Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the unit in Age of Empires II: The Conquerors. For the unit in Age of Empires III, see Conquistador (Age of Empires III).

Spanish unique unit. Mounted Hand Cannoneer. Powerful close attack, but inaccurate at range.
Age of Empires II original description

The Conquistador (literally "Conqueror") is the Castle unique unit of the Spanish in Age of Empires II: The Conquerors. It is a mounted gunpowder unit with high armor.

Conquistadors can be upgraded to Elite Conquistadors in the Imperial Age.


Conquistadors are ranged cavalry with a high attack strength and are essentially mounted Hand Cannoneers. Conquistadors have the advantage in mobility and durability over Hand Cannoneers, but lose the attack bonus against infantry. Similar to Hand Cannoneers, the Conquistador is a ready-to-use unit, due to having fewer technologies affecting it. An early rush with Conquistadors is difficult to stop if the enemy is not prepared. Although they are the shortest ranged gunpowder unit and unlike Cavalry Archers do not benefit from range increases, their increased mobility makes them far more formidable and very heavy hitting. While ideally all technologies must be researched, Husbandry alone is enough to make them a great force at raiding and against non-ranged units.

Conquistadors shine when using hit-and-run tactics, their short range and relative mobility often force them into this position when being chased down by infantry or cavalry. In groups, they can release a devastating volley that will severely damage enemy formations. While Elite Skirmishers are effective against them, they are not nearly as effective as against Cavalry Archers, because the Conquistador's attack overpowers the Skirmisher's pierce armor. Moreover, siege weapons can be handled easily if the Conquistador player can micromanage their units. Monks are one of the biggest foes of Conquistadors; one might think that the Conquistadors being ranged can deal with Monks, but the Monks can get in enough conversions before dying to make this a bad trade, especially since Conquistadors are expensive. As such, they should be paired with Light Cavalry which can handle these units. Conquistadors in turn provide great damage output to deal with other types of units. However, Camel Riders and Mamelukes are a large threat to both units.

Other than the aforementioned units, Halberdiers can also hurt Conquistadors badly, provided they can catch them. While only the Skirmisher is mentioned, all archers with available technologies researched can deal with Conquistadors cost-effectively. With the Imperial Age technologies researched, archers can win even population-efficiently with good micromanagement.

Further statistics[]

As Conquistdors are unique to the Spanish, only technologies that are available to them are shown in the following table:

Strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Infantry
Weak vs. Monks, archers, Camel Riders, Mamelukes
Conditional matchups Cavalry, siege weapons
Hit points BloodlinesDE Bloodlines (+20)
Armor PaddedArcherArmorDE Padded Archer Armor (+1/+1)
LeatherArcherArmorDE Leather Archer Armor (+1/+1)
RingArcherArmorDE Ring Archer Armor (+1/+2)
Conversion resistance Devotion icon AoE2DE Devotion (+1 min, +1 max)
FaithDE Faith (+4 min, +4 max)
HeresyDE Heresy (die upon getting converted)
Movement speed HusbandryDE Husbandry (+10%)
Creation speed ConscriptionDE Conscription (+33%)
UniqueTechCastle-DE Kasbah (+25%, with a Berber ally only)
Team bonuses
Conversion resistance Teutons AoE2 Teutons (+3 min, +1 max)
Creation speed Turks AoE2 Turks (+25%)

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Spanish AoE2 Spanish: Blacksmith upgrades that benefit Conquistadors cost no gold. Researching technologies that benefit Conquistadors provides 20 gold each.

Team bonuses[]


AoE2-DLCicon-1 The Conquerors[]

  • (Elite) Conquistadors do not receive damage from anti-cavalry archer attacks.
  • (Elite) Conquistadors have a projectile speed of 5.5.
  • Non-Elite Conquistadors have 2 pierce armor.

AoEIIDE icon Definitive Edition[]

  • (Elite) Conquistadors receive damage from anti-cavalry archer attacks.

Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the Dukes[]

  • With update 51737, (Elite) Conquistadors have a projectile speed of 7.5.

AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of India[]

  • With update 81058, non-Elite Conquistadors have 1 pierce armor.


There are two heroes in the game with the appearance of a Conquistador:


Spanish adventurers who set off to conquer the New World became known as Conquistadors. These men were an assortment of disposed sons of the nobility and soldiers of fortune looking for adventure and loot. Most were soldiers without employment. They arrived in the New World with a great technical advantage in weapons over the natives who could not stand up to steel swords, firearms, and mounted lancers. The horse was particularly terrifying to the first natives who encountered it. Mounted men were thought to be some sort of new creature, half man and half four-legged beast. Thanks to the spread of European diseases before them and advantageous use of native allies on occasion, ridiculously small armies of Conquistadors conquered with relative ease the two great American civilizations, the Aztecs and the Incas.

Within the ranks of the European adventurers who invaded the New World there were soldiers of superior ability and determination who became the Elite Conquistadors. These were the men who lead the charges against seemingly insurmountable odds and triumphed due to their superior weapons and grim resolve.



