The Black Bear is a carnivorous treasure guardian that is featured in Age of Empires III. The Black Bears have a size of around 6 or 7 feet, and are found on North American maps. They are weaker than their larger cousins the Grizzly Bear and the Polar Bear which are some of the strongest Treasure guardians. They can be considered low to medium strength, due to their low number of hit points with an average attack. Additionally, ranged Heroes can kite them with great ease, reducing their potential damage greatly.
The black bear is the most common bear in North America. They live in a variety of habitats, preferring forests with an abundance of undergrowth that provides them with food, shelter, and protection from their rare, but fearsome, predators. Black bears scale trees to escape threats. Humans and other bears, even other black bears, are the chief predator of black bears.
In colder climates, the black bear enters true hibernation, but in warmer ranges the bears do not reach the depth of hibernating sleep, though they will sleep for extended periods of time in the cold months.
There are sixteen subspecies of black bear. One, the Ursus americanus kermodei, is a white, but not albino, subspecies that lives in the Pacific Northwest and is referred to as a Spirit Bear in some native traditions. Ursus americanus emmonsii, the glacier bear, has gray and white hairs in its coat giving a striking blue appearance to its coat.
Although based on a North American species, the Black Bear can also spawn in Andes and Araucania, presumably as a stand-in for the Andean spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus).
Black Bears, pet and Treasure guardian versions
The Black Bear's history portrait
Black Bear image from the Compendium section
In-game Black Bear guarding treasure in the Definitive Edition
Gentle Pete the Pet Bear[]
Gentle Pete the Pet Bear is a pet Black Bear in Age of Empires III. He is a strong Treasure guardian, and is capable of inflicting a fair amount of damage against other Treasure guardians, however he is incapable of delivering heavy damage to Settlers.
Gentle Pete the Pet Bear, like all other pets, upgrades automatically each Age: