Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the cheat codes in Age of Empires III. For cheat codes in other games of the series, see Cheat code.

Miscellaneous cheat units

All the available cheats in Age of Empires III are listed here. To enter a cheat codes, press "Enter", while in a game to activate the chat box. Then type the following cheat codes to gain the effect listed immediately after the code is entered.

Note that cheat codes are not case sensitive.

In the Definitive Edition, entering any cheat codes will prevent the user from obtaining any achievements or medals in that session. The only exception is the tuck tuck tuck code, which can be used to obtain any achievement or medal (provided the player has a Town Center or any other gather point where home shipments arrive) outside The Art of War section, and has its own achievement for entering it.

Age of Empires III[]

Code Description
a recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese Fattens all the animals on the map, generating more Food from them (also helps opponents).
Give me liberty or give me coin Adds 10,000 coin Icon coin.
Medium Rare Please Adds 10,000 food Icon food.
<censored> Adds 10,000 wood Resources wood.
Nova & Orion Gives 10,000 experience points.
X marks the spot Reveals the map for all the players, keeping the fog of war effect.
tuck tuck tuck Spawns The Tommynator monster truck.
ya gotta make do with what ya got Spawns a Mediocre Bombard, a powerful artillery unit that fires Capybara.
sooo good Comical text appears regarding unit and building kills - for example, an Imperial Redcoat who kills a purple Settler will yield a purple text "Imperial Redcoat'ed!" on the screen.
speed always wins Increases build, research, shipment, and gather rates by 100 times for all players. Using the code a second time cancels its effects.
this is too hard Skips to the next scenario in the campaign.
where's that axe? Spawns George Crushington.
o Canada 2005 Spawns a Lazerbear.
don't kick the pitbull Spawns a Learicorn.
we <3 fluffy!1! Spawns Fluffy.
wuv woo vol.2 Spawns a Flying Purple Tapir.
wee ooh wee ooh Spawns a BigAndy monster truck.
cowhax Turns all living units within the map into Cows.
red pocket Spawns a Lion Dance Parade at the player's Town Center, gifting them resources.
safari Spawns 12 random huntables.
all your base are belong to us <0-8> Assumes control of the given player. Using with 0 takes control of Mother Nature units
trojan cow Spawns a Wood Cattle.

The Asian Dynasties[]

Code Description
a whole lot of love Adds 10,000 to each of all available resources
ding ding ding Spawns a Monster Ice Cream Truck.
mustard relish and burning oil Spawns a Flaming Hot Dog Cart.
trade plz Adds 10,000 export. Aoe3 export

The African Royals[]

Code Description
social media Adds 10,000 influence Aoe3de influence
devasd Gives 10,000 XP, 10,000 of every resource, fully reveals the map, grants a trickle of 400 XP, increases the speed of the player's explorer unit to 10 times its base speed, and increases build, research, shipment, and gather rates by 100 times only for the player. Spawns 3 Gatling Camels with 9001 hit points, speed of 11.25, 99% ranged resist, and 150 (x6) ranged attack that fire lasers similar to those of the Lazerbear. In melee stance, they have 1 attack with ROF of 0.5 and ×100.0 multiplier against every tag.
i spit on you Spawns a Gatling Camel with 9001 hit points, speed of 11.25, 99% ranged resist, and 150 (x6) ranged attack that fire lasers similar to those of the Lazerbear.

Knights of the Mediterranean[]

Code Description
venividivinci Spawns a Leonardo's Tank with increased stats.
feeling whelmed now? Turns all living units and buildings on the map into Leonardo's Tank.
mercator Reveals the entire map, while also removing the Fog of War effect.
honey badger don't give a Spawns a Honey Badger. (first available in the "The African Royals" event, then released for all players with update 13.58326)
the king of all beasts Spawns two Guardian Lions. (first available in the "Lunar New Year 2022" event, then released for all players with update 13.58326)
Granny Nanny Turns all villagers into Dahomey Amazons. (first available in the "International Women's" event, then released for all players with update 13.58326)
Release the hounds Turns all units into Wolf Beasts. (first available in the "Gift of Nature" event, then released for all players with update 13.58326)
I don't exist Spawns a Penguin. (first available in the "Ageiversary" event, then released for all players with update 13.58326)
Flying Dutchman Enables all naval units to move on land. (first available in the "Ageiversary" event, then released for all players with update 13.58326)


  • The "sooo good" cheat is a reference to the Homestar Runner sub-series "Teen Girl Squad", in which a similar "[noun]'d" occurs whenever one of the girls is killed. In addition, "Sooo good!" is the girls' catchphrase.
Gameplay elements in the Age of Empires series
Age · Ability (II · M · III · IV) · Architecture set (II · III) · Area of Effect (Trample damage) · Armor/Resists (hack/melee · pierce/ranged · crush/siege)  · Armor class/Tag/Unit type (I - original · I - Return of Rome · II) · Artificial intelligence · Attack (IV) · Attack delay · Attack ground · Aura (IV) · Auto Scout · Building (I · II · M · III · IV · C · AoE:DS) · Civilization (I · II · M · III · IV · C) · Civilization bonus · Cheat code (I · II · M · III · IV) · Conversion · Counter · Diplomacy · Gaia/Mother Nature · Game modes · Garrison · Gather Point · Healing · Hit points · Hotkey · Line of Sight · Mini map · Mobile building · Pass-through damage · Player · Population · Range · Rate of Fire · Regeneration · Relic (II · M · IV) · Repairing · Resource (Renewable resource) · Scenario Editor (I · II · M · III · IV) · Score · Signal Allies/Flare · Soundtrack (I · II · M · III · IV) · Speed · Stealth mode · Taunt · Technology (I · II · M · III · IV · C · Unique) · Technology tree (I · II · IV · C) · Terrain (AoE:DS · AoM:DS) · Town Bell · Trade (IV) · Tribute · Unit (I · II · M · III · IV · C · AoE:DS · AoM:DS) · Unit formation · Unit stance (III) · Upgrade (I · II · III · IV) · User interface · Victory · Villager Priority
Genie Engine
Frame delay · Full Tech Tree · Team bonus
ReturnRome-AoEIcon Age of EmpiresRuins · Discovery
AoE2-DLCicon-0 Age of Empires IIProjectile duplication
Bang Engine
Autoqueue · Multiplier · Snare
Aom original icon Age of MythologyGod (Major · Minor) · God power · Settlement
3Icon48px Age of Empires IIIAge-up methods (Politician/Tribal Council/Wonder/Federal State/Alliance· Banner army · Consulate · Damage Cap · Home City · Home City Card · Inspiring Flag · Minor civilization · Promotion · Revolution · Target Lock · Trade Monopoly · Trade Route · Treasure
GameIcon-AoE4 Age of Empires IV
GenericFire armor · Influence · Landmark · Religion · Sacred Site · Variant civilization
Civilization-uniqueBounty · Dynasty · Golden Age · Imperial Council (Vizier Point)
If a gameplay element has different pages across games, like civilization, the individual pages are linked in brackets.