Age of Empires Series Wiki

Outlaw-type units (Wildwest, Wokou, Maratha, etc) are recruited much faster and gain more attack and hitpoints with each Age-up.
—In-game description

Compunction is a technology in Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties that can be researched by Asian civilizations at the Monastery once the Fortress Age is reached. Once researched, it increases the hit points and attack of outlaw units by 20%, and decreases their train time by 50%.

It also further increases the hit points and attack of outlaws and Treasure guardians by 30% in the Industrial Age, and 50% in the Imperial Age.


3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties[]

  • Compunction is available in the Industrial Age, costs 400 food, 500 wood, and increases hit points and attack by 35%.

Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition[]

  • Compunction is available in the Fortress Age, costs 250 food, 250 wood, increases hit points and attack by 20%, and reduces training time by 50%.


See also[]

Monastery technologies in Age of Empires III
Atonement Compunction
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