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Here is a number of tech trees showing all the units, buildings and technologies available to the Aztecs in Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs and Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition. The age icons Age I tech tree aoe3, Age II tech tree aoe3, Age III tech tree aoe3, Age IV tech tree aoe 3, Age V tech tree aoe 3 signify the ages in which the buildings, units and technologies become available. Clicking on these icons links to the corresponding page.


Town Center[]

Towncenter aoe3de
Town Center
Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age III tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age IV tech tree aoe 3 โ†’ Imperial Age
Villager aztec aoe3de
Team native aoe3de
Native Scout
Colonial age up
Commerce Age
โ†’ Fortress age up
Fortress Age
โ†’ Industrial age up
Industrial Age
โ†’ Imperial age up
Imperial Age
Inca Scouting Party
Aztec Scouting Party
โ†’ Inca Raiding Party
Aztec Raiding Party
โ†’ Inca War Party
Aztec War Party
Legendary natives
Legendary Native Warriors


House aztec aoe3de
Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3
Coatlicue Worship
Coatlicue Worship


Market icon aoe3de
Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age III tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age IV tech tree aoe 3 โ†’ Imperial Age
Hunting Dogs AOEIII
Hunting Dogs
Lumber Ceremony
Lumber Ceremony
โ†’ Forest People Ceremony
Forest People Ceremony
โ†’ Forest Spirit Ceremony
Forest Spirit Ceremony
โ†’ Deforestation
Placer Mines
Placer Mines
Spirit Medicine
Spirit Medicine
New Year Festival
New Year Festival


Farm aoe3de
Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age III tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age IV tech tree aoe 3 โ†’ Imperial Age
Sheep aoe3de
Selective Breeding
Selective Breeding
Great Feast
Great Feast
โ†’ Harvest Ceremony
Harvest Ceremony
โ†’ Green Corn Ceremony
Green Corn Ceremony
โ†’ Large Scale Gathering
Large Scale Gathering
Cinteotl Worship
Cinteotl Worship


Plantation aoe3de
Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age III tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age IV tech tree aoe 3 โ†’ Imperial Age
Earth Ceremony
Earth Ceremony
โ†’ Earth Gift Ceremony
Earth Gift Ceremony
โ†’ Excessive Tribute
Excessive Tribute
Tezcatlipoca Worship
Tezcatlipoca Worship

Trading Post[]

Trading post aoe3de
Trading Post
Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age III tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age IV tech tree aoe 3
If built on a Trade Route upgrades the Trade Route where the Trading Post is built to use a Level 2 Trade unit โ†’ upgrades the Trade Route where the Trading Post is built to use a Level 3 Trade unit
Native improvements and native units if built on a minor civilization settlement

Community Plaza[]

Community plaza aoe3de
Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age III tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Fertility Dance
Harvest Ceremony
Holy Dance Aztecs
Healers Ceremony
Healing dance
Healing Ceremony
Garland war dance
Garland War Ceremony
Gift Dance
Gift Ceremony
War Dance
War Ceremony
War Chief Dance Aztecs
War Chief Ceremony
Alarm Dance
Call the People Ceremony


War Hut[]

War hut aoe3de
War Hut
โ†’ Strong war hut
Strong War Hut
โ†’ Mighty war hut
Mighty War Hut
Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age III tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age IV tech tree aoe 3 โ†’ Imperial Age
Coyote runner aoe3de
Coyote Runner
โ†’ Elite infantry
Elite Coyote Runners
โ†’ Champion infantry
Champion Coyote Runners
โ†’ Legendary infantry
Legendary Coyote Runners
Otontin slinger
Otontin Slinger
โ†’ Elite ranged infantry
Elite Otontin Slingers
โ†’ Champion ranged infantry
Champion Otontin Slingers
โ†’ Legendary ranged infantry
Legendary Otontin Slingers
Puma spearman de
Puma Spearman
โ†’ Elite infantry
Elite Puma Spearmen
โ†’ Champion infantry
Champion Puma Spearmen
โ†’ Legendary infantry
Legendary Puma Spearmen

Nobles' Hut[]

Nobles aoe3de
Nobles' Hut
โ†’ Strong war hut
Strong Nobles' Hut
โ†’ Mighty war hut
Mighty Nobles' Hut
Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age III tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age IV tech tree aoe 3 โ†’ Imperial Age
Eagle runner knight portrait aoe3de updated
Eagle Runner Knight
โ†’ Champion ranged infantry
Champion Eagle Runner Knights
โ†’ Legendary ranged infantry
Legendary Eagle Runner Knights
Arrow knight de
Arrow Knight
โ†’ Champion ranged infantry
Champion Arrow Knights
โ†’ Legendary ranged infantry
Legendary Arrow Knights
Jaguar prowl knight portrait aoe3de updated
Jaguar Prowl Knight
โ†’ Champion infantry
Champion Jaguar Prowl Knights
โ†’ Legendary infantry
Legendary Jaguar Prowl Knights
War Song
War Song


Dock aoe3de
Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age III tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age IV tech tree aoe 3 โ†’ Imperial Age
Native fishing boat aoe3de
Fishing Boat
Native canoe aoe3de
War canoe aoe3de
War Canoe
Tlaloc aoe3de
Tlaloc Canoe
Gill Nets
Gill Nets
โ†’ Long Lines
Long Lines
Canoe hitpoints
Improved Cordage
Canoe damage
River Raids
Legendary canoes Natives
Legendary War Boats
Cipactli Worship
Cipactli Worship

Native Embassy[]

Native embassy DE icon
Native Embassy
Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age III tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Pistolero aoe3de
Comanchero icon aoe3de
Renegado aoe3de
Captured mortar aoe3de
Captured Mortar
Gun running
Gun Running
โ†’ Dance Hall
Wild West

Aztec War Chief[]

Aztec war chief portrait aoe3de updated
Aztec War Chief
Age I tech tree aoe3
Eagle scout aoe3de
Eagle Scout

Defensive buildings[]


Wall aoe3de
Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age III tech tree aoe3

Tribal Council Members[]

Tribal council members

Advance to any Age[]

Age I tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age II tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age III tech tree aoe3 โ†’ Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Technology trees in Age of Empires III
Flag AztecDE Aztecs ยท Flag BritishDE British ยท Flag ChineseDE Chinese ยท Flag DutchDE Dutch ยท Flag Ethiopian aoe3de Ethiopians ยท Flag FrenchDE French ยท Flag GermanDE Germans ยท Flag IroquoisDE Haudenosaunee ยท Flag Hausa Hausa ยท Flag IncanDE Inca ยท Flag IndianDE Indians ยท Flag ItalianDE Italians ยท Flag JapaneseDE Japanese ยท Flag SiouxDE Lakota ยท Flag MalteseDE Maltese ยท Flag MexicanDE Mexicans ยท Flag OttomanDE Ottomans ยท Flag PortugueseDE Portuguese ยท Flag RussianDE Russians ยท Flag SpanishDE Spanish ยท Flag SwedishDE Swedes ยท Flag American act3 aoe3de United States
Campaign and Historical Battle civilizations
Flag John Black's Mercenaries DE John Black's Mercenaries (Act II: Ice) ยท Flag Maltese Cross Knights of St. John (Act I: Blood) ยท Flag American act3 aoe3de United States (campaign) (Act III: Steel)