Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the civilizations in Age of Empires II. For the civilizations in the other games of the series, see Civilization.

The playable civilizations in Age of Empires II are based on prominent civilizations of the post-classical period, from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century to the Renaissance era during the 15th - 16th century. There are 45 civilizations in total. The base game (The Age of Kings) was released with 13 civilizations, 5 were added in The Conquerors, 5 in The Forgotten, 4 in The African Kingdoms, 4 in Rise of the Rajas, 4 in The Last Khans (included by default with the Definitive Edition), 2 in Lords of the West, 2 in Dawn of the Dukes, 3 in Dynasties of India, 1 in Return of Rome, and 2 in The Mountain Royals.

Expanding on Age of Empires, each civilization features one or more unique units and two unique technologies (since The Forgotten), in addition to a set of special bonuses as well as a team bonus that affects everyone on their team (note that changing alliances does not change the players who are affected). Each civilization also has a unique Wonder, though their properties will stay constant for every civilization.

Listed below are all civilizations in Age of Empires II, along with their civilization properties and focuses. Focus doesn't mean the civilization is limited to the given playstyle, but that its specific bonuses, unique units, and/or available technologies and upgrades support these specific playstyles and unit compositions more than others. To a degree, focuses are subjective (for instance, Japanese are often considered a viable Archer civilization despite having no bonuses to them), so they are listed only according to the in-game description.


Armenians AoE2 Armenians[]

Armenians emblem AoE2
Wonder Armenians

The Armenian Wonder

Unique units[]

Unique building[]

  • AoE2 MuleCart Mule Cart: Mobile dropsite for wood, gold, stone, and hunted food. Replaces the Lumber and Mining Camps.
  • AoE2 FortifiedChurch Fortified Church: Trains and upgrades Monks, and can garrison certain units. Fires arrows when garrisoned with Villagers or Relics. Replaces the Monastery.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Infantry have +2 Line of Sight.

Aztecs AoE2 Aztecs[]

Aztecs emblem AoE2

The Aztec Wonder

Unique unit[]

JaguarWarriorIcon-DE Jaguar Warrior: Anti-infantry infantry

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Relics generate +33% gold.

Bengalis AoE2 Bengalis[]

Bengalis emblem AoE2
Bengali wonder preview

The Bengali Wonder

Unique unit[]

Aoe2de ratha ranged/Aoe2de ratha melee Ratha: Mounted archer that can switch between melee and ranged attacks.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Trade units yield 10% food in addition to gold.

Berbers AoE2 Berbers[]

Berbers emblem AoE2

The Berber Wonder

Unique unit[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Villagers move 5% faster in Dark Age, 10% faster starting in Feudal Age.
  • Stable units are 15%/20% cheaper in the Castle/Imperial Age.
  • Ships move 10% faster.

Team bonus[]

Genitours are available at the Archery Range starting in the Castle Age.

Bohemians AoE2 Bohemians[]

Bohemians emblem AoE2
Bohemian Wonder

The Bohemian Wonder

Unique unit[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Markets work 80% faster.

Britons AoE2 Britons[]

Britons emblem AoE2
Britons Wonder

The Briton Wonder

Unique unit[]

LongbowmanIcon-DE Longbowman: Long-ranged foot archer.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Archery Ranges work 10% faster.

Bulgarians AoE2 Bulgarians[]

Bulgarians emblem AoE2
Bulgarians Wonder

The Bulgarian Wonder

Unique units[]

Konnikicon Konnik: Cavalry that keeps on fighting as a dismounted infantry when killed.
Konnikdismountedicon Dismounted Konnik: The dismounted infantry unit which appears after the death of the cavalry Konnik.

Unique building[]

  • Krepost icon updated Krepost: Miniature version of the Castle, which can create the Konnik.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Blacksmiths work 80% faster.

Burgundians AoE2 Burgundians[]

Burgundians emblem AoE2
Burgundians Wonder

The Burgundian Wonder

Unique unit[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Relics generate 0.5 food/s in addition to gold.

