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Age of Empires Series Wiki
Aoe4 cavalry preview

Cavalry units in Age of Empires IV are one of the three main combat unit types on land, the other ones being infantry and siege engines. Cavalry in Age of Empires IV refers to all mounted units, not just those on horses, and includes non-combat units as well.

General information[]

Cavalry units are typically characterized by their higher speed, hit points, attack, and cost, compared to their infantry counterparts. They can be classified into two main types:

Each of these types has significantly different purposes, strengths, and weaknesses but they do share some common features. Their speed makes them ideal for raiding enemy economies and choosing their engagements. There are also no units that have attack bonuses specifically against either melee or ranged cavalry - only the generic cavalry unit type, unlike with infantry. Cavalry are especially susceptible to Spearmen and their equivalent unique units if caught, so they typically require some micromanagement to be used effectively. Cavalry cannot climb on top of Stone Walls or garrison inside siege engines like infantry can, but they can garrison inside any other building. Melee cavalry are created at Stables and ranged cavalry are created at Archery Ranges. Some civilizations can train cavalry at landmarks or other buildings as well. The cavalry unit type includes all mounted units, including Camels and Elephants.

Support cavalry[]

Unlike with infantry, various support (non-combat) units also have the cavalry unit type. These units, while weak against most other military units, still take additional damage from Spearmen and other cavalry counters.

Name Building Cost TT Age HP MA RA Speed Civilizations
AoE4 Dervish Dervish AoE4 Monastery Monastery 60 food, 140 gold 40 GameIcon-CastleAgeAoE4 120 0 0 1.62 Ayyubids AoE4 Ayyubids
AoE4 Mehter Mehter AoE4 Stable Stable 100 food, 80 gold 28 GameIcon-FeudalAgeAoE4 GameIcon-FeudalAgeAoE4 160
GameIcon-CastleAgeAoE4 180
GameIcon-ImperialAgeAoE4 200
0 0 1.88 Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans
AoE4 MilitarySchool Military School Free 133

Although they are technically melee cavalry, Scouts can also be considered support units because their main purpose is scouting, not combat, and their damage is extremely low. They are uniquely available at economic buildings like Town Centers and Hunting Cabins. Similarly, Warrior Monks can also be considered support units despite being classified as melee cavalry, since they have poor stats for their cost, and serve more to buff surrounding units.

Further statistics[]

The following boosts benefit cavalry except the Scout, which is not affected by some of the boosts. The full set of bonuses affecting the Scout can be found on its unit page

