Age of Empires Series Wiki

Defensive Building. Units that can be garrisoned may be deployed from ANY other Commandery. Trains powerful foreign allies from around Europe who pledge their allegiance to the Knights of St John.

The Commandery is a defensive building in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - Knights of the Mediterranean available only to the Maltese. Its main purpose is to train Order units and garrison units which can be deployed from any Commandery. It replaces the Stable for the Maltese.


The Commandery holds the rare ability to garrison military units, similar to the Inca Stronghold. Different from the Stronghold, the Commandery is able to deploy garrisoned units from any Commandery owned by the player. Additionally, units garrisoned in a Commandery will only be ejected upon destruction if it is the only remaining Commandery owned by the player. However, this comes at the cost of being unable to eject units without using the Deploy ability, which takes 7 seconds and has a cooldown associated with it. The Commandery also shoots at nearby enemy units, similar to an Outpost, but does not benefit from Outpost upgrades.

Besides this, the Commandery can train Order units available uniquely to the Maltese. These Order units have +10% hit points and attack, +10% XP bounty, are consulate units, but also cost more resources and have +10% training time. However, they are automatically upgraded in every Age-up. Additional Order units can be unlocked through "Tongue" Home City Cards. Each of these cards also increase the build limit of the Commandery by 1. An overview of Order units available to train is shown below.

Special ability[]

  • Ability commandery eject Deploy: After 7 seconds, deploy all garrisoned units from any Commandery. 90 seconds cooldown.


Age Unit Cost Pop. Requirement
Age I tech tree aoe3
Settler wagon aoe3de Settler Wagon*
100 food
100 wood
Maltese Home City 5 (German Tongue) "German Tongue" Home City Card
Age II tech tree aoe3
Hussar aoe3de Order Hussar
130 food
90 coin
Available by default
Longbow aoe3de Order Longbowman
65 food
45 wood
Maltese Home City 5 (British Tongue) "British Tongue" Home City Card
Age III tech tree aoe3
Cacador de Order Cassador
90 food
40 coin
Maltese Home City 5 (Portuguese Tongue) "Portuguese Tongue" Home City Card
Dragoon aoe3de Order Dragoon
100 food
100 coin
Available by default
Lancer portrait aoe3de updated Order Lancer
120 food
100 coin
Maltese Home City 5 (Spanish Tongue) "Spanish Tongue" Home City Card
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Oprichink de Order Oprichnik
100 food
65 coin
Maltese Home City 5 (Russian Tongue) "Russian Tongue" Home City Card
Cuirassier de Order Cuirassier
165 food
165 coin
Maltese Home City 5 (French Tongue) "French Tongue" Home City Card

Further statistics[]

Building strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. cavalry, shock infantry, ships
Weak vs. Siege units, artillery
Hit points Flying Buttress Flying Buttress (+20%)
Byzantine legacy Byzantine Legacy (+15%)
Attack Heated Shot Heated Shot (+50% multiplier vs. ships)
Line of Sight Gas Lighting Gas Lighting (+4)
Build time Cree Textile Craftsmanship Cree Textile Craftsmanship (-25%)
Cost Tupi Forest Burning Tupi Forest Burning (-20% wood)
Cree Textile Craftsmanship Cree Textile Craftsmanship (-10%)
Other Oresund customs Öresund Customs (generates 0.25 coin/sec.)

Home City Cards[]

As the Commandery is unique to the Maltese, only their cards and other civilizations' TEAM cards are shown in the following tables:

Click for a list of Home City Cards related to the Commandery
Some cards are highlighted with:
Green TEAM Shipment that is sent to each player in a team
Blue Shipment that arrives fast (5 seconds)


Card Description Age
Team improved buildings TEAM Improved Buildings Buildings get +25% hit points
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
French Home City 5 (Coastal Defenses) TEAM Coastal Defenses Buildings get +0.8 attack multiplier against ships
Age II tech tree aoe3
  • "TEAM Improved Buildings" is available to the Inca, Indians, and Maltese.
  • "TEAM Coastal Defenses" is available to Europeans and Federal Americans.