Burmese AoE2 Burmese[]

Burmese emblem AoE2

The Burmese Wonder

Unique unit[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Relics are visible on the map from the game start.

Byzantines AoE2 Byzantines[]

Byzantines emblem AoE2

The Byzantine Wonder

Unique unit[]

CataphractIcon-DE Cataphract: Heavy cavalry that excels at combat against infantry and Camel Riders.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Monks heal 100% faster.

Celts AoE2 Celts[]

Celts emblem AoE2

The Celtic Wonder

Unique unit[]

WoadRaiderIcon-DE Woad Raider: Quick infantry unit.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Siege Workshops work 20% faster.

Chinese AoE2 Chinese[]

Chinese emblem AoE2

The Chinese Wonder

Unique unit[]

ChukoNuIcon-DE Chu Ko Nu: Foot archer that fires multiple arrows.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Farms start with +10% food.[note 13]

Cumans AoE2 Cumans[]

Cumans emblem AoE2
Cumans Wonder

The Cuman Wonder

Unique units[]

Kipchakicon Kipchak: Cheap multi-shot mounted archer.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Palisade Walls have +33% hit points.

Dravidians AoE2 Dravidians[]

Dravidians emblem AoE2
Aoe2de wonder Dravidians

The Dravidian Wonder

Unique units[]

Unique technologies[]

  • UniqueTechCastle-DE Medical Corps: Elephant units regenerate 30 hit points per minute.
  • UniqueTechImperialDE Wootz Steel: Infantry and cavalry attacks ignore armor.

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Docks provide +5 population space.

Ethiopians AoE2 Ethiopians[]

Ethiopians emblem AoE2

The Ethiopian Wonder

Unique unit[]

Shotelwarrioricon-DE Shotel Warrior: Rapidly deployed infantry with high attack but low armor and hit points.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

  • The Archer line fires 18% faster.
  • Receive +100 food, +100 gold whenever a new Age is reached.
  • The Pikeman upgrade is free.

Team bonus[]

Outposts +3 Line of Sight and stone cost removed.

Franks AoE2 Franks[]

Franks emblem AoE2

The Frankish Wonder

Unique unit[]

ThrowingAxemanIcon-DE Throwing Axeman: Ranged infantry unit.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Farm upgrades are free.
  • Castles are 15%/25% cheaper in the Castle/Imperial Age.
  • Mounted units have +20% hit points (starting in the Feudal Age).
  • Foragers work 15% faster.

Team bonus[]

Knights have +2 Line of Sight.

Georgians AoE2 Georgians[]

Georgians emblem AoE2
Wonder Georgians

The Georgian Wonder

Unique unit[]

AoE2 Monaspa Monaspa: Cavalry unit that becomes stronger when other Monaspas or Knight-line units are nearby.

Unique building[]

  • AoE2 MuleCart Mule Cart: Mobile dropsite for wood, gold, stone, and hunted food. Replaces the Lumber and Mining Camps.
  • AoE2 FortifiedChurch Fortified Church: Trains and upgrades Monks, and can garrison certain units. Fires arrows when garrisoned with Villagers or Relics. Replaces the Monastery.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Start with a Mule Cart.
  • Fortified Churches provide +10% work rate to Villagers[note 15] in a 19 tile square.[note 16]
  • Units and buildings receive -20% damage (-40% instead of -25%) when fighting from higher elevation.
  • Mounted units regenerate 5/10/15 hit points per minute in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age.

Team bonus[]

Repairing buildings costs -25% resources.

Goths AoE2 Goths[]

Goths emblem AoE2

The Gothic Wonder

Unique unit[]

HuskarlIcon-DE Huskarl: Archer-resistant infantry unit.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Barracks work 20% faster.

Gurjaras AoE2 Gurjaras[]

Gurjaras emblem AoE2
Gurjaras Wonder

The Gurjara Wonder

Unique units[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Camel and elephant units are created 25% faster.

