Age of Empires Series Wiki

Burgundian Vineyards is a technology in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West that is unique to the Burgundians and available at the Castle. Once researched, it allows Farmers to slowly generate gold in addition to food.


The Burgundian Vineyard technology causes Villagers to generate gold while working on a Farm. This is an easy way to slowly generate gold in the late game once every Gold Mine has run out. After the technology is researched, a farmer on a perfectly placed Farm generates 0.017 gold per second (for a total of 1 gold every minute) with full upgrades (Hand Cart and Heavy Plow), or roughly 0.014 gold per second with no upgrades. 30 Burgundian farmers therefore generate the same amount of gold per minute as one Relic, and 28 Burgundian farmers generate the same amount of gold as one fully upgraded gold-mining Villager (assuming full upgrades and perfectly placed Farms).

It also has a fairly quick payoff time; 60 farmers will pay off the 300 gold in just five minutes of in-game time.

Team bonuses[]

  • Portuguese AoE2 Portuguese: Researching Burgundian Vineyards is 25% faster.


AoE2Icon-LordsWest Lords of the West[]

  • Originally, Burgundian Vineyards converted all stockpiled food into gold, leaving the player with 0 food after researching it. With update 47820, only half of the food stockpile is converted into gold. Also, the effect of gold generation for farmers has increased by 33%.

Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the Dukes[]

  • With update 54480, the food stockpile to gold conversion ability was removed and the effect of gold generation for farmers has increased from 0.015 per second to 0.017 per second.



Clos Vougeot, one of the most famous vineyards of Burgundy

Pinot noir - Bourgogne (Santenay)

Pinot noir grapes at Santenay, in Burgundy

Monks and monasteries of the Roman Catholic Church have had an important influence on the history of Burgundy wine. The first known donation of a vineyard to the church was by king Guntram in 587, but the influence of the church became important in Charlemagne's era. The Benedictines, through their Abbey of Cluny founded in 910, became the first truly big Burgundy vineyard owner over the following centuries. Another order which exerted influence was the Cistercians, founded in 1098 and named after Cîteaux, their first monastery, situated in Burgundy.

The Cistercians created Burgundy's largest wall-surrounded vineyard, the Clos de Vougeot, in 1336. More importantly, the Cistercians, extensive vineyard owners as they were, were the first to notice that different vineyard plots gave consistently different wines. They therefore laid the earliest foundation for the naming of Burgundy crus and the region's terroir thinking.


