The Bosniak is an expensive heavy cavalry unit with high hit points, base attack, and better siege damage than the typical Lancer. It is effective against light infantry, but vulnerable against heavy infantry and light cavalry.
As they are armed with a lance, Bosniaks have slightly more range than other melee cavalry units. Their hand attack deals additional damage against infantry units, mainly archers and Skirmishers, which can be increased with the "Caballeros" Home City Card. Players must consider that Bosniaks are not well suited to take down heavy infantry such as Pikemen or Musketeers due to their negative attack multipliers, in addition to the heavy infantry's bonus damage against cavalry in melee combat, especially if the enemy manages to mass these units.
However, their high hit points and base attack makes them more useful against artillery than other lance-wielding units, as long as they are not outnumbered by them. Also, they can take down villagers more easily in comparison with other lancer units. Due to their Combat Promotion ability, they can perform well in battle if players manage to keep them alive, being a good addition to other cavalry and artillery groups.
Bosniaks benefit from the Combat Promotion. This ability increases their hit points and attack after defeating an enemy military unit, up to a maximum of three enemy units. These stats can be higher with Home City Cards or upgrades that benefit cavalry.
Bronze Rank
Silver Rank
Gold Rank
Combat Promotion
+5% hit points and attack damage
+10% hit points and attack damage
+15% hit points and attack damage
Special ability[]
Lance Charge: (automatically activated when attacking with a cooldown of 60 seconds): The Bosniak charges at the enemy with his lance, which deals 67.5 hand damage, has a range of 3 and an Area of Effect of 2.
Cavalry train time -40%; Cuirassier and Oprichnik train time -35% instead; Gatling Camel train time -20% instead (also +2 Uhlans for the Germans; +1 Hindu Villager for the Indians)
The player gains +10% XP from training units and other players receive -10% XP from defeating them; Sansculottes gather resources from Crates 50% faster; food from Berry Bushes and Cherry Orchards 25% faster; wood from trees and Mango Groves and coin from mines 20% faster; food from huntable and herdable animals, Mills, Farms and coin from Estates 15% faster
"Cult of the Supreme Being" and "Hire Bosniaks" (after sending the "Napoleonic Era" Home City Card) are available upon revolting to Revolutionary France.
"Mercenary Loyalty" reduces cost of "Hire Bosniaks" by 25%.
Temporarily reveals all enemies and treasures; Axe Riders can loot treasures for double the resources or XP; hand cavalry get +2.0 attack bonus damage against treasure guardians
Delivers 13 random mercenaries; adds up to 3 random mercenaries to training at the Saloon; costs 3,500 coin
Indiana Mobilization
Delivers 1 Carbine Cavalry for each shipment sent so far this game including this one; unit train time (except Heavy Cannons), technology research time, and age-up time -10%; costs 250 food, 250 wood
Originally, Bosniaks had 600 hit points and 50 attack, and cost 300 coin. With update 13.10442, they have 550 hit points and 45 attack, and cost 350 coin.
Originally, the Bosniak's Lance Charge causes 75 hand damage and had a range of 2. With update 13.10442, the Lance Charge causes 67.5 hand damage and has a range of 4. With update 13.27885, the Lance Charge range has been reduced to 3.
Originally, the Bosniak's hand attack had a ×1.34 multiplier against hand cavalry. Since update 13.27885, its hand attack no longer inflicts bonus damage against hand cavalry.
Originally, the Bosniak's Lance Charge had an Area of Effect of 3. With update 13.27885, the Lance Charge has an Area of Effect of 2.
Originally, the Bosniak's Lance Charge had a ×1.5 multiplier against Infantry, ×1.34 multiplier against hand cavalry, ×1.2 multiplier against hand shock infantry, and ×0.67 multiplier against heavy infantry. With update 13.27885, the attack multipliers have been removed.
Originally, the Bosniak had unit promotion, with +10%/+20%/+30% bonuses per level. With update 13.38085, the unit promotion feature and damage multiplier against shock infantry was removed.
With update 13.58326, the Bosniak's Combat promotion was restored, but with +5%/+15%/+25% per level.
With update 14.43676, the Bosniak's hit points and attack promotion was decreased to +10% in level 2, and +15% in level 3.
The Bosniak wears a "summer dress", as it appears in the artwork for the Men-At-Arms series Osprey's published book "Frederick the Great's Army" by Albert Seaton, and the Military Uniforms History Book "Uniformenkunde" by Richard Knötel.
Although nominally from Bosnia, Bosniaks were in reality drawn from all over Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Balkans. These units served as irregular cavalry in other European armies, most notably those of Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark. Flourishing during the 18th century, especially during the Seven Years' War, Bosniak cavalry could immediately be recognized by their distinct hats and black uniforms with white and colored ornaments.