Units in Age of Empires II
CivilianMaleVillDE Villager · Tradecart aoe2DE Trade Cart · FishingShipDE Fishing Ship · Trade cog aoe2DE Trade Cog · King eu aoe2DE King
ReligiousMonk aoe2DE Monk
InfantryMilitiaDE Militia · Manatarms aoe2DE Man-at-Arms · Longswordsman aoe2DE Long Swordsman · Twohanded aoe2DE Two-Handed Swordsman · Champion aoe2DE Champion
Spearman aoe2DE Spearman · Aoe2-infantry-2-pikeman Pikeman · Halberdier aoe2DE Halberdier
Eaglescout aoe2DE Eagle Scout · Eaglewarrior aoe2DE Eagle Warrior · EliteEaglewarrior aoe2DE Elite Eagle Warrior
ArcherArcher aoe2DE Archer · Crossbowman aoe2DE Crossbowman · Arbalester aoe2DE Arbalester
Skirmisher aoe2DE Skirmisher · Elite skirmisher aoe2DE Elite Skirmisher
Hand cannoneer aoe2DE Hand Cannoneer
Cavalryarcher aoe2DE Cavalry Archer · Heavycavalryarcher aoe2de Heavy Cavalry Archer
Aoe2de DOI elephant archer icon Elephant Archer · ElephantArcherIcon-DE Elite Elephant Archer
CavalryScoutcavalry aoe2DE Scout Cavalry · Lightcavalry aoe2DE Light Cavalry · Hussar aoe2DE Hussar
Knight aoe2DE Knight · Cavalier aoe2DE Cavalier · Paladin aoe2DE Paladin
Camelrider aoe2DE Camel Rider · Aoe2 heavycamelriderDE Heavy Camel Rider
Battle elephant aoe2DE Battle Elephant · Elite battle elephant aoe2DE Elite Battle Elephant
Steppelancericon Steppe Lancer · Elitesteppelancericon Elite Steppe Lancer
Xolotlicon Xolotl Warrior
AoE2DE Armored Elephant icon Armored Elephant · AoE2DE Siege Elephant icon Siege Elephant
SiegeBattering ram aoe2DE Battering Ram · Capped ram aoe2DE Capped Ram · Siege ram aoe2DE Siege Ram
Mangonel aoe2DE Mangonel · Onager aoe2DE Onager · Siege onager aoe2DE Siege Onager
Scorpion aoe2DE Scorpion · Heavyscorpion aoe2DE Heavy Scorpion
Bombard cannon aoe2DE Bombard Cannon
Trebuchet aoe2DE Trebuchet
Petard aoe2DE Petard
Siegetower aoe2DE Siege Tower
War shipTransportship aoe2DE Transport Ship
Galley aoe2DE Galley · War galley aoe2DE War Galley · Galleon aoe2DE Galleon
Fire galley aoe2DE Fire Galley · Fireship aoe2DE Fire Ship · Fastfireship aoe2DE Fast Fire Ship
Demoraft aoe2DE Demolition Raft · Demoship aoe2DE Demolition Ship · Heavydemoship aoe2de Heavy Demolition Ship
Cannon galleon aoe2DE Cannon Galleon · Elite cannon galleon aoe2de Elite Cannon Galleon
AoE2 Dromon Dromon
ReligiousMissionaryIcon-DE Missionary · AoE2 WarriorPriest Warrior Priest
InfantryBerserkIcon-DE Berserk · Aoe2de Chakram Chakram Thrower · CondottieroIcon-DE Condottiero · Aoe2-icon-flemish-militia Flemish Militia · GbetoIcon-DE Gbeto · Aoe2de Ghulam Ghulam · HuskarlIcon-DE Huskarl · JaguarWarriorIcon-DE Jaguar Warrior · KamayukIcon-DE Kamayuk · Karambitwarrioricon-DE Karambit Warrior · AoE2 DE Legionary new icon Legionary · Aoe2-icon--obuch Obuch · SamuraiIcon-DE Samurai · Aoe2-icon-serjeant Serjeant · Shotelwarrioricon-DE Shotel Warrior · TeutonicKnightIcon-DE Teutonic Knight · ThrowingAxemanIcon-DE Throwing Axeman · Aoe2de Urumi Urumi Swordsman · AoE2 WarriorPriest Warrior Priest · WoadRaiderIcon-DE Woad Raider
ArcherArambaiicon-DE Arambai · CamelArcherIcon-DE Camel Archer · ChukoNuIcon-DE Chu Ko Nu · AoE2 CompositeBowman Composite Bowman · ConquistadorIcon-DE Conquistador · GenitourIcon-DE Genitour · GenoeseCrossbowmanIcon-DE Genoese Crossbowman · Imperialskirmishericon-DE Imperial Skirmisher · JanissaryIcon-DE Janissary · Kipchakicon Kipchak · LongbowmanIcon-DE Longbowman · MangudaiIcon-DE Mangudai · PlumedArcherIcon-DE Plumed Archer · Aoe2de ratha ranged Ranged Ratha · Rattanarchericon-DE Rattan Archer · SlingerIcon-DE Slinger · WarWagonIcon-DE War Wagon
CavalryBallistaelephanticon-DE Ballista Elephant · BoyarIcon-DE Boyar · Aoe2de camel scout Camel Scout · CataphractIcon-DE Cataphract · Aoe2de roman unique centurion icon Centurion · Aoe2-icon-coustillier Coustillier · Flaming camel icon Flaming Camel · ImperialCamelRiderIcon-DE Imperial Camel Rider · Keshikicon Keshik · Konnikicon Konnik · Leitisicon Leitis · MagyarHuszarIcon-DE Magyar Huszar · MamelukeIcon-DE Mameluke · AoE2 Monaspa Monaspa · Aoe2de ratha melee Melee Ratha · AoE2 Savar Savar · Aoe2de shrivamsha rider Shrivamsha Rider · TarkanIcon-DE Tarkan · WarElephantIcon-DE War Elephant · Aoe2-icon-winged-hussar Winged Hussar
SiegeAoe2-icon--houfnice Houfnice · Aoe2-icon-hussite-wagon Hussite Wagon · OrganGunIcon-DE Organ Gun
War shipCaravelIcon-DE Caravel · LongboatIcon-DE Longboat · Aoe2de Thirisadai Thirisadai · TurtleShipIcon-DE Turtle Ship