Companion Equipment is a unique technology in Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend, available to Jeanne d'Arc starting in the Castle Age. It increases the damage and hit points of Jeanne's Champion and Jeanne's Rider by +20%, and also increases the damage and hit points of Tier 3 and Tier 4 Jeanne d'Arc by 25%, in addition to increasing her ranged and melee armor by +1. It cannot be researched until Jeanne reaches Tier 3.
The building at which Companion Equipment is researched depends on which companions are selected when Jeanne advances to Tier 3*. If selecting Jeanne's Champion, it is available at the Barracks. If selecting Jeanne's Rider, it is available at the Stable or School of Cavalry. Note that the technology icon appears greyed out at all possible buildings, as well as the Blacksmith, before Jeanne advances to Tier 3. However, these icons disappear at the invalid buildings upon advancing.
Companion Equipment can also be researched at the Royal Institute for -30% cost.
- Originally, Companion Equipment only increased the damage and hit points of Jeanne's companions by 20%. With patch 9.2.628, it also increases Jeanne d'Arc's damage and hit points by 25%, and her ranged and melee armor by +1. This was to compensate for a base reduction in her stats.
- Originally, Companion Equipment cost 50 wood, 125 gold and researched in 30 seconds. With patch 9.2.628, it costs 150 wood, 350 gold, researches in 60 seconds, and requires Tier 3 Jeanne d'Arc before it can be researched.
- Originally, Companion Equipment could be researched at the Keep and Red Palace. With patch 9.2.628, it was moved to the Blacksmith. With update 12.0.1974, it was moved to either the Barracks or Stable depending on the selected companions.