Hindustanis AoE2 Hindustanis[]

Hindustanis emblem AoE2
Aoe2de wonder Hindustanis

The Hindustani Wonder

Unique units[]

Unique building[]

Ao2de caravanserai icon Caravanserai: Building which heals and speeds up nearby allied Trade Carts.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Camel units and light cavalry units[note 19] have +2 attack against standard buildings.

Huns AoE2 Huns[]

Huns emblem AoE2

The Hunnic Wonder

Unique unit[]

TarkanIcon-DE Tarkan: Cavalry unit that excels at razing defensive structures.

Unique technologies[]

  • UniqueTechCastle-DE Marauders: Allows the creation of Tarkans at the Stable.
  • UniqueTechImperialDE Atheism: Adds 100 years to Wonder and Relic victory countdowns and reduces enemy Relic resource generation by 50%.

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Stables work 20% faster.

Incas AoE2 Incas[]

Incas emblem AoE2

The Inca Wonder

Unique units[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Start with a free Llama.

Italians AoE2 Italians[]

Italians emblem AoE2

The Italian Wonder

Unique unit[]

GenoeseCrossbowmanIcon-DE Genoese Crossbowman: Archer with an attack bonus against cavalry.
CondottieroIcon-DE Condottiero: Melee infantry with an attack bonus against gunpowder units.

Unique technologies[]

UniqueTechCastle-DE Pavise: Gives foot archers (except Skirmishers) and Condottieri +1/+1 armor.
UniqueTechImperialDE Silk Road: Halves trade unit cost.

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Condottieri are available at the Barracks.

Japanese AoE2 Japanese[]

Japanese emblem AoE2

The Japanese Wonder

  • Focus: Infantry
  • Wonder: Great Buddha Hall (daibutsuden) at the Tōdai-ji temple complex

Unique unit[]

SamuraiIcon-DE Samurai: Fast-attacking infantry with an attack bonus against unique units.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Galleys have a +50% longer Line of Sight.

Khmer AoE2 Khmer[]

Khmer emblem AoE2

The Khmer Wonder

Unique unit[]

Ballistaelephanticon-DE Ballista Elephant: Heavy cavalry siege unit.

Unique technologies[]

UniqueTechCastle-DE Tusk Swords: Battle Elephants +3 attack.
UniqueTechImperialDE Double Crossbow: Ballista Elephants and Scorpions fire an additional bolt of half strength.

Civilization bonuses[]

  • No buildings are required to advance to the next age or to unlock other buildings.
  • Battle Elephants move 10% faster.
  • Farmers don't carry food but rather add it directly to the stockpile without any drop-off, but work 5% slower.
  • Villagers (and Kings) can garrison in Houses.

Team bonus[]

Scorpions have +1 range.

Koreans AoE2 Koreans[]

Koreans emblem AoE2

The Korean Wonder

Unique units[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

The Mangonel line minimum range is reduced to 1.

Lithuanians AoE2 Lithuanians[]

Lithuanians emblem AoE2
Lithuanians Wonder

The Lithuanian Wonder

Unique unit[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Each Town Center provides +100 food.
  • Spearman line and Skirmishers move 10% faster.
  • Each garrisoned Relic gives +1 attack to Knights and Leitis (maximum +4).

Team bonus[]

Monasteries (and Fortified Churches) work 20% faster.

Magyars AoE2 Magyars[]

Magyars emblem AoE2

The Magyar Wonder

Unique unit[]

MagyarHuszarIcon-DE Magyar Huszar: Light cavalry with an attack bonus against siege weapons.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Mounted archers are trained 25% faster.

Malay AoE2 Malay[]

Malay emblem AoE2

The Malay Wonder

Unique unit[]

Karambitwarrioricon-DE Karambit Warrior: Cheap infantry that only takes up half a population space.

Unique building[]

Harbor aoe2de Harbor: Docks which shoots multiple arrows like a Yasama Watch Tower.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Docks have double Line of Sight.

Malians AoE2 Malians[]

Malians emblem AoE2

The Malian Wonder

Unique unit[]

GbetoIcon-DE Gbeto: Fast light infantry with a powerful ranged attack.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Universities work +80% faster.

