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This article is about the unit in Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend. For the unit in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - The African Royals, see Sudanese Dervish.

The Dervish is the unique, mounted religious unit of the Ayyubids in Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend. Like any other religious unit, it can pick up Relics, heal nearby units, and capture Sacred Sites. However, it has an additional ability that can be used to heal multiple units at the same time, and because it is riding a camel, it is faster than most other religious units and reduces the attack of nearby horse-riding cavalry.

The Dervish can be created at the Mosque starting in the Castle Age or granted upon advancing to the next age with the Logistics branch of the House of Wisdom. With the latter, it is possible to have Dervishes in the Feudal Age.


  • AoE4 Heal Heal (passive/active): Heals friendly units at 7 hit points per second up to full health from a distance of one tile. This can be targeted by right-clicking on a unit, or the nearest unit within a 5-tile radius will automatically be healed. Targets in combat are healed 50% slower.
  • AoE4 ToggleAutoHeal Toggle Automatic Healing (toggle): Toggle automatic healing on or off.
  • AoE4 MassHeal Mass Heal (active): Heals all units within a 3 tile radius at 2 hit points per second for 10 seconds. Stacks with standard heal ability and heals +50% faster while carrying a Relic. Has a 3 minute cooldown.
  • AoE4 DropRelic Drop Relic: Drop a held Relic at a particular location. This can only be used to drop-off a Relic on the map, not in a building such as a Monastery, which must be right clicked while holding the Relic.
  • AoE4 Conversion Conversion (active): While carrying a Relic, attempts to convert all units within a 4.75-tile radius to its side. Any enemy units remaining within the radius at the end of a 6 second countdown are converted. Siege engines, hero units, and other religious units are not affected. Has a 120 second cooldown.
  • AoE4 CamelUnease Camel Unease (passive): Enemy horse-riding cavalry units within a 5-tile radius deal 20% less damage.


Dervishes are essentially mounted Monks, having no combat abilities, but providing all the same basic functionality when it comes to capturing Sacred Sites, recovering Relics, and healing. Their higher hit points, move speed, and Mass Heal ability additionally allow them to keep up with Ayyubid armies and keep units healed between engagements. If upgraded through the House of Wisdom's Logistics branch in the Imperial Age, their Mass Heal ability is always on, providing a significant durability boost to Ayyubid armies and much faster recovery after fights. Their high speed also synergizes well with the ability for the Ayyubids to advance quicker than other civilizations to the Castle Age using the Advancement branch of the Culture Wing at the House of Wisdom, allowing them to outrace enemy Monks to Relics.


Hpicon aoe2de Hit points AoE4 Piety Piety (+40)
AoE4 Biology Biology (+25%)
Armor AoE4 FittedLeatherwork Fitted Leatherwork (+1 melee)
AoE4 InsulatedHelm Insulated Helm (+1 melee)
AoE4 MasterSmiths Master Smiths (+1 melee)
AoE4 IronUndermesh Iron Undermesh (+1 ranged)
AoE4 WedgeRivets Wedge Rivets (+1 ranged)
AoE4 AngledSurfaces Angled Surfaces (+1 ranged)
Healing AoE4 HerbalMedicine Herbal Medicine (+60%)
Ability AoE4 Logistics Logistics Turns on permanent mass heal; heal rate +0.5 HP/s in the Castle Age, +1 HP/s in the Imperial Age)
Aura and ability enhancements
Armor AoE4 CamelSupportEnhancement Infantry Support (+3 melee and ranged)
Creation speed AoE4 GoldenAgeTier3 Golden Age Tier 3 (+20%)


Using the Logistics branch of House of Wisdom to advance to the next Age can have different costs and effects. The following table shows the difference. The Ages mentioned in the table are the Ages reached when the research is completed.

GameIcon-FeudalAgeAoE4 Feudal Age GameIcon-CastleAgeAoE4 Castle Age GameIcon-ImperialAgeAoE4 Imperial Age
Food cost 400 1,200 2,400
Gold cost 200 600 1,200
Dervishes granted 2 3 4
Mass Heal boost +25% +30% +30%
Cooldown removed

Dialogue lines[]

Inexplicably, the Dervish uses the Abbasid Camel Archer voice lines

Main article: Camel Archer (Age of Empires IV)/Dialogue lines



See also[]