Hpicon aoe2de Hit points AoE4 Biology Biology (+25%, except French AoE4 French and Jeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'Arc)
AoE4 Biology Biology Improved (+35%, Mongols AoE4 Mongols)
AoE4 RoyalBloodlines Royal Bloodlines (+35%, French AoE4 French and Jeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'Arc)
AoE4 BoyarsFortitude Boyar's Fortitude (+20 Rus AoE4 Rus)
Armor AoE4 FittedLeatherwork Fitted Leatherwork (+1 melee)
AoE4 InsulatedHelm Insulated Helm (+1 melee)
AoE4 MasterSmiths Master Smiths (+1 melee)
AoE4 IronUndermesh Iron Undermesh (+1 ranged)
AoE4 WedgeRivets Wedge Rivets (+1 ranged)
AoE4 AngledSurfaces Angled Surfaces (+1 ranged)
AoE2DE icon Reload Time Attack speed AoE4 DaliHorses Dali Horses (+20%, Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy)
Creation speed AoE4 MilitaryAcademy Military Academy (+33%); Improved: (+53%, Mongols AoE4 Mongols)
Ability AoE4 Reinforcement Miltary Wing - Reinforcement (Can build Battering Rams, Siege Towers, Springalds, and Mangonels, Ayyubids AoE4 Ayyubids)
Aura and ability enhancements
Hpicon aoe2de Hit points AoE4 AtabegSupervision Atabeg Supervision (+20%, Ayyubids AoE4 Ayyubids)
AoE2DE icon HP Regen Regeneration AoE4 PilgrimFlask Pilgrim Flask (25 hp/s for 6 seconds, Byzantines AoE4 Byzantines)
AoE4 Triumph Triumph (+2 hp/s while active, Byzantines AoE4 Byzantines)
AoE4 DivineVitality Divine Vitality (+2 hp/s out of combat, Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy)
Attack AoE4 Triumph Triumph (+4 while active, Byzantines AoE4 Byzantines)
AoE4 Inspired Inspiration Bonus (+15%, HRE AoE4 Holy Roman Empire and Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the Dragon)
AoE4 Conversion Buddhist Conversion (+20% for 20 seconds, Japanese AoE4 Japanese)
AoE4 UmaBannermanAura Uma Bannerman Aura (+15%, Japanese AoE4 Japanese)
AoE4 SiegeFestival Siege Festival (+50% fire for 90 seconds, Malians AoE4 Malians)
AoE4 AttackSpeedDrums Kurultai Aura (+20%, Mongols AoE4 Mongols)
AoE4 SaintsBlessing Saint's Blessing (+2, or +3 with Fervor, Rus AoE4 Rus)
AoE4 DivineCharge Divine Charge (+20%, Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy)
Armor AoE4 Inspired Inspiration Bonus (+1 melee/ranged, HRE AoE4 Holy Roman Empire and Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the Dragon)
AoE4 DefenseArrow Defense Arrow (+2 melee and ranged for 5/10/12 seconds, depending on Whistling Arrows, Mongols AoE4 Mongols)
AoE4 MeleeDefenseDrums Mehter Melee Armor Drums (+2 melee, Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans)
AoE4 RangedDefenseDrums Mehter Ranged Armor Drums (+1 ranged, Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans)
AoE4 SaintsBlessing Saint's Blessing (+1 melee/ranged, Rus AoE4 Rus)
AoE2DE icon Reload Time Attack speed AoE4 ZealEnhancement Zeal (+50% for 3 seconds, Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi Sultanate)
AoE4 NetworkOfCastles Network of Castles (+20%, or +30% with Network of Citadels, English AoE4 English)
AoE4 ValorousInspiration Valorous Inspiration (+35% for 20 seconds, Jeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'Arc)
AoE4 AttackSpeedDrums Mehter Attack Drums (+15%, Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans)
Line of Sight AoE4 SetupCampBuff Set up Camp (+30%, English AoE4 English)
AoE2DE icon Movement Speed Movement speed AoE4 SpeedEnhancement Naval Deployment (+50% speed for 12 seconds after unloading from a Transport Ship, Byzantines AoE4 Byzantines)
AoE4 Triumph Triumph (+10% while active, Byzantines AoE4 Byzantines)
AoE4 NehanConversion Nehan Conversion (+25% for 20 seconds, Japanese AoE4 Japanese)
AoE4 YamAura Yam Aura (+15%, Mongols AoE4 Mongols)
AoE4 ManeuverArrow Maneuver Arrow (+33% for 5/10/12 seconds, depending on Whistling Arrows, Mongols AoE4 Mongols)
AoE4 SpeedEnhancement Mehter Speed Bonus (+15% when in formation with Mehter, requires Mehter Drums, Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans)
Resource cost AoE4 InfluenceBuff Keep influence (-20%, or -25% with Enlistment Incentives, French AoE4 French)
AoE4 ConsecratedBuilding Consecrate (-25%, Jeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'Arc)
Creation speed AoE4 GoldenAgeTier3 Golden Age Tier 3 (+20%, Abbasid Dynasty AoE4 Abbasid Dynasty and Ayyubids AoE4 Ayyubids)
AoE4 InfluenceBuff AoE4 Conscriptio Conscriptio Influence (+20% per Cistern water level, Byzantines AoE4 Byzantines)
AoE4 Supervise Supervision (+150% for Chinese AoE4 Chinese; +150% for Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy or +300% with Regional Inspection)
AoE4 GarrisonedScholar Garrisoned Scholar (+100%, requires Efficient Production, Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi Sultanate)
AoE4 YorishiroBonus Yorishiro Bonus (+150%, Japanese AoE4 Japanese)
AoE4 MilitaryFestival Military Festival (+100% for 90 seconds, Malians AoE4 Malians)
AoE4 InfluenceBuff Blacksmith/University Influence (+0%/20%/30%/40% per Age, +100% with Istanbul Observatory, Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans)
Civilization bonuses
Hpicon aoe2de Hit points Chinese AoE4 Chinese (+15% in AoE4 MingDynasty Ming Dynasty)
AoE2DE icon Movement Speed Movement speed Chinese AoE4 Chinese (+15% in AoE4 YuanDynasty Yuan Dynasty)
Resource cost Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy (-10% in AoE4 YuanDynasty Yuan Dynasty)
Creation speed French AoE4 French (+20% with School of Cavalry)


