Age of Empires Series Wiki

Deploys a one time shipment of British forces to your homecity arrival point.
—In-game description

British Army is a technology in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - The African Royals that is unique to the Hausa and can be researched at the University once the player advances into the Imperial Age by choosing the British as their ally. As soon as it is researched, 17 Redcoat Musketeers and 3 Imperial Rockets appear at the Home City shipment point.

University technologies
Timbuktu Manuscripts Timbuktu Manuscripts · Hausa Bakwai Hausa Bakwai · Banza Bakwai Banza Bakwai · City walls aoe3de icon City Walls
Alliance technologies
Alliance Akan AkanAkan gold economy Akan Gold Economy · Akan Palm Oil Exports Akan Palm Oil Exports
Alliance Berbers BerbersBerber desert kings Berber Kings of the Desert · Berber ghorfas Berber Ghorfas
Alliance British BritishBritish Artillery Engineers British Artillery Engineers · British Army British Army
Alliance Fulani FulaniFulani Migrations Fulani Migrations · Gerewol Festival Gerewol Festival
Alliance Hausa HausaKano Chronicle Kano Chronicle · Arewa Arewa · Bayajidda Epic Bayajidda Epic
Alliance Moroccans MorocansArgan Tree Planting Argan Tree Planting · Arma Garrisons Arma Garrisons
Alliance Songhai SonghaiAbility songhai raid lrg Songhai Raid · Timbuktu Chronicle Timbuktu Chronicle · Mansa Musa Epic Mansa Musa Epic
Alliance Yoruba YorubaYoruba twins Yoruba Twins · Yoruba wrestling Yoruba Wrestling