Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
Civilization Technology tree Mastery

The Delhi Sultanate's technology tree in Age of Empires IV.

GameIcon-DarkAgeAoE4 Dark Age GameIcon-FeudalAgeAoE4 Feudal Age GameIcon-CastleAgeAoE4 Castle Age GameIcon-ImperialAgeAoE4 Imperial Age
AoE4 BatteringRam Battering Ram
AoE4 SiegeTower Siege Tower

AoE4 TownCenter Town Center[]



AoE4 DelhiVillager Villager AoE4 Textiles Textiles
AoE4 Scout Scout

AoE4 House House[]

AoE4 Mosque Mosque[]

AoE4 Monk Scholar
AoE4 Piety Piety
AoE4 EfficientProduction Efficient Production
AoE4 Sanctity Sanctity
AoE4 AllSeeingEye All-Seeing Eye
AoE4 HerbalMedicine Herbal Medicine
AoE4 Swiftness Swiftness
AoE4 Zeal Zeal
AoE4 TitheBarns Tithe Barns

AoE4 Mill Mill[]

AoE4 SurvivalTechniques Survival Techniques AoE4 ProfessionalScouts Professional Scouts
AoE4 Wheelbarrow Wheelbarrow
AoE4 Horticulture Horticulture โ†’ AoE4 Fertilization Fertilization โ†’ AoE4 PrecisionCrossBreeding Precision Cross-Breeding

AoE4 LumberCamp Lumber Camp[]

AoE4 Forestry Forestry AoE4 DoubleBroadax Double Broadax โ†’ AoE4 LumberPreservation Lumber Preservation โ†’ AoE4 CrosscutSaw Crosscut Saw

AoE4 MiningCamp Mining Camp[]

AoE4 SpecializedPick Specialized Pick โ†’ AoE4 ShaftMining Shaft Mining โ†’ AoE4 Cupellation Cupellation

AoE4 Farm Farm[]

AoE4 Barracks Barracks[]

AoE4 RegularSpearman Spearman โ†’ AoE4 HardenedSpearman Hardened Spearman โ†’ AoE4 VeteranSpearman Veteran Spearman โ†’ AoE4 EliteSpearman Elite Spearman
AoE4 RegularManAtArms Man-at-Arms โ†’ AoE4 EliteManAtArms Elite Man-at-Arms

AoE4 Dock Dock[]

AoE4 FishingBoat Fishing Boat AoE4 ExtendedLines Extended Lines โ†’ AoE4 DriftNets Drift Nets
AoE4 ManuscriptTrade Manuscript Trade
AoE4 TransportShip Transport Ship
AoE4 TradeShip Trade Ship
AoE4 ArcherShip Archer ship AoE4 ExtraHammocks Extra Hammocks AoE4 HeatedShot Heated Shot
AoE4 IncendiaryShip Incendiary ship AoE4 AdditionalTorches Incendiaries AoE4 Explosives Explosives
AoE4 SpringaldShip Springald ship AoE4 SpringaldEmplacement Springald Crews AoE4 SwivelCannon Swivel Cannon
AoE4 Warship Warship
AoE4 Arrowslits Naval Arrowslits
AoE4 ArmoredHull Armored Hull โ†’ AoE4 Shipwrights Shipwrights

AoE4 PalisadeWall Palisade Wall[]

AoE4 PalisadeGate Palisade Gate[]

AoE4 Outpost Outpost[]

AoE4 FortifyOutpost Fortify Outpost
AoE4 Arrowslits Arrowslits AoE4 SpringaldEmplacement Springald Emplacement AoE4 CannonEmplacement Cannon Emplacement

AoE4 Market Market[]

AoE4 Trader Trader

AoE4 Blacksmith Blacksmith[]