  • The Tower Elephant is the only ranged unit that is neither light nor heavy - whether cavalry or infantry.
  • Camel Riders and Scouts have an attack bonus against themselves.
  • The Mongols are the only civilization with more than 1 ranged cavalry unit, for a total of 4 (Khan, Mangudai, Khan's Hunter, Elite Horse Archers).
  • The Rus and Ayyubids have access to three different types of cavalry: melee, ranged, and religious.
Units in Age of Empires IV
Miscellaneous AoE4 GenericVillager Villager ยท AoE4 Trader Trader ยท AoE4 FishingBoat Fishing Boat ยท AoE4 TradeShip Trade Ship ยท AoE4 TransportShip Transport Ship ยท AoE4 Monk Monk/Imam/Shaman ยท AoE4 Leader Monarch
Melee infantry AoE4 Spearman Spearman ยท AoE4 ManAtArms Man-at-Arms
Ranged infantry AoE4 Archer Archer ยท AoE4 Crossbowman Crossbowman ยท AoE4 Handcannoneer Handcannoneer
Melee cavalry AoE4 Scout Scout ยท AoE4 Horseman Horseman ยท AoE4 Knight Lancer/Knight
Siege AoE4 SiegeTower Siege Tower ยท AoE4 BatteringRam Battering Ram ยท AoE4 Springald Springald ยท AoE4 Mangonel Mangonel ยท AoE4 CounterweightTrebuchet Counterweight Trebuchet ยท AoE4 Bombard Bombard ยท AoE4 Ribauldequin Ribauldequin ยท AoE4 Culverin Culverin
Military ship AoE4 ArcherShip Archer ship: Dhow, Galley, Hunting Canoe, Junk, Light Junk, Lodya Galley
AoE4 SpringaldShip Springald ship: Baghlah, Hulk, Lodya Attack Ship, War Canoe, War Cog, War Junk
AoE4 IncendiaryShip Incendiary ship: Demolition Ship, Explosive Dhow, Explosive Junk, Lodya Demolition Ship
AoE4 Warship Warship: Baochuan, Carrack, Xebec
Cheat AoE4 PhotonMan Photon Man
Abbasid Dynasty AoE4 Abbasid Dynasty AoE4 CamelRider Camel Rider ยท AoE4 CamelArcher Camel Archer ยท AoE4 Ghulam Ghulam
Ayyubids AoE4 Ayyubids AoE4 Atabeg Atabeg ยท AoE4 BedouinSkirmisher Bedouin Skirmisher ยท AoE4 BedouinSwordsman Bedouin Swordsman ยท AoE4 CamelLancer Camel Lancer ยท AoE4 Dervish Dervish ยท AoE4 DesertRaider Desert Raider ยท AoE4 Ghulam Ghulam ยท AoE4 TowerOfTheSultan Tower of the Sultan
Byzantines AoE4 Byzantines AoE4 Cataphract Cataphract ยท AoE4 VarangianGuard Varangian Guard ยท AoE4 Cheirosiphon Cheirosiphon ยท AoE4 Limitanei Limitanei ยท AoE4 Dromon Dromon
Chinese AoE4 Chinese AoE4 ImperialOfficial Imperial Official ยท AoE4 ZhugeNu Zhuge Nu ยท AoE4 PalaceGuard Palace Guard ยท AoE4 NestOfBees Nest of Bees ยท AoE4 FireLancer Fire Lancer ยท AoE4 Grenadier Grenadier
Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Monk Scholar ยท AoE4 WarElephant War Elephant ยท AoE4 TowerElephant Tower Elephant ยท AoE4 SultansEliteTowerElephant Sultan's Elite Tower Elephant ยท AoE4 GhaziRaider Ghazi Raider
English AoE4 English AoE4 Longbowman Longbowman ยท AoE4 King King ยท AoE4 WynguardRanger Wynguard Ranger ยท AoE4 WynguardFootman Wynguard Footman