Mayans AoE2 Mayans[]

Mayans emblem AoE2

The Mayan Wonder

Unique unit[]

PlumedArcherIcon-DE Plumed Archer: Quick foot archer with high hit points and pierce armor, but low attack.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Start the game with an Eagle Scout.
  • Start the game with +1 Villager, but with -50 food.
  • Resources last 15% longer.[note 23]
  • Foot archers (except Skirmishers) are 10%/20%/30% cheaper in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age.

Team bonus[]

Walls and gates (both Palisade and Stone) are 50% cheaper.

Mongols AoE2 Mongols[]

Mongols emblem AoE2

The Mongol Wonder

Unique unit[]

MangudaiIcon-DE Mangudai: Mounted archer with an attack bonus against siege weapons.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Cavalry archers fire 25% faster.
  • Scout Cavalry-line and Steppe Lancers +20/30% hit points in the Castle/Imperial Age.[note 24]
  • Hunters work 40% faster.

Team bonus[]

The Scout Cavalry line has +2 Line of Sight.

Persians AoE2 Persians[]

Persians emblem AoE2

The Persian Wonder

Unique units[]

Unique building[]

Ao2de caravanserai icon Caravanserai: Building which heals and speeds up nearby allied Trade Carts.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Knight line has +2 attack against archers.

Poles AoE2 Poles[]

Poles emblem AoE2
Poles Wonder

The Polish Wonder

Unique unit[]

Unique building[]

Folwark Folwark: Free upgrade to the Mill,[note 25] which collects 8% food from nearby constructed Farms.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Villagers regenerate 10/15/20 HP per minute in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age.
  • Stone miners generate 33% gold in addition to stone.

Team bonus[]

The Scout Cavalry line has +1 attack vs. archers.

Portuguese AoE2 Portuguese[]

Portuguese emblem AoE2

The Portuguese Wonder

Unique units[]

Unique technologies[]

Unique building[]

Feitoria aoe2DE Feitoria: Building that costs 20 population but slowly and passively generates resources.

Civilization bonuses[]

  • All units cost –20% gold.
  • All ships have +10% hit points.
  • Foragers generate wood in addition to food (0.33 wood per food).

Team bonus[]

All technologies (excluding Age ups) research 25% faster.

Romans AoE2 Romans[]

Romans emblem AoE2
Aoe2de romans colosseum

The Roman Wonder

Unique units[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

The Scorpion-line's minimum range is reduced to 1.

Saracens AoE2 Saracens[]

Saracens emblem AoE2

The Saracen Wonder

Unique unit[]

MamelukeIcon-DE Mameluke: Camel cavalry with ranged melee attack, and an attack bonus against mounted units.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Foot archers have +3[note 26] attack against standard buildings.

Sicilians AoE2 Sicilians[]

Sicilians emblem AoE2
Sicilians Wonder

The Sicilian Wonder

Unique unit[]

Aoe2-icon-serjeant Serjeant: Heavily-armored infantry unit that can also build Donjons. It is available starting in the Feudal Age, and is upgraded for free upon reaching the Castle Age.

Unique building[]

Aoe2-icon-donjon Donjon: Watch Tower line replacement which gets stronger when aging up and can train Serjeants and the Spearman line.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Transport Ships have +5 Line of Sight and cost -50%.

Slavs AoE2 Slavs[]

Slavs emblem AoE2

The Slavic Wonder

Unique unit[]

BoyarIcon-DE Boyar: Heavily armored cavalry, resistant to melee attack.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Barracks, Archery Ranges, Stables, and Siege Workshops provide +5 population.

Spanish AoE2 Spanish[]

Spanish emblem AoE2

The Spanish Wonder

Unique units[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Trade units generate +25% gold.

Tatars AoE2 Tatars[]

Tatars emblem AoE2
Tatars Wonder

The Tatar Wonder

Unique units[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Mounted archers have +2 Line of Sight.