  • The feature of turning one resource into another at a certain ratio was similar to the effect of some Home City Cards (like "South Sea Bubble", "Fur Trade", "Sublime Port", "Dowager Empress", "Red Seal Ship", "Oxenstierna Reforms" and "Camayos") in Age of Empires III.
  • The bonus of the gold-generating farms is similar to the Egyptian civilization bonus of Rise of Nations, where the farmers gather gold as well as food. This served as inspiration for the English Enclosures unique technology in Age of Empires IV.
Unique technologies in Age of Empires II
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of Kings civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBritons AoE2 Yeomen · Byzantines AoE2 Greek Fire · Celts AoE2 Stronghold · Chinese AoE2 Great Wall · Franks AoE2 Bearded Axe · Goths AoE2 Anarchy · Japanese AoE2 Yasama · Mongols AoE2 Nomads · Persians AoE2 Kamandaran · Saracens AoE2 Bimaristan · Teutons AoE2 Ironclad · Turks AoE2 Sipahi · Vikings AoE2 Chieftains
UniqueTechImperialDEBritons AoE2 Warwolf · Byzantines AoE2 Logistica · Celts AoE2 Furor Celtica · Chinese AoE2 Rocketry · Franks AoE2 Chivalry · Goths AoE2 Perfusion · Japanese AoE2 Kataparuto · Mongols AoE2 Drill · Persians AoE2 Citadels · Saracens AoE2 Counterweights · Teutons AoE2 Crenellations · Turks AoE2 Artillery · Vikings AoE2 Bogsveigar
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The Conquerors civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEAztecs AoE2 Atlatl · Huns AoE2 Marauders · Koreans AoE2 Eupseong · Mayans AoE2 Hul'che Javelineers · Spanish AoE2 Inquisition
UniqueTechImperialDEAztecs AoE2 Garland Wars · Huns AoE2 Atheism · Koreans AoE2 Shinkichon · Mayans AoE2 El Dorado · Spanish AoE2 Supremacy
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The Forgotten civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEIncas AoE2 Andean Sling · Italians AoE2 Pavise · Magyars AoE2 Corvinian Army · Slavs AoE2 Detinets
UniqueTechImperialDEIncas AoE2 Fabric Shields · Italians AoE2 Silk Road · Magyars AoE2 Recurve Bow · Slavs AoE2 Druzhina
AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African Kingdoms civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBerbers AoE2 Kasbah · Ethiopians AoE2 Tigui · Malians AoE2 Royal Heirs · Portuguese AoE2 Carrack
UniqueTechImperialDEBerbers AoE2 Maghrebi Camels · Ethiopians AoE2 Farimba · Malians AoE2 Torsion Engines · Portuguese AoE2 Arquebus
AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the Rajas civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBurmese AoE2 Manipur Cavalry · Khmer AoE2 Tusk Swords · Malay AoE2 Thalassocracy · Vietnamese AoE2 Chatras
UniqueTechImperialDEBurmese AoE2 Howdah · Khmer AoE2 Double Crossbow · Malay AoE2 Forced Levy · Vietnamese AoE2 Paper Money
AoE2-DLCicon-5 The Last Khans civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBulgarians AoE2 Stirrups · Cumans AoE2 Steppe Husbandry · Lithuanians AoE2 Hill Forts · Tatars AoE2 Silk Armor
UniqueTechImperialDEBulgarians AoE2 Bagains · Cumans AoE2 Cuman Mercenaries · Lithuanians AoE2 Tower Shields · Tatars AoE2 Timurid Siegecraft
AoE2Icon-LordsWest Lords of the West civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBurgundians AoE2 Burgundian Vineyards · Sicilians AoE2 First Crusade
UniqueTechImperialDEBurgundians AoE2 Flemish Revolution · Sicilians AoE2 Hauberk
Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the Dukes civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBohemians AoE2 Wagenburg Tactics · Poles AoE2 Szlachta Privileges
UniqueTechImperialDEBohemians AoE2 Hussite Reforms · Poles AoE2 Lechitic Legacy
AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of India civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEBengalis AoE2 Paiks · Dravidians AoE2 Medical Corps · Gurjaras AoE2 Kshatriyas · Hindustanis AoE2 Grand Trunk Road
UniqueTechImperialDEBengalis AoE2 Mahayana · Dravidians AoE2 Wootz Steel · Gurjaras AoE2 Frontier Guards · Hindustanis AoE2 Shatagni
AoE2Icon-ReturnRome Return of Rome civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DERomans AoE2 Ballistas
UniqueTechImperialDERomans AoE2 Comitatenses
AoE2Icon-MountainRoyals The Mountain Royals civilizations
UniqueTechCastle-DEArmenians AoE2 Cilician Fleet · Georgians AoE2 Svan Towers
UniqueTechImperialDEArmenians AoE2 Fereters · Georgians AoE2 Aznauri Cavalry
Removed technologies
UniqueTechCastle-DEPersians AoE2 Boiling Oil · Saracens AoE2 Camelry · Saracens AoE2 Madrasah · Mayans AoE2 Obsidian Arrows · Slavs AoE2 Orthodoxy · Koreans AoE2 Panokseon
UniqueTechImperialDEVikings AoE2 Berserkergang · Persians AoE2 Mahouts · Sicilians AoE2 Scutage · Saracens AoE2 Zealotry
Revised technologies
UniqueTechImperialDE Couriers · UniqueTechImperialDE Manipur Cavalry · UniqueTechImperialDE Paper Money · UniqueTechCastle-DE Royal Heirs