Units in Age of Empires IV
Miscellaneous AoE4 GenericVillager Villager · AoE4 Trader Trader · AoE4 FishingBoat Fishing Boat · AoE4 TradeShip Trade Ship · AoE4 TransportShip Transport Ship · AoE4 Monk Monk/Imam/Shaman · AoE4 Leader Monarch
Melee infantry AoE4 Spearman Spearman · AoE4 ManAtArms Man-at-Arms
Ranged infantry AoE4 Archer Archer · AoE4 Crossbowman Crossbowman · AoE4 Handcannoneer Handcannoneer
Melee cavalry AoE4 Scout Scout · AoE4 Horseman Horseman · AoE4 Knight Lancer/Knight
Siege AoE4 SiegeTower Siege Tower · AoE4 BatteringRam Battering Ram · AoE4 Springald Springald · AoE4 Mangonel Mangonel · AoE4 CounterweightTrebuchet Counterweight Trebuchet · AoE4 Bombard Bombard · AoE4 Ribauldequin Ribauldequin · AoE4 Culverin Culverin
Military ship AoE4 ArcherShip Archer ship: Dhow, Galley, Hunting Canoe, Junk, Light Junk, Lodya Galley
AoE4 SpringaldShip Springald ship: Baghlah, Hulk, Lodya Attack Ship, War Canoe, War Cog, War Junk
AoE4 IncendiaryShip Incendiary ship: Demolition Ship, Explosive Dhow, Explosive Junk, Lodya Demolition Ship
AoE4 Warship Warship: Baochuan, Carrack, Xebec
Cheat AoE4 PhotonMan Photon Man
Abbasid Dynasty AoE4 Abbasid Dynasty AoE4 CamelRider Camel Rider · AoE4 CamelArcher Camel Archer · AoE4 Ghulam Ghulam
Ayyubids AoE4 Ayyubids AoE4 Atabeg Atabeg · AoE4 BedouinSkirmisher Bedouin Skirmisher · AoE4 BedouinSwordsman Bedouin Swordsman · AoE4 CamelLancer Camel Lancer · AoE4 Dervish Dervish · AoE4 DesertRaider Desert Raider · AoE4 Ghulam Ghulam · AoE4 TowerOfTheSultan Tower of the Sultan
Byzantines AoE4 Byzantines AoE4 Cataphract Cataphract · AoE4 VarangianGuard Varangian Guard · AoE4 Cheirosiphon Cheirosiphon · AoE4 Limitanei Limitanei · AoE4 Dromon Dromon
Chinese AoE4 Chinese AoE4 ImperialOfficial Imperial Official · AoE4 ZhugeNu Zhuge Nu · AoE4 PalaceGuard Palace Guard · AoE4 NestOfBees Nest of Bees · AoE4 FireLancer Fire Lancer · AoE4 Grenadier Grenadier
Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Monk Scholar · AoE4 WarElephant War Elephant · AoE4 TowerElephant Tower Elephant · AoE4 SultansEliteTowerElephant Sultan's Elite Tower Elephant · AoE4 GhaziRaider Ghazi Raider
English AoE4 English AoE4 Longbowman Longbowman · AoE4 King King · AoE4 WynguardRanger Wynguard Ranger · AoE4 WynguardFootman Wynguard Footman
French AoE4 French AoE4 RoyalKnight Royal Knight · AoE4 Arbaletrier Arbalétrier · AoE4 Galleass Galleass · AoE4 Cannon Cannon
HRE AoE4 Holy Roman Empire AoE4 Monk Prelate · AoE4 Landsknecht Landsknecht
Japanese AoE4 Japanese AoE4 Warship Atakebune · AoE4 BuddhistMonk Buddhist Monk · AoE4 KatanaBannerman Katana Bannerman · AoE4 MountedSamurai Mounted Samurai · AoE4 OnnaBugeisha Onna-Bugeisha · AoE4 OnnaMusha Onna-Musha · AoE4 Ozutsu Ozutsu · AoE4 Samurai Samurai · AoE4 Shinobi Shinobi · AoE4 ShintoPriest Shinto Priest · AoE4 TreasureCaravan Treasure Caravan · AoE4 UmaBannerman Uma Bannerman · AoE4 YumiAshigaru Yumi Ashigaru · AoE4 YumiBannerman Yumi Bannerman
Jeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'Arc AoE4 JeannesChampion Jeanne's Champion · AoE4 JeannesRider Jeanne's Rider · AoE4 RoyalKnight Royal Knight · AoE4 Arbaletrier Arbalétrier · AoE4 Galleass Galleass · AoE4 Cannon Cannon · Jeanne d'Arc [AoE4 JdA Peasant Peasant · AoE4 JdA WomanAtArms Woman-at-Arms · AoE4 JdA Hunter Hunter · AoE4 JdA Knight Knight · AoE4 JdA MountedArcher Mounted Archer · AoE4 JdA BlastCannon Blast Cannon · AoE4 JdA Markswoman Markswoman]
Malians AoE4 Malians AoE4 Donso Donso · AoE4 MusofadiWarrior Musofadi Warrior · AoE4 JavelinThrower Javelin Thrower · AoE4 WarriorScout Warrior Scout · AoE4 Sofa Sofa · AoE4 FreebornWarrior Freeborn Warrior · AoE4 Cattle Cattle · AoE4 MusofadiGunner Musofadi Gunner
Mongols AoE4 Mongols AoE4 Khan Khan · AoE4 Mangudai Mangudai · AoE4 TurkicHorseArcher Khan's Hunter · AoE4 TractionTrebuchet Traction Trebuchet · AoE4 HuihuiPao Huihui Pao · AoE4 Keshik Keshik
Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the Dragon AoE4 GildedSpearman Gilded Spearman · AoE4 GildedManAtArms Gilded Man-at-Arms · AoE4 GildedLandsknecht Gilded Landsknecht · AoE4 GildedArcher Gilded Archer · AoE4 GildedCrossbowman Gilded Crossbowman · AoE4 DragonHandcannoneer Gilded Handcannoneer · AoE4 GildedHorseman Gilded Horseman · AoE4 GildedKnight Gilded Knight · AoE4 GenericVillager Gilded Villager · AoE4 Monk Prelate
Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans AoE4 Mehter Mehter · AoE4 Sipahi Sipahi · AoE4 HorseArcher Cavalry Archer · AoE4 Janissary Janissary · AoE4 GreatBombard Great Bombard · AoE4 GrandGalley Grand Galley
Rus AoE4 Rus AoE4 FishingBoat Lodya Fishing Boat · AoE4 WarriorMonk Warrior Monk · AoE4 HorseArcher Horse Archer · AoE4 Streltsy Streltsy · AoE4 Militia Militia
Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy AoE4 ImperialOfficial Imperial Official · AoE4 ZhugeNu Zhuge Nu · AoE4 PalaceGuard Palace Guard · AoE4 NestOfBees Nest of Bees · AoE4 Grenadier Grenadier · AoE4 ImperialGuard Imperial Guard · AoE4 YuanRaider Yuan Raider · AoE4 ShaolinMonk Shaolin Monk