Teutons AoE2 Teutons[]

Teutons emblem AoE2

The Teutonic Wonder

Unique unit[]

TeutonicKnightIcon-DE Teutonic Knight: Slow but strong infantry.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Units resist conversion (+2/+2 min/max conversion intervals, half as effective as Faith).

Turks AoE2 Turks[]

Turks emblem AoE2

The Turkish Wonder

Unique unit[]

JanissaryIcon-DE Janissary: More powerful version of the Hand Cannoneer.

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Gunpowder units are created 25% faster.

Vietnamese AoE2 Vietnamese[]

Vietnamese emblem AoE2

The Vietnamese Wonder

Unique unit[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonus[]

Vikings AoE2 Vikings[]

Vikings emblem AoE2

The Viking Wonder

Unique units[]

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Wheelbarrow and Hand Cart free.
  • Warships cost -15%/-15%/-20% in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age.
  • Infantry have +20% hit points starting from the Feudal Age.

Team bonus[]

Docks are 15% cheaper.



  1. This means that:
    • DoubleBitAxe aoe2DE Double-Bit Axe and BowSawDE Bow Saw provide +28% boost instead of +20%.
    • All mining upgrades provide +21% boost instead of +15%.
  2. Hence, the Militia, Man-at-Arms, and Condottiero are excluded
  3. This is internally handled by the units, instead of the buildings. This means that this bonus applies to any buildings converted by the Aztecs, but not any buildings converted from the Aztecs (the opposite of standard behavior).
  4. "Bonus damage" is incoming damage of all armor classes except for melee or pierce damage. For more details, see Armor class (Age of Empires II).
  5. Minimum conversion interval increased by +3, and maximum conversion interval increased by +1. For more details, see conversion.
  6. Does not affect Kreposts or Donjons.
  7. Essentially, Bohemian spear units deal +25% attack vs mounted units. For more details, see Armor class (Age of Empires II).
  8. Man-at-Arms, Long Swordsman, and Two-Handed Swordsman upgrades are free.
  9. Farmers generate 0.017 gold per second while in gathering animation, or roughly 0.014 gold per second with no upgrades and 0.017 gold per second with full upgrades (Heavy Plow, Wheelbarrow, and Hand Cart).
  10. The affected technologies are:
  11. The bonus modifies all existing attack classes of the unit (e.g. Hand Cannoneer receives ×1.25 attack multiplier towards its pierce damage, anti-infantry damage, and anti-spearman damage). For more details, see Armor class (Age of Empires II).
  12. While commonly quoted as "enemy", the ability to convert herdable animals also works on allied and neutral players too. The ability does not work on other Celt players irrespective of their diplomatic stance. The ability is called "Dominant Line of Sight" behind the scenes.
  13. The bonus is applied after farm upgrades, so a Farm with Horse Collar researched starts with food. In reality, the rate varies and is not exactly 10%, as elaborated in this section on the Farm page.
  14. For any additional Town Centers built in the Feudal Age, the construction time is increased by 80% (2:30 → 4:30 minutes construction time); this includes the situation where the player has lost their starting Town Center. The debuff is removed instantly upon reaching the Castle Age, even for a Town Center whose foundation was laid in the Feudal Age.
  15. Similar to the Roman bonus, it includes constructing and repairing.
  16. The influence zone is a square, with the maximum distance being a chess-board distance of 8 tiles measured from all edges of the Fortified Church.
  17. The bonus works by allowing Docks to garrison ships. Docks naturally have 10 garrison space to allow newly created units to remain garrisoned by default. Among ships, only Fishing Ships have the permission (see Tasks in Genie Editor) to garrison. Combining all these and the standard rules for garrison, Gurjara Docks can garrison max 10 Fishing Ships of their allies.
  18. Gurjara sheep food generation graph

    Cumulative food generation rates for various numbers of Sheep stored in Mills, before and after update 66692