Card Description Age
Maltese Home City 2 (Knights of Rhodes) Knights of Rhodes Ships 3 Hospitallers for each Commandery owned by the player
Age III tech tree aoe3
Maltese Home City 3 (Wignacourt Constructions) Wignacourt Constructions Villagers gather resources 10% faster, and an additional 20% faster when nearby a Town Center, Outpost, or Commandery
Age II tech tree aoe3
Maltese Home City 3 (Advanced Commandery) Advanced Commandery Commanderies gain +55 garrison space and -50% deploy ability cooldown time
Age I tech tree aoe3
Maltese Home City 3 (Auberges) Auberges Commanderies now support 10 population and Order Units cost -10% resources (rounded to 5, 10, or 15 less resources)
Age II tech tree aoe3
Maltese Home City 5 (German Tongue) German Tongue Ships 2 Settler Wagons and 1 Commandery Wagon; Commandery build limit +1; Commanderies can train Settler Wagons (build limit of 6); costs 450 wood
Age I tech tree aoe3
Maltese Home City 5 (British Tongue) British Tongue Ships 9 Order Longbowmen and 1 Commandery Wagon; Commandery build limit +1; Commanderies can train Order Longbowmen; costs 500 wood
Age II tech tree aoe3
Maltese Home City 5 (Spanish Tongue) Spanish Tongue Ships 8 Order Garrochistas and 1 Commandery Wagon; Commandery build limit +1; Commanderies can train Order Garrochistas; costs 1,000 wood
Age III tech tree aoe3
Maltese Home City 5 (French Tongue) French Tongue Ships 8 Order Gendarmes and 1 Commandery Wagon; Commandery build limit +1; Commanderies can train Order Gendarmes; costs 1,500 wood
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Maltese Home City 5 (Portuguese Tongue) Portuguese Tongue Ships 11 Order Cassadors and 1 Commandery Wagon; Commandery build limit +1; Commanderies can train Order Cassadors; costs 750 wood
Age III tech tree aoe3
Maltese Home City 5 (Russian Tongue) Russian Tongue Ships 13 Order Oprichniks and 1 Commandery Wagon; Commandery build limit +1; Commanderies can train Order Oprichniks; costs 1,500 wood
Age IV tech tree aoe 3


Card Description Age
Mexican Home City 2 (TEAM Mariachi) TEAM Mariachi For the next 30 seconds, military buildings work 400% faster and units get +10% speed
Age I tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Ottoman Home City 3 (Team Defenses) TEAM Military Wagons Ships 2 Military Wagons; Military Wagons can build Outposts
Age III tech tree aoe3

United States[]

Card Description Age
United States Home City 3 (TEAM Westward Expansion) TEAM Westward Expedition Ships 4 Military Wagons
Age IV tech tree aoe 3


A commandery was the term for the headquarters of any stronghold or city controlled by a knightly military order, where the commanding officer and his knights presided over local affairs. Commanderies ranged in structure from large estate houses to fortified citadels, and were spread all over Europe by the later medieval period. As knightly orders declined and gradually became obsolete, commanderies were often ceded to or seized by the states in which they lay, becoming property of that polity and abolishing the order's chapter there.