French AoE4 French AoE4 RoyalKnight Royal Knight ยท AoE4 Arbaletrier Arbalรฉtrier ยท AoE4 Galleass Galleass ยท AoE4 Cannon Cannon
HRE AoE4 Holy Roman Empire AoE4 Monk Prelate ยท AoE4 Landsknecht Landsknecht
Japanese AoE4 Japanese AoE4 Warship Atakebune ยท AoE4 BuddhistMonk Buddhist Monk ยท AoE4 KatanaBannerman Katana Bannerman ยท AoE4 MountedSamurai Mounted Samurai ยท AoE4 OnnaBugeisha Onna-Bugeisha ยท AoE4 OnnaMusha Onna-Musha ยท AoE4 Ozutsu Ozutsu ยท AoE4 Samurai Samurai ยท AoE4 Shinobi Shinobi ยท AoE4 ShintoPriest Shinto Priest ยท AoE4 TreasureCaravan Treasure Caravan ยท AoE4 UmaBannerman Uma Bannerman ยท AoE4 YumiAshigaru Yumi Ashigaru ยท AoE4 YumiBannerman Yumi Bannerman
Jeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'Arc AoE4 JeannesChampion Jeanne's Champion ยท AoE4 JeannesRider Jeanne's Rider ยท AoE4 RoyalKnight Royal Knight ยท AoE4 Arbaletrier Arbalรฉtrier ยท AoE4 Galleass Galleass ยท AoE4 Cannon Cannon ยท Jeanne d'Arc [AoE4 JdA Peasant Peasant ยท AoE4 JdA WomanAtArms Woman-at-Arms ยท AoE4 JdA Hunter Hunter ยท AoE4 JdA Knight Knight ยท AoE4 JdA MountedArcher Mounted Archer ยท AoE4 JdA BlastCannon Blast Cannon ยท AoE4 JdA Markswoman Markswoman]
Malians AoE4 Malians AoE4 Donso Donso ยท AoE4 MusofadiWarrior Musofadi Warrior ยท AoE4 JavelinThrower Javelin Thrower ยท AoE4 WarriorScout Warrior Scout ยท AoE4 Sofa Sofa ยท AoE4 FreebornWarrior Freeborn Warrior ยท AoE4 Cattle Cattle ยท AoE4 MusofadiGunner Musofadi Gunner
Mongols AoE4 Mongols AoE4 Khan Khan ยท AoE4 Mangudai Mangudai ยท AoE4 TurkicHorseArcher Khan's Hunter ยท AoE4 TractionTrebuchet Traction Trebuchet ยท AoE4 HuihuiPao Huihui Pao ยท AoE4 Keshik Keshik
Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the Dragon AoE4 GildedSpearman Gilded Spearman ยท AoE4 GildedManAtArms Gilded Man-at-Arms ยท AoE4 GildedLandsknecht Gilded Landsknecht ยท AoE4 GildedArcher Gilded Archer ยท AoE4 GildedCrossbowman Gilded Crossbowman ยท AoE4 DragonHandcannoneer Gilded Handcannoneer ยท AoE4 GildedHorseman Gilded Horseman ยท AoE4 GildedKnight Gilded Knight ยท AoE4 GenericVillager Gilded Villager ยท AoE4 Monk Prelate
Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans AoE4 Mehter Mehter ยท AoE4 Sipahi Sipahi ยท AoE4 HorseArcher Cavalry Archer ยท AoE4 Janissary Janissary ยท AoE4 GreatBombard Great Bombard ยท AoE4 GrandGalley Grand Galley
Rus AoE4 Rus AoE4 FishingBoat Lodya Fishing Boat ยท AoE4 WarriorMonk Warrior Monk ยท AoE4 HorseArcher Horse Archer ยท AoE4 Streltsy Streltsy ยท AoE4 Militia Militia
Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy AoE4 ImperialOfficial Imperial Official ยท AoE4 ZhugeNu Zhuge Nu ยท AoE4 PalaceGuard Palace Guard ยท AoE4 NestOfBees Nest of Bees ยท AoE4 Grenadier Grenadier ยท AoE4 ImperialGuard Imperial Guard ยท AoE4 YuanRaider Yuan Raider ยท AoE4 ShaolinMonk Shaolin Monk