AoE4 Bloomery Bloomery โ†’ AoE4 Decarbonization Decarbonization โ†’ AoE4 DamascusSteel Damascus Steel
AoE4 SteeledArrow Steeled Arrow โ†’ AoE4 BalancedProjectiles Balanced Projectiles โ†’ AoE4 PlatecutterPoint Platecutter Point
AoE4 FittedLeatherwork Fitted Leatherwork โ†’ AoE4 InsulatedHelm Insulated Helm โ†’ AoE4 MasterSmiths Master Smiths
AoE4 IronUndermesh Iron Undermesh โ†’ AoE4 WedgeRivets Wedge Rivets โ†’ AoE4 AngledSurfaces Angled Surfaces
AoE4 SiegeEngineering Siege Engineering
AoE4 MilitaryAcademy Military Academy
AoE4 ForcedMarch Forced March

AoE4 ArcheryRange Archery Range[]

AoE4 RegularArcher Archer โ†’ AoE4 VeteranArcher Veteran Archer โ†’ AoE4 EliteArcher Elite Archer
AoE4 RegularCrossbowman Crossbowman โ†’ AoE4 EliteCrossbowman Elite Crossbowman
AoE4 TowerElephant Tower Elephant AoE4 SiegeElephant Howdahs
AoE4 Handcannoneer Handcannoneer

AoE4 Stable Stable[]

AoE4 Scout Scout AoE4 NavigatorLookout Spyglass
AoE4 RegularGhaziRaider Ghazi Raider โ†’ AoE4 VeteranGhaziRaider Veteran Ghazi Raider โ†’ AoE4 EliteGhaziRaider Elite Ghazi Raider
AoE4 RegularKnight Lancer โ†’ AoE4 EliteKnight Elite Lancer
AoE4 WarElephant War Elephant AoE4 ArmoredBeasts Armored Beasts

AoE4 StoneWall Stone Wall[]

AoE4 StoneWallGate Stone Wall Gate[]

AoE4 StoneWallTower Stone Wall Tower[]

AoE4 Keep Keep[]

AoE4 BoilingOil Boiling Oil
AoE4 SlowBurningDefenses Slow-Burning Defenses
AoE4 VillageFortresses Village Fortresses
AoE4 SpringaldEmplacement Springald Emplacement AoE4 CannonEmplacement Cannon Emplacement

AoE4 SiegeWorkshop Siege Workshop[]

AoE4 BatteringRam Battering Ram AoE4 LightweightBeams Lightweight Beams
AoE4 Springald Springald AoE4 RollerShutterTriggers Roller Shutter Triggers
AoE4 Mangonel Mangonel AoE4 AdjustableCrossbars Adjustable Crossbars
AoE4 CounterweightTrebuchet Counterweight Trebuchet AoE4 Geometry Geometry
AoE4 Bombard Bombard
AoE4 GreasedAxles Greased Axles

AoE4 University Madrasa[]

AoE4 Chemistry Chemistry
AoE4 SiegeWorks Siege Works
AoE4 Biology Biology
AoE4 IncendiaryArrows Incendiary Arrows
AoE4 CourtArchitects Court Architects
AoE4 EliteArmyTactics Elite Army Tactics


AoE4 DomeOfTheFaith Dome of the Faith[]

AoE4 TowerOfVictory Tower of Victory[]

AoE4 CompoundOfTheDefender Compound of the Defender[]

AoE4 HouseOfLearning House of Learning[]

AoE4 HonedBlades Honed Blades
AoE4 TranquilVenue Tranquil Venue
AoE4 LookoutTowers Lookout Towers
AoE4 ReinforcedFoundations Reinforced Foundations
AoE4 HeartyRations Hearty Rations

AoE4 HisarAcademy Hisar Academy[]

AoE4 PalaceOfTheSultan Palace of the Sultan[]

AoE4 SultansEliteTowerElephant Sultan's Elite Tower Elephant
Technology trees in Age of Empires IV
Abbasid Dynasty AoE4 Abbasid Dynasty ยท Chinese AoE4 Chinese ยท Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi Sultanate ยท English AoE4 English
French AoE4 French ยท HRE AoE4 Holy Roman Empire ยท Mongols AoE4 Mongols ยท Rus AoE4 Rus
Malians AoE4 Malians ยท Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans ยท Byzantines AoE4 Byzantines ยท Japanese AoE4 Japanese
Ayyubids AoE4 Ayyubids ยท Jeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'Arc ยท Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the Dragon ยท Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy