“ | O mighty Spartans, each of you fought like Menelaus himself! Just as that Spartan king of old brought pitch-black death upon his enemies, so you have vanquished the Athenians | ” |
—Congratulating his men in Pyres on the Coast |
Brasidas is an infantry hero in Chronicles: Battle for Greece. He has a unique model. As a hero, he cannot be converted and can regenerate health.
Campaign appearances[]
Battle for Greece[]
He is a protagonist in the first three scenarios of the Spartan act in the Battle for Greece campaign.
- I am Brasidas: Along with Lysander, Brasidas makes his way to the Peloponnesian town of Methone, which he defends against an Athenian siege.
- Pyres on the Coast: Alongside Lysander, Brasidas helps repel Athenian raiders from allied Periokoi towns along the coast of Messenia, as well as putting down Helot revolts instigated by the Athenians.
- Speeches and Spears: Alongside Lysander, Brasidas takes part in the Spartan conquest of Chalcidice, and subsequently defeats the Athenian army under Cleon at the Battle of Amphipolis. He dies of his wounds soon after his victory, beseeching Lysander to continue the fight for Sparta.
Brasidas was a Spartan general in the 5th century BC, and one of the most distinguished military leaders of the Peloponnesian War. After making a name for himself at the relief of Methone in 431 BC, he was elected ephor (one of five civic leaders or 'magistrates' of ancient Sparta) the following year. After campaigning in Thessaly in 424 BC, he marched on Chalcidice in northern Greece, where he joined Perdiccas II of Macedon, who tried to enlist him in his war against a rival tribe. Brasidas refused, however, and by 423 BC, was able to win over most of the important cities of Chalcidice by diplomatic means, thus wresting the region from Athenian control. Tensions with the Athenians came to a head at the Battle of Amphipolis in 422 BC, where the Spartans inflicted a crushing defeat against the Athenians under Cleon, who was killed in battle. Brasidas, who personally led the charge, was mortally wounded, and died soon after. One survivor on the Athenian side was Thucydides, who would later become the most definitive source on the Peloponnesian War in the Classical era, and is considered by some the first "true historian".
- Brasidas shares his limit with the Polemarch, so if Brasidas is killed, he can be replaced by a new Polemarch.
- Any bodyguard selected for Brasidas will be renamed to "Brasideios", which is not any specific unit, if retained by Lysander in To the Wall!.