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City of the Dead was an Egyptian myth technology in Age of Mythology that was available to worshipers of Nephthys and could be researched at the Temple and Town Center. Once researched, it increased the hit points and attack of Pharaohs and also decreased the time it took for them to resurrect.



Aom original icon Age of Mythology[]

AoM The Titans icon The Titans[]


Egyptians were buried in tombs. People of lesser importance might be buried together in large groups, while aristocrats, priests, and pharaohs had their own private tombs for their families. The most powerful pharaohs were enshrined in pyramids, or in massive caves like those at Karnak. Tombs of the wealthy were carefully hidden and fitted with false chambers and concealed doors to discourage thieves. While few important tombs escaped robbers, that of Tutankhamen was discovered in 1922 virtually intact and yielded a wealth of treasure, over 3500 items in all.

"The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, saith: I am the serpent Sata whose years are infinite. I lie down dead. I am born daily. I am the serpent Sa-en-ta, the dweller in the uttermost parts of the earth. I lie down in death. I am born, I become new, I renew my youth every day."

-- The Papyrus of Ani'
—In-game help section


  • The technology Necropolis available through Anubis also means City of the Dead; interestingly enough it is an Ancient Greek word.
  • Once City of the Dead is researched, the text that announces the appearance of a Pharaoh at the Town Center changes to "A new Pharaoh has quickly arisen to lead your people!"
Myth technologies in Age of Mythology
AoMR Greeks icon Greeks
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age AoMR Olympian Parentage icon Olympian Parentage | AoMR Vaults of Erebus icon Vaults of Erebus | AoMR Lord of Horses icon Lord of Horses
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age AoMR Sarissa icon Sarissa · AoMR Aegis Shield icon Aegis Shield · AoMR Labyrinth of Minos icon Labyrinth of Minos | AoMR Spirited Charge icon Spirited Charge · AoMR Sylvan Lore icon Sylvan Lore · AoMR Winged Messenger icon Winged Messenger | AoMR Phobos Spear of Panic icon Phobos' Spear of Panic · AoMR Will of Kronos icon Will of Kronos · AoMR Enyos Bow of Horror icon Enyo's Bow of Horror · AoMR Deimos Sword of Dread icon Deimos' Sword of Dread
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age AoMR Sun Ray icon Sun Ray · AoMR Oracle icon Oracle · AoMR Temple of Healing icon Temple of Healing | AoMR Dionysia icon Dionysia · AoMR Anastrophe icon Anastrophe · AoMR Thracian Horses icon Thracian Horses · AoMR Chthonic Rites icon Chthonic Rites | AoMR Golden Apples icon Golden Apples · AoMR Divine Blood icon Divine Blood · AoMR Roar of Orthus icon Roar of Orthus · AoMR Argonauts icon Argonauts
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age AoMR Monstrous Rage icon Monstrous Rage · AoMR Face of the Gorgon icon Face of the Gorgon · AoMR Argive Patronage icon Argive Patronage | AoMR Forge of Olympus icon Forge of Olympus · AoMR Hand of Talos icon Hand of Talos · AoMR Shoulder of Talos icon Shoulder of Talos · AoMR Olympian Weapons icon Olympian Weapons | AoMR Flames of Typhon icon Flames of Typhon · AoMR Shafts of Plague icon Shafts of Plague · AoMR Beast Slayer icon Beast Slayer
AoMR Egyptians icon Egyptians
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age AoMR Skin of the Rhino icon Skin of the Rhino | AoMR Flood of the Nile icon Flood of the Nile | AoMR Clairvoyance icon Clairvoyance
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age AoMR Sacred Cats icon Sacred Cats · AoMR Adze of Wepwawet icon Adze of Wepwawet · AoMR Criosphinx icon Criosphinx · AoMR Hieracosphinx icon Hieracosphinx | AoMR Necropolis icon Necropolis · AoMR Serpent Spear icon Serpent Spear · AoMR Feet of the Jackal icon Feet of the Jackal | AoMR Scalloped Axe icon Scalloped Axe · AoMR Leather Frame Shield icon Leather Frame Shield · AoMR Electrum Bullets icon Electrum Bullets · AoMR Shaduf icon Shaduf
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age AoMR Sundried Mud Brick icon Sun-dried Mud-brick · AoMR Crocodilopolis icon Crocodilopolis · AoMR Dark Water icon Dark Water · AoMR Solar Barque icon Solar Barque | AoMR Bone Bow icon Bone Bow · AoMR Slings of the Sun icon Slings of the Sun · AoMR Force of the West Wind icon Force of the West Wind · AoMR Crimson Linen icon Crimson Linen | AoMR Spirit of Maat icon Spirit of Maat · AoMR Funeral Rites icon Funeral Rites · AoMR Nebty icon Nebty
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age AoMR Desert Wind icon Desert Wind · AoMR New Kingdom icon New Kingdom · AoMR Funeral Barge icon Funeral Barge · AoMR Atef Crown icon Atef Crown | AoMR Valley of the Kings icon Valley of the Kings · AoMR Tusks of Apedemak icon Tusks of Apedemak · AoMR Book of Thoth icon Book of Thoth | AoMR Spear of Horus icon Spear of Horus · AoMR Axe of Vengeance icon Axe of Vengeance · AoMR Greatest of Fifty icon Greatest of Fifty
AoMR Norse icon Norse