    The formula used for this is:
    Food generated per minute , where
    Total Food of livestock stored across all Mills
    Natural Logarithm function
  19. The following units are considered light cavalry units: Scout Cavalry line, Magyar Huszar, Steppe Lancer, and Shrivamsha Rider.
  20. Meaning their accuracy against units is raised from 15% to 50%.
  21. Villagers have +30 attack bonus against the Predator Animal armor class, which ensures that they can kill any 25 HP predator in one strike, even when attacking from downhill.
  22. This bonus has three implications:
    • Gold miners work 10% faster.
    • Gold mines have +10% gold.
    • Gold miners have +10% carry capacity.
  23. Due to the way this bonus works (lowered work rates are multiplied by higher resource gains), farming is ~2.5% / 5.5% / 2.5% slower with no upgrades / Wheelbarrow / Hand Cart, respectively (slightly lower difference with Heavy Plow researched) Source: Reddit – 'Some updated & completed Farming Workrate Values for the tail end of 2017'.
  24. The bonus is applied before Bloodlines, so a Mongol Light Cavalry has hit points without Bloodlines and hit points with Bloodlines in the Imperial Age.
  25. Unlike the Donjons for Sicilians, the Folwark does not actually replace the Mill. The Folwark is an upgrade to the Mill at the start of the game for free.
  26. The Saracen team bonus displays +2 in the technology tree, even though it gives +3 attack against the standard building armor class. This is by design, since the description is meant to tell players about the effect in practice, not the value in the data files. Archers typically do a minimum damage of 1 against buildings. The +3 attack bonus against buildings results in an additional 2 damage being dealt to buildings; hence the +2 in the technology tree.
    However, in some cases the extra damage is indeed +3, such as against buildings with low pierce armor (Outposts, palisades, and Gates). For example, a Feudal Age Saracen Archer (4 pierce damage) attacking an Outpost (0 pierce armor) deals 7 damage instead of 4.
    The Saracen team bonus affects Skirmishers and Slingers because they are in the same unit class as the Archer-line. It does not affect Hand Cannoneers, because they have their own unit class.
  27. Requires a Town Center to be built first.
  28. Requires a Town Center to be built first, which means it does not apply to the first Town Center on Nomadic starts.
  29. "Bonus damage" is incoming damage of all armor classes except for melee or pierce damage. It is also applied to Gaia damage, i.e. reduces the bonus damage of Wild Boars versus cavalry. "Land military units" excludes Monks. The bonus does not apply to hill bonus/cliff damage.
    • The bonus is applied to units and is thus preserved for other civilizations upon conversion. Conversely, if a Sicilian Monk converts a non-Sicilian unit, the latter will not receive the bonus damage reduction.
    • In practical cases, the bonus applies to (foot and mounted) archers, infantry, and cavalry. Note that while Petards are affected, normal Petards do not take any bonus damage to begin with. The bonus also applies to Flaming Camels and all Hand Cannoneers in scenario editor.
  30. For a total of 344 food after Horse Collar, 625 food after Heavy Plow, and 1019 food after Crop Rotation.
  31. Ballistics-like effect without the need to research the technology
  32. At 7 tiles per second instead of the regular 3.5 (unmentioned in the tech tree).
  33. Applies to Hand Cannoneers, Bombard Cannons, and Cannon Galleons. Does not apply to Conquistadors, but they have a base reload time of 2.9, the same as a Spanish Hand Cannoneer.
  34. Technically Villagers can extract +57% food assuming no rotting, but considering gathering by five to six Villagers and standard rotting rates, the average food collected is +50% over normal.
  35. Buildings are also affected.
  36. The bonus only applies to the primary projectiles of projectile units. As such, it does not affect Town Centers and only applies to the first projectile of other defensive structures and Mercenary Kipchaks. In a broader context, it applies to all projectiles of (converted) Organ Guns and Dromons, since all of their projectiles are primary.
  37. Since update 47820, the 50% cost reduction only applies to the Bombard Tower technology and the Elite Cannon Galleon upgrade. It also applied to the Cannon Galleon technology before it was removed from the game with update 47820 and to Hand Cannon and the Bombard Cannon technologies before they were removed in The Conquerors. It does not apply to Artillery or the Elite Janissary upgrade.

