Age of Empires Series Wiki

Bonds of loyalty increase the number of Cree Trackers you can train.
—In-game description

Cree Kinship is a technology in Age of Empires III that can be researched at a Trading Post built on a Cree settlement. Once researched, Native warrior and Cree Coureur des Bois training time is reduced by 45%.


Cree Kinship is a situational technology that is typically used for native rushes or in Treaty games. It can also be used to save up population.


3Icon48px Age of Empires III[]

3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs[]

  • Cree Kinship costs 225 wood, 225 coin and raises Cree Tracker train limit by 50%.

Defintive Edition[]

Minor civilization technologies in Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires III
Aztec native icon aoe3de AztecsAztec initiation Aztec Initiation · Aztec chocolate recipes Aztec Chocolate Recipes · Aztec chinampa Aztec Chinampa · FW Icon Aztec Garland Wars
Carib aoe3de CaribCarib Kasiri Beer Carib Kasiri Beer · Carib Garifuna Drums Carib Garifuna Drums · Carib Ambush Party Carib Ambush Party · Carib Ceremonial Feast Carib Ceremonial Feast
Cherokee aoe3de CherokeeCherokee War Dance Cherokee War Dance · Sequoyahs Cherokee Syllabary Sequoyah's Cherokee Syllabary · Cherokee Basket Weaving Cherokee Basket Weaving
Comanche icon aoe3de ComancheComanche Trade Language Comanche Trade Language · Comanche Horse Breeding Comanche Horse Breeding · Comanche Mustangs Comanche Mustangs
Cree aoe3de CreeCree Tanning Cree Tanning · Cree Kinship Cree Kinship · Cree Textile Craftsmanship Cree Textile Craftsmanship
Iroquois aoe3de HaudenosauneeIroquois lacrosse Haudenosaunee Lacrosse · Iroquois league Haudenosaunee League · Iroquois morning wars Haudenosaunee Morning Wars
Sioux aoe3de LakotaCheyenne Hunting Grounds Lakota Hunting Grounds · Cheyenne Horse Trading Lakota Horse Trading · Lakota dog soldiers Lakota Dog Soldiers
Maya aoe3de MayaMaya Cotton Armor Maya Cotton Armor · Maya Calendar Maya Calendar · Maya pyramids Maya Pyramids
Nootka aoe3de NootkaNootka Bark Clothing Nootka Bark Clothing · Nootka Potlatch Nootka Potlatch · Loyal Nootka Warchief Loyal Nootka War Chief
Inca native icon aoe3de QuechuaQuechuan Metalworking Quechuan Metalworking · Quechuan Diet Quechuan Diet · Quechuan Mountaineering Quechuan Mountaineering
Seminole aoe3de SeminoleSeminole Guerilla Wars Seminole Guerilla Wars · Seminole Bowyer Seminole Bowyer · Seminole Invincibles Seminole Invincibles
Tupi aoe3de TupiTupi Poison Arrow Frogs Tupi Poison Arrow Frogs · Tupi Forest Burning Tupi Forest Burning · Tupi Animal Lore Tupi Animal Lore
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs
Apache aoe3de ApacheApache Cactus Use Apache Cactus Use · Apache Endurance Apache Endurance · Apache Raiders Apache Raiders
Cheyenne aoe3de CheyenneLCheyenne Hunting Grounds Cheyenne Hunting Grounds · Cheyenne Horse Trading Cheyenne Horse Trading · Cheyenne Fury Cheyenne Fury
Huron aoe3de HuronIHuron Sun Ceremony Huron Sun Ceremony · Huron Trade Dominance Huron Trade Dominance · Huron Fish Wedding Huron Fish Wedding
Klamath settlement portrait KlamathKlamath Work Ethos Klamath Work Ethos · Klamath Huckleberry Feast Klamath Huckleberry Feast · Klamath Strategy Klamath Strategy
Mapuche icon aoe3de MapucheMapuche Ad-mapu Mapuche Ad-mapu · Mapuche Tactics Mapuche Tactics · Mapuche Treaty of Quilin Mapuche Treaty of Quillin
Navajo aoe3de NavajoNavajo Weaving Navajo Weaving · Navajo Shepherds Navajo Shepherds · Navajo Craftsmanship Navajo Craftsmanship
Zapotec icon aoe3de ZapotecAZapotec Cloud People Zapotec Cloud People · Zapotec Cult of the Dead Zapotec Cult of the Dead · Zapotec Food of the Gods Zapotec Food of the Gods
3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties
Bhakti aoe3de Bhakti TempleYoga Yoga · Reinforced Gauntlets Reinforced Gauntlets · Vegetarianism Vegetarianism
Jesuit aoe3de Jesuit MissionFlying Buttress Flying Buttress · Smokeless Powder Smokeless Powder · Christian Schools Christian Schools
Native shaolin site icon portrait Shaolin TempleClenched Fist Clenched Fist · Wood Clearing Wood Clearing · Dim Mak Dim Mak
Sufi aoe3de Sufi MosquePilgrimage Pilgrimage · Fasting Fasting · Sharia Sharia
Udasi aoe3de Udasi TempleSikh Gurus Sikh Gurus · Punjabi New Year Punjabi New Year · Army of the Pure Army of the Pure
Zen aoe3de Zen TempleMeditation Meditation · Master Lessons Master Lessons · Merritocracy Meritocracy
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition
Lenape warrior portrait LenapeLenape Ceremony Lenape Ceremony · Lenape Clans Lenape Clans · Lenape Three Sisters Lenape Three Sisters
AOE3DE Tengri Tengri ShrineKumis Kumis · Shaman drums Shaman Drums · Wind horses Wind Horses
Age3DE Icon The African Royals
Akan Settlement Icon AkanAkan Asafo Akan Asafo · Akan Drums Akan Fontomfrom · Akan gold economy Akan Gold Economy · Akan Cocoa Beans Akan Cocoa Beans · Akan Palm Oil Exports Akan Palm Oil Exports
Berber Settlement Portrait BerbersBerber fantasia Berber Fantasia · Berber desert kings Berber Kings of the Desert · Berber dynasties Berber Dynasties · Berber Salt Caravans Berber Salt Caravans · Berber ghorfas Berber Ghorfas
Somali Settlement Portrait SomalisSomali coinage Somali Coinage · Somali jile daggers Somali Jile Daggers · Som ajuran engineers Somali Ajuran Engineers · Askari Local Forces Somali Local Forces · Somali berbera seaports Somali Berbera Seaport · Somali oryx shields Somali Oryx Hide Shields · Somali lighthouses Somali Lighthouses
Sudanese settlement portrait SudaneseSudanese hakura system Sudanese Hakura System · Sudanese red sea trade Sudanese Red Sea Trade · Sudanese quilted armor Sudanese Quilted Armor · Askari Local Forces Sudanese Local Forces
Yoruba settlement portait YorubaYoruba poisoned blades Yoruba Ida Swords · Yoruba twins Yoruba Twins · Yoruba herbalism Yoruba Herbalism · Yoruba wrestling Yoruba Wrestling · Yoruba eredo legacy Yoruba Eredo Legacy
Age3DE Icon Knights of the Mediterranean
Bourbon icon portrait-1 House of BourbonBourbon reforms Bourbon Reforms · Royal tax Royal Tax · Chouannerie Chouannerie · Maison du roi Maison du Roi
Habsburg icon portrait-1 House of HabsburgCongress of vienna Congress of Vienna · Crown lands Crown Lands · Multinationalism Multinationalism · Austro hungarian empire Austro-Hungarian Empire
Hanover icon portrait-1 House of HanoverVictorian era Victorian Era · Royal scots grey Royal Scots Grey · Royal card games Royal Card Games · Acts of union Acts of Union
Jagiellon icon portrait-1 House of JagiellonPancerni Pancerni · Sarmatism Sarmatism · Folwarks Folwarks · Jagiellon legacy Jagiellonian Legacy
Oldenburg icon portrait-1 House of OldenburgHunting expeditions Hunting Expeditions · Oresund customs Öresund Customs · League of armed neutrality League of Armed Neutrality · Kalthoff repeaters Kalthoff Repeaters
Phanar icon portrait-1 House of PhanarArmatoloi Armatoloi · Athos monasteries Athos Monasteries · Byzantine legacy Byzantine Legacy · Greek shipyards Greek Shipyards
Vasa icon portrait-1 House of VasaGolden liberty Golden Liberty · Hanseatic league Hanseatic League · Tar kilns Tar Kilns · Koncerz Koncerz
Wettin icon portrait-1 House of WettinLeipzig trade fair Leipzig Trade Fair · Marriage politics Marriage Politics · Koenigstein Königstein · Royal saxon grenadiers Royal Saxon Grenadiers
Wittelsbach icon portrait-1 House of WittelsbachOktoberfest Oktoberfest · Ducal berg lancers Ducal Berg Lancers · Schutzenfest Schützenfest · Philhellenism Philhellenism