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age AoMR Hamask icon Hamask | AoMR Hammer of Thunder icon Hammer of Thunder · AoMR Dwarven Weapons icon Dwarven Weapons · AoMR Meteoric Iron Armor icon Meteoric Iron Armor · AoMR Dragonscale Shields icon Dragonscale Shields | AoMR Eyes in the Forest icon Eyes in the Forest | AoMR Freyr's Gift icon Freyr's Gift
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age AoMR Disablot icon Disablot · AoMR Thundering Hooves icon Thundering Hooves · AoMR Sessrumnir icon Sessrumnir | AoMR Gjallarhorn icon Gjallarhorn · AoMR Safeguard icon Safeguard · AoMR Arctic Winds icon Arctic Winds · AoMR Rigsthula icon Rigsthula | AoMR Cave Troll icon Cave Troll · AoMR Hall of Thanes icon Hall of Thanes · AoMR Dwarven Breastplate icon Dwarven Breastplate | AoMR Valgaldr icon Valgaldr · AoMR Servants of Glory icon Servants of Glory · AoMR Ring Oath icon Ring Oath · AoMR Ydalir icon Ydalir
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age AoMR Huntress Axe icon Huntress' Axe · AoMR Winter Harvest icon Winter Harvest · AoMR Rime icon Rime | AoMR Call of Valhalla icon Call of Valhalla · AoMR Swine Array icon Swine Array · AoMR Thurisaz Rune icon Thurisaz Rune · AoMR Long Serpent icon Long Serpent | AoMR Jotuns icon Jotuns · AoMR Ring Giver icon Ring Giver · AoMR Wrath of the Deep icon Wrath of the Deep · AoMR Vikings icon Vikings | AoMR Granite Maw icon Granite Maw · AoMR Nine Waves icon Nine Waves · AoMR Feasts of Renown icon Feasts of Renown · AoMR Grasp of Ran icon Grasp of Ran
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age AoMR Sons of Sleipnir icon Sons of Sleipnir · AoMR Dwarven Auger icon Dwarven Auger | AoMR Berserkergang icon Berserkergang · AoMR Bravery icon Bravery | AoMR Granite Blood icon Granite Blood · AoMR Rampage icon Rampage | AoMR Twilight of the Gods icon Twilight of the Gods · AoMR Avenging Spirit icon Avenging Spirit · AoMR Silent Resolve icon Silent Resolve · AoMR Fury of the Fallen icon Fury of the Fallen
AoMR Atlanteans icon Atlanteans
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age AoMR Temporal Chaos icon Temporal Chaos | AoMR Empyrian Speed icon Empyrian Speed | AoMR Channels icon Channels
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age AoMR Alluvial Clay icon Alluvial Clay · AoMR Heart of the Titans icon Heart of the Titans · AoMR Theft of Fire icon Theft of Fire | AoMR Volcanic Forge icon Volcanic Forge · AoMR Hephaestus Revenge icon Hephaestus Revenge · AoMR Perception icon Perception | AoMR Bite of the Shark icon Bite of the Shark · AoMR Weightless Mace icon Weightless Mace · AoMR Frontline Heroics icon Frontline Heroics
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age AoMR Gemini icon Gemini · AoMR Heroic Renewal icon Heroic Renewal · AoMR Pioneer of the Skies icon Pioneer of the Skies · AoMR Sons of the Sun icon Sons of the Sun | AoMR Rheias Gift icon Rheia's Gift · AoMR Orichalcum Mail icon Orichalcum Mail · AoMR Horns of Consecration icon Horns of Consecration · AoMR Daktyloi icon Daktyloi | AoMR Poseidons Secret icon Poseidon's Secret · AoMR Lance of Stone icon Lance of Stone · AoMR Daughters of the Sea icon Daughters of the Sea · AoMR Prophetic Sight icon Prophetic Sight
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age AoMR Petrification icon Petrification · AoMR Halo of the Sun icon Halo of the Sun · AoMR Titanomachy icon Titanomachy | AoMR Guardian of Io icon Guardian of Io · AoMR Titan Shield icon Titan Shield · AoMR Devotees of Atlas icon Devotees of Atlas | AoMR Asper Blood icon Asper Blood · AoMR Mythic Rejuvenation icon Mythic Rejuvenation · AoMR Celerity icon Celerity
ChinesePortrait Chinese
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age DomesticationAOM Domestication | Acupuncture Acupuncture | WheelbarrowAOM Wheelbarrow
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age OracleBoneScript Oracle Bone Script · FiveGrains Five Grains · StoneArmor Stone Armor | GoldenBandedStaff Golden-banded Staff · PillarOfTheOcean Pillar of the Ocean · PaperTalisman Paper Talisman | ElixirOfImmortality Elixir of Immortality · HouyisBow Houyi's Bow · JadeRabbit Jade Rabbit
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age HouseAltars House Altars · Burials Burials · LandlordSpirit Landlord Spirit | DemonSlayer Demon Slayer · LifeDrain Life Drain · UnbridledAnger Unbridled Anger | LordOfTheRiver Lord of the River · RammedEarth Rammed Earth · Sacrifices Sacrifices
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age HeavenlyFire Heavenly Fire · Stirrup Stirrup · AncientDestroyer Ancient Destroyer | DragonScales Dragon Scales · EastSea East Sea · NezhasDefeat Nezha's Defeat | GoldenPeaches Golden Peaches · CelestialPalace Celestial Palace · TigerSpirit Tiger Spirit
AthenianWall Athenian Wall · Trierarch Trierarch · Feral Feral · Medjay Medjay · City of the Dead City of the Dead · Stones of Red Linen Stones of Red Linen · PigSticker Pig Sticker · LoneWanderer Lone Wanderer · AoMR Arctic Gale icon Arctic Gale · LongSerpent Long Serpent · Focus Focus · Safe Passage Safe Passage · Eyes of Atlas Eyes of Atlas · LemurianDescendants Lemurian Descendants