Age of Empires Series Wiki

Constructs a Depot filled to the brim with gunpowder that boosts attack speed of nearby Units which use gunpowder. Will EXPLODE if destroyed, damaging ALL units.
—In-game description

The Depot Wagon is a wagon in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - Knights of the Mediterranean that is unique to the Maltese and can only be shipped from the Home City. After sending the Gunpowder Mills card, every shipment will also include a free Depot Wagon. It builds a Depot for free and provides a speed boost to the attack of nearby gunpowder units. If the Depot is destroyed, it will explode, damaging and possibly killing all units (including allied units) around it.


Like most wagons, Depot Wagons provide a quick way of constructing building without spending resources. Depots can also be constructed by the Grand Master in 24 seconds for 60 wood, 60 coin. A Depot Wagon can do so in 8 seconds for free. If the Bailiff card has been sent, granting the Grand Master an aura that increases nearby building construction rate, they can build Depots in 16 seconds and 6 seconds respectively. This fast construction rate can prevent opponents from destroying the Depot before it has finished construction, allowing them to be placed more aggressively.

The aggressive placement of Depots has the benefit of making use of their large building multiplier upon destruction. From the Industrial Age onwards, Depots will destroy each other when placed closely together. This allows the player deal a lot of siege damage in a short time, similar to Petards, which the Maltese do not have access to. Although a single Depot Wagon will not assist much, the player may save a number of them to use at the same time.

Further statistics[]

Unit strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Nothing
Weak vs. Everything
Hit points Tar kilns Tar Kilns (+5%)
Line of Sight Town Watch Town Watch (+3)

Home City Cards[]

Click for a list of Home City Cards related to the Depot Wagon
Some cards are highlighted with:
Green TEAM Shipment that is sent to each player in a team
Blue Shipment that arrives fast (5 seconds)


Card Description Age
United States Home City (Powder Alarm) Powder Alarm Delivers 5 Petards and 1 Depot Wagon; delivers 1 Depot Wagon with each Home City shipment, including this one


Card Description Age
Shivajis tactics TEAM Shivaji's Tactics All units get +5% hit points and damage
Age IV tech tree aoe 3


Card Description Age
Maltese Home City 2 (TEAM Knights of the Round Table) TEAM Knights of the Round Table Delivers 1 Hospitaller for each Town Center and Command Post build; all units get +2% hit points
Age I tech tree aoe3
Maltese Home City 3 (Gunpowder Mills) Gunpowder Mills Delivers 1 Depot Wagon with each Home City shipment, including this one
Age II tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Mexican Home City 2 (TEAM Mariachi) TEAM Mariachi For the next 30 seconds, military buildings work 400% faster and units get +10% speed
Age I tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Spanish Home City 3 (Inquisition) TEAM Spanish Inquisition Delivers 1 Inquisitor; all units get +10 Line of Sight
Age II tech tree aoe3


Civilian units in Age of Empires III
AllFishing ship aoe3de Fishing Boat · Settler aoe3de Settler · Covered wagon aoe3de Covered Wagon/Town Travois/Town Rickshaw/Town Center Builder · Outpost wagon aoe3de Trading Post Wagon, Lakota trading post aoe3de Trading Post Travois, and Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Trading Post Rickshaw · Outpost wagon aoe3de Dock Rickshaw/Dock Wagon/Dock Travois · Native embassy DE icon Native Embassy Travois/Native Embassy Builder/Royal Embassy Wagon
EuropeansPriest aoe3de Priest · Factory wagon aoe3de Factory Wagon · Fort wagon aoe3de Fort Wagon · Factory wagon aoe3de Homestead Wagon · Outpost wagon aoe3de Military Wagon · Factory wagon aoe3de Prospector Wagon (Factory wagon aoe3de Silver · Factory wagon aoe3de Gold)
Europeans and USSurgeon aoe3de Surgeon · Outpost wagon aoe3de Outpost Wagon · Spc wagon aoe3de Estate Wagon · Spc wagon aoe3de Mill Wagon
Native AmericansVillager aztec aoe3de Villager · Haudenosaunee healer aoe3de Healer · Team native aoe3de Native Scout* · Aztec travois aoe3de Farm Travois · Aztec travois aoe3de War Hut Travois
AsiansChinese castle wagon aoe3de Castle Rickshaw · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Market Rickshaw · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Monastery Rickshaw · Japanese grove aoe3de Rice Paddy Rickshaw
AfricansEthiopian fishing canoe portrait aoe3de Fishing Canoe · Camp portrait Camp Builder · Hausa builder portrait Kingdom Builder · Hausa builder portrait Livestock Market Builder · Palace portrait aoe3de Palace Builder · Hausa builder portrait Trade Builder
Unique units
Flag DutchDE DutchVillager dutch merchant portrait Merchant · Envoy aoe3de Envoy · Bank wagon aoe3de Bank Wagon
Flag FrenchDE FrenchCoureur aoe3de Coureur des Bois
Flag GermanDE GermansSettler wagon aoe3de Settler Wagon
Flag OttomanDE OttomansVillager ottoman yoruk portrait Yörük · Imam de Imam
Flag SpanishDE SpanishMissonary de Missionary
Flag AztecDE AztecsWarrior priest de Warrior Priest · Aztec travois aoe3de Nobles' Hut Travois
Flag IroquoisDE HaudenosauneeTravois portrait aoe3de Travois (Haudenosaunee)
Flag ChineseDE ChineseMongol scout aoe3de Mongol Scout · Outpost wagon aoe3de Blockhouse Wagon · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Consulate Rickshaw · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Village Rickshaw
Flag IndianDE IndiansIndian peasant aoe3de Hindu Villager · Indian castle grove aoe3de Grove Rickshaw · Indian town center rickshaw aoe3de Sacred Field Rickshaw
Flag JapaneseDE JapaneseFactory wagon aoe3de Livestock Pen Wagon · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Dojo Rickshaw · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Military Rickshaw · Japanese grove aoe3de Orchard Rickshaw · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Shrine Wagon
Flag IncanDE IncaPriestess-icon-aoe3 Priestess · Travois inca AoE3de Builder Travois · Lakota trading post aoe3de Kallanka Travois · Lakota trading post aoe3de Stronghold Travois · Lakota trading post aoe3de Tambo Travois
Flag SwedishDE SwedesSpc wagon aoe3de Torp Wagon
Flag American act3 aoe3de United StatesFactory wagon aoe3de Coal Prospector Wagon · Outpost wagon aoe3de Infrastructure Wagon · Bank wagon aoe3de Meeting House Wagon · Bank wagon aoe3de State Capitol Wagon
Flag MexicanDE MexicansBank wagon aoe3de Cathedral Wagon · Factory wagon aoe3de Hacienda Wagon
Revolution RevolutionSansculotte portrait Sansculotte · Factory wagon aoe3de Diamond Prospector Wagon
Flag Ethiopian aoe3de EthiopiansAbun portrait aoe3de Abun · Rickshaw1 icon portrait Indian Market Rickshaw · Mountain monastery portrait aoe3de Mountain Monastery Builder
Flag Hausa HausaGriot aoe3de portrait Griot · Bank wagon aoe3de Mosque Wagon · Hausa builder portrait Hausa Builder · University portrait University Builder · Watch tower aoe3de portrait Watch Tower Builder
Flag ItalianDE ItaliansItalians architect portrait Architect · Bank wagon aoe3de Basilica Wagon · Bank wagon aoe3de Lombard Wagon · Bank wagon aoe3de Tavern Wagon
Flag MalteseDE MalteseOutpost wagon aoe3de Commandery Wagon · Spc wagon aoe3de Depot Wagon · Fort wagon aoe3de Fixed Gun Wagon
Berber nomad portrait Berber Nomad · Berber salt camel portrait Berber Salt Camel · Trading post african aoe3de Red Sea Wagon · Balloon portrait Hot Air Balloon · Cree coreur portrait updated Cree Coureur des Bois · Factory wagon aoe3de Arsenal Wagon · Bank wagon aoe3de Church Wagon · Outpost wagon aoe3de Frontier Post Wagon · Pilgrims icon definitive Pilgrim · Bank wagon aoe3de Athos Monastery Wagon · Outpost wagon aoe3de Battery Tower Wagon · Lakota trading post aoe3de American Citadel Travois