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This article is about the unique technology in Age of Empires II. For other uses, see Citadel.

Citadels is a technology in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - The Mountain Royals that is unique to the Persians and can be researched at the Castle once the Imperial Age is reached. Once researched, their Castles fire bullets instead of arrows. These bullets have +4 attack (total 15 instead of 11 per projectile, before Blacksmith technologies), and also do a bonus damage of +3 vs rams and +3 vs infantry. Further, their Castles also receive -25% damage from bonus attacks, like those of Trebuchets and Siege Rams.

It replaces Mahouts since update 95810.


The Persians lack Bracer, meaning that they fall behind in the defense department by lacking 1 range, and to a lesser extent 1 attack. Citadels provides Castles with +4 attack (so +3 more than generic Castles and +1 more than Georgian ones), which not only helps against units, but also against enemy Castles, which with all technologies normally do 2 damage per projectile to each other.

As gunpowder projectiles, they also deal bonus damage vs infantry (except Condottieri) and rams. The way the latter attack bonus works is that every projectile deals 2 damage to Capped Rams and the same 1 damage to Siege Rams, so it is not very helpful there. Trebuchets outrange Persian Castles by 6 tiles, which means that this effect will normally not come into play against them either.

The last effect is that Castles receive -25% bonus damage. Castles take bonus damage as part of the armor classes Castle, building (+8), and standard building. Reducing all of them by 25% can have the same effect as having up to +33% hit points. The upper limit is reached when the attacking unit has trivial melee/pierce attack like rams and Petards. It is on the lower end (negligible) against infantry which mostly deal melee damage.

Team bonuses[]


Bam Citadel in Iran

The Bam Citadel in Kerman, Iran is one of the oldest fortresses in the world, and contains the largest adobe building

A citadel is a fortified town or a section of a town in an elevated position within a city. It is where the government, defenders, and inhabitants of the city retreat to if the city's main walls fall. Often, citadels were significantly more defensible and could hold out for years after the fall of the rest of the city, as seen with the Arab-controlled citadel within a Crusader-controlled Antioch in Bohemond in the East. This has expanded from the role of a Castle which was primarily the residence and holdouts for the royalty and their soldiers, rather than civilians or other institutions, and were not urban environments by themselves and usually had far lesser food stores.

Some of the famous citadels in Persia are Falak-ol-Aflak (also called Shapur-Khast) Citadel, Izadkhast Citadel, Zahhak Citadel (built by the Parthians), the Castles of Alamut and Rudkhan (which were once controlled by the Nizari Ismailis, a.k.a. the Order of Assassins), Sistan Seb Citadel, Iraj Citadel (dating back a few thousand years), Bam Citadel (dating back to the Achaemenid period), as well as the Four Arches Citadel at the Fire Temple of Isfahan dating to Sassanid Persia.


Unique technologies in Age of Empires II
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of Kings civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBritons AoE2 Yeomen ยท Byzantines AoE2 Greek Fire ยท Celts AoE2 Stronghold ยท Chinese AoE2 Great Wall ยท Franks AoE2 Bearded Axe ยท Goths AoE2 Anarchy ยท Japanese AoE2 Yasama ยท Mongols AoE2 Nomads ยท Persians AoE2 Kamandaran ยท Saracens AoE2 Bimaristan ยท Teutons AoE2 Ironclad ยท Turks AoE2 Sipahi ยท Vikings AoE2 Chieftains
UniqueTechImperialDEBritons AoE2 Warwolf ยท Byzantines AoE2 Logistica ยท Celts AoE2 Furor Celtica ยท Chinese AoE2 Rocketry ยท Franks AoE2 Chivalry ยท Goths AoE2 Perfusion ยท Japanese AoE2 Kataparuto ยท Mongols AoE2 Drill ยท Persians AoE2 Citadels ยท Saracens AoE2 Counterweights ยท Teutons AoE2 Crenellations ยท Turks AoE2 Artillery ยท Vikings AoE2 Bogsveigar
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The Conquerors civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEAztecs AoE2 Atlatl ยท Huns AoE2 Marauders ยท Koreans AoE2 Eupseong ยท Mayans AoE2 Hul'che Javelineers ยท Spanish AoE2 Inquisition
UniqueTechImperialDEAztecs AoE2 Garland Wars ยท Huns AoE2 Atheism ยท Koreans AoE2 Shinkichon ยท Mayans AoE2 El Dorado ยท Spanish AoE2 Supremacy
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The Forgotten civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEIncas AoE2 Andean Sling ยท Italians AoE2 Pavise ยท Magyars AoE2 Corvinian Army ยท Slavs AoE2 Detinets
UniqueTechImperialDEIncas AoE2 Fabric Shields ยท Italians AoE2 Silk Road ยท Magyars AoE2 Recurve Bow ยท Slavs AoE2 Druzhina
AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African Kingdoms civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBerbers AoE2 Kasbah ยท Ethiopians AoE2 Tigui ยท Malians AoE2 Royal Heirs ยท Portuguese AoE2 Carrack
UniqueTechImperialDEBerbers AoE2 Maghrebi Camels ยท Ethiopians AoE2 Farimba ยท Malians AoE2 Torsion Engines ยท Portuguese AoE2 Arquebus
AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the Rajas civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBurmese AoE2 Manipur Cavalry ยท Khmer AoE2 Tusk Swords ยท Malay AoE2 Thalassocracy ยท Vietnamese AoE2 Chatras
UniqueTechImperialDEBurmese AoE2 Howdah ยท Khmer AoE2 Double Crossbow ยท Malay AoE2 Forced Levy ยท Vietnamese AoE2 Paper Money
AoE2-DLCicon-5 The Last Khans civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBulgarians AoE2 Stirrups ยท Cumans AoE2 Steppe Husbandry ยท Lithuanians AoE2 Hill Forts ยท Tatars AoE2 Silk Armor
UniqueTechImperialDEBulgarians AoE2 Bagains ยท Cumans AoE2 Cuman Mercenaries ยท Lithuanians AoE2 Tower Shields ยท Tatars AoE2 Timurid Siegecraft
AoE2Icon-LordsWest Lords of the West civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBurgundians AoE2 Burgundian Vineyards ยท Sicilians AoE2 First Crusade
UniqueTechImperialDEBurgundians AoE2 Flemish Revolution ยท Sicilians AoE2 Hauberk
Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the Dukes civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBohemians AoE2 Wagenburg Tactics ยท Poles AoE2 Szlachta Privileges
UniqueTechImperialDEBohemians AoE2 Hussite Reforms ยท Poles AoE2 Lechitic Legacy
AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of India civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBengalis AoE2 Paiks ยท Dravidians AoE2 Medical Corps ยท Gurjaras AoE2 Kshatriyas ยท Hindustanis AoE2 Grand Trunk Road
UniqueTechImperialDEBengalis AoE2 Mahayana ยท Dravidians AoE2 Wootz Steel ยท Gurjaras AoE2 Frontier Guards ยท Hindustanis AoE2 Shatagni
AoE2Icon-ReturnRome Return of Rome civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DERomans AoE2 Ballistas
UniqueTechImperialDERomans AoE2 Comitatenses
AoE2Icon-MountainRoyals The Mountain Royals civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEArmenians AoE2 Cilician Fleet ยท Georgians AoE2 Svan Towers
UniqueTechImperialDEArmenians AoE2 Fereters ยท Georgians AoE2 Aznauri Cavalry
Removed technologies
UniqueTechCastle-DEPersians AoE2 Boiling Oil ยท Saracens AoE2 Camelry ยท Saracens AoE2 Madrasah ยท Mayans AoE2 Obsidian Arrows ยท Slavs AoE2 Orthodoxy ยท Koreans AoE2 Panokseon
UniqueTechImperialDEVikings AoE2 Berserkergang ยท Persians AoE2 Mahouts ยท Sicilians AoE2 Scutage ยท Saracens AoE2 Zealotry
Revised technologies
UniqueTechImperialDE Couriers ยท UniqueTechImperialDE Manipur Cavalry ยท UniqueTechImperialDE Paper Money ยท UniqueTechCastle-DE Royal Heirs