Wonders map[]

Civilization icons are placed at the real world locations of their Wonders. Since the Mongol Wonder is the golden tent of Genghis Khan, the map shows it at Avarga, the capital of their empire during his rule.

Civilizations in Age of Empires II
Categorised by architecture sets
AfricanEthiopians AoE2 Ethiopians · Malians AoE2 Malians
Central AsianCumans AoE2 Cumans · Tatars AoE2 Tatars
Central EuropeanGoths AoE2 Goths · Huns AoE2 Huns · Teutons AoE2 Teutons · Vikings AoE2 Vikings
East AsianChinese AoE2 Chinese · Japanese AoE2 Japanese · Koreans AoE2 Koreans · Mongols AoE2 Mongols · Vietnamese AoE2 Vietnamese
Eastern EuropeanBohemians AoE2 Bohemians · Bulgarians AoE2 Bulgarians · Lithuanians AoE2 Lithuanians · Magyars AoE2 Magyars · Poles AoE2 Poles · Slavs AoE2 Slavs
MediterraneanArmenians AoE2 Armenians · Byzantines AoE2 Byzantines · Georgians AoE2 Georgians · Italians AoE2 Italians · Portuguese AoE2 Portuguese · Romans AoE2 Romans · Sicilians AoE2 Sicilians · Spanish AoE2 Spanish
Middle EasternBerbers AoE2 Berbers · Persians AoE2 Persians · Saracens AoE2 Saracens · Turks AoE2 Turks
Native AmericanAztecs AoE2 Aztecs · Incas AoE2 Incas · Mayans AoE2 Mayans
South Asian/IndianBengalis AoE2 Bengalis · Dravidians AoE2 Dravidians · Gurjaras AoE2 Gurjaras · Hindustanis AoE2 Hindustanis · Indians AoE2 Indians (removed)
Southeast AsianBurmese AoE2 Burmese · Khmer AoE2 Khmer · Malay AoE2 Malay
Western EuropeanBritons AoE2 Britons · Burgundians AoE2 Burgundians · Celts AoE2 Celts · Franks AoE2 Franks
Categorised by expansions
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of KingsBritons AoE2 Britons · Byzantines AoE2 Byzantines · Celts AoE2 Celts · Chinese AoE2 Chinese · Franks AoE2 Franks · Goths AoE2 Goths · Japanese AoE2 Japanese · Mongols AoE2 Mongols · Persians AoE2 Persians · Saracens AoE2 Saracens · Teutons AoE2 Teutons · Turks AoE2 Turks · Vikings AoE2 Vikings
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The ConquerorsAztecs AoE2 Aztecs · Huns AoE2 Huns · Koreans AoE2 Koreans · Mayans AoE2 Mayans · Spanish AoE2 Spanish
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The ForgottenIncas AoE2 Incas · Indians AoE2 Indians (removed) · Italians AoE2 Italians · Magyars AoE2 Magyars · Slavs AoE2 Slavs
AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African KingdomsBerbers AoE2 Berbers · Ethiopians AoE2 Ethiopians · Malians AoE2 Malians · Portuguese AoE2 Portuguese
AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the RajasBurmese AoE2 Burmese · Khmer AoE2 Khmer · Malay AoE2 Malay · Vietnamese AoE2 Vietnamese
AoE2-DLCicon-5 The Last KhansBulgarians AoE2 Bulgarians · Cumans AoE2 Cumans · Lithuanians AoE2 Lithuanians · Tatars AoE2 Tatars
AoE2Icon-LordsWest Lords of the WestBurgundians AoE2 Burgundians · Sicilians AoE2 Sicilians
Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the DukesBohemians AoE2 Bohemians · Poles AoE2 Poles
AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of IndiaBengalis AoE2 Bengalis · Dravidians AoE2 Dravidians · Gurjaras AoE2 Gurjaras · Hindustanis AoE2 Hindustanis
AoE2Icon-ReturnRome Return of RomeRomans AoE2 Romans
AoE2Icon-MountainRoyals The Mountain RoyalsArmenians AoE2 Armenians · Georgians AoE2 Georgians