Buildings in Age of Empires III
Dock aoe3de Dock · House indian aoe3de House · Livestock pen aoe3de Livestock Pen · Market icon aoe3de Market · Native embassy DE icon Native Embassy · Stables aoe3de Stable · Towncenter aoe3de Town Center · Trading post african aoe3de Trading Post · Wall aoe3de Wall
EuropeansArsenal aoe3de Arsenal · Artillery depot aoe3de Artillery Foundry · Barracks aoe3de Barracks · Capitol aoe3de Capitol · Church aoe3de Church · Plantation aoe3de Estate (formerly Plantation) · Fort aoe3de Fort · Mill aoe3de Mill · Outpost aoe3de Outpost · Tavern icon de Tavern
Native AmericansCommunity plaza aoe3de Community Plaza (formerly Fire Pit) · Corral aoe3de Corral · Plantation aoe3de Estate (formerly Plantation) · Farm aoe3de Farm · Tribal marketplace icon Tribal Marketplace · War hut aoe3de War Hut
AsiansJapan barracks aoe3de Barracks · Japan castle aoe3de Castle · Consulate icon aoe3de Consulate · Monastery aoe3de Monastery · China rice paddy icon aoe3de Rice Paddy · Advanced wonders Wonder
Federal AmericansArsenal aoe3de Arsenal · Artillery depot aoe3de Artillery Foundry · Barracks aoe3de Barracks · Capitol aoe3de Capitol · Plantation aoe3de Estate · Fort aoe3de Fort · Mill aoe3de Mill · Outpost aoe3de Outpost · Saloon aoe3de Saloon
AfricansArsenal aoe3de Arsenal · Field portrait aoe3de Field · Granary portrait aoe3de Granary · Hut portrait aoe3de Hut · Livestock market aoe3de Livestock Market · Palace portrait aoe3de Palace · Port portrait aoe3de Port · War camp aoe3de portrait War Camp · Watch tower aoe3de portrait Watch Tower
Flag BritishDE BritishHouse aoe3de Manor House
Flag DutchDE DutchBank aoe3de Bank
Flag GermanDE GermansMercenary camp portrait Mercenary Camp
Flag OttomanDE OttomansChurch aoe3de Mosque
Flag RussianDE RussiansBlockhouse aoe3de Blockhouse
Flag AztecDE AztecsNobles aoe3de Nobles' Hut
Flag IroquoisDE HaudenosauneeIro house icon Longhouse · Artillery depot aoe3de Siege Workshop
Flag SiouxDE LakotaTeepee icon DE Teepee
Flag ChineseDE ChineseChinese village aoe3de Village · China waracademy aoe3de War Academy
Flag IndianDE IndiansCaravanseraiDE Caravanserai · MangoGroveDE Mango Grove · SacredFieldDE Sacred Field
Flag JapaneseDE JapaneseCherry orchard portrait aoe3de Cherry Orchard · Dojo aoe3de Dojo · Shrine aoe3de Shrine
Flag IncanDE IncaInca kallanka Kallanka · Inca kancha house Kancha House · Inca stronghold Stronghold · Inca tambo Tambo
Flag SwedishDE SwedesSwedish torp Torp
Flag American act3 aoe3de United StatesMeeting house aoe3de icon Meeting House · State capitol aoe3de icon State Capitol
Flag Ethiopian aoe3de EthiopiansMountain monastery portrait aoe3de Mountain Monastery
Flag Hausa HausaUniversity portrait University
Flag MexicanDE MexicansCathedral portrait Cathedral · Hacienda portrait Hacienda
Flag ItalianDE ItaliansBasilica portrait Basilica · Lombard portrait Lombard
Flag MalteseDE MalteseCommandery portrait Commandery · Depot portrait Depot · Fixed gun portrait aoe3de Fixed Gun · Hospital portrait Hospital
Aztec temple portrait American Citadel (formerly Maya Castle) · Athos monastery portrait Athos Monastery · Battery tower portrait Battery Tower · Factory aoe3de Factory · Field hospital aoe3de Field Hospital · Regent's Castle aoe3de Regent's Castle
Scenario Editor/campaign only
Cherokee Warhut Portrait Cherokee War Hut · Town Center Command Post Command Post · Wall aoe3de Command Post · Fixed gun portrait aoe3de Fixed Gun · Fort Tower icon AoE3DE Fort Tower · Gunpowder Stores icon AoE3DE Gunpowder Stores · Ossuary AoE3DE Ossuary · Fountain Youth Portrait The Fountain of Youth · Tower aoe3de Tower