Pagan Shrine
AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of IndiaWonder aoe2DE Minaret of Jam