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The Ayyubids are a variant of the Abbasid Dynasty in Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend. The civilization is based on the Ayyubid dynasty established by Saladin in 1171.

Civilization overview[]

CivPortrait Ayyubids AoE4
The Ayyubids are a variant of Age of Empires IV's Abbasid Dynasty civilization and available with The Sultans Ascend Expansion.

At the confluence of continents, where trade and science meet, and where empires clash, the Ayyubids use their pursuit of knowledge to gain the upper hand. The House of Wisdom is the focal point of this combination of urbanization and science, unlocking powerful Golden Age bonuses and advancing through the ages. The Ayyubids focus on versatile units to gain a tactical advantage on the battlefield.

The Ayyubids possess powerful camel cavalry that lay waste to enemy armies, while their imposing siege weapons flatten defenses. With the calculated use of unique abilities, the Ayyubids can dismantle their opponent's strategies and tear into their forces.

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Mills constructed near Berry Bushes create Orchards, increasing Food capacity by +100.
  • Gather from Berry Bushes +30% faster, but cannot gather from Boar. Berry carry capacity increased +3.
  • Traders cost -33%.
  • Docks cost -50%.
  • Advance to the next Age without the need for Villagers by upgrading wings on the House of Wisdom.
  • Mangonels (called Manjaniqs for the Ayyubids) can switch to a fire projectile mode, dealing devastating damage to buildings and units in a large area.
  • Enter a Golden Age by building structures within the influence of the House of Wisdom, increasing resource gather rate, research times, and production speed.

Golden Age bonuses[]

Tier Structures Bonus unlocked
AoE4 GoldenAgeTier1 10 Villager gather rate +10%
AoE4 GoldenAgeTier2 20 Research speed +25%
AoE4 GoldenAgeTier3 30 Production speed +20%
AoE4 GoldenAgeTier4 50 Siege engines cost -20%
AoE4 GoldenAgeTier5 75 Camel units attack 20% faster

Starting resources[]

200 food, 200 wood, 100 gold

Unique units[]

The Ayyubids features a unit roster brimming with tricky abilities. Early on, the Desert Raider causes confusion in the enemy ranks with its mastery of both melee and ranged combat. With the Infantry Support technology, their camels gain increased durability when supported by nearby infantry. Later, their unique mangonel – the Manjaniq – can switch to a fire projectile mode, dealing devastating damage to buildings and units in a large area.

Ayyubids exclusives[]

  • AoE4 RegularDesertRaider Desert Raider : Camel unit capable of quickly switching between ranged and melee combat stances - available at both the Archery Range and Stable.
  • AoE4 TowerOfTheSultan Tower of the Sultan : Replaces the Siege Tower. Expensive and powerful siege weapon which fires arrows while ramming down buildings.
  • AoE4 RegularCamelLancer Camel Lancer : Camel unit which has a tactical charge which deals more damage the further it travels before impact.
  • AoE4 Dervish Dervish : Religious cavalry unit with a Mass Heal ability.
  • AoE4 Mangonel Manjaniq : Mangonel with an extra attack mode in an increased area.
House of Wisdom spawning units[]
  • AoE4 Advisors Advisors:
    • AoE4 Atabeg Atabeg : Can garrison in any military production building to improve units trained there.
  • AoE4 Bazaar Bazaar : The following units spawn randomly upon selecting Bazaar as the choice of Age advancement:

Shared with the Abbasid Dynasty[]

  • AoE4 RegularGhulam Ghulam : Man-at-Arms replacement. Heavy melee infantry that can attack twice in a quick succession, as well as having increased hit points and faster movement speed, in exchange for lower base melee attack and increased cost and training time.

Unique buildings[]

The House of Wisdom for the Ayyubids selects between two powerful bonuses at each wing when advancing to the next Age. The remaining wings will then increase their bonuses for the next Age selection, offering endless strategic possibilities. Some present immediate value, while others bring long-term investment opportunities. The major strength of the Ayyubids is the ability to adapt their House of Wisdom to fit their needs.
  • AoE4 HouseOfWisdom House of Wisdom - The Ayyubids can choose between two different focuses when constructing each of the four wings.


The House of Wisdom is the only Landmark available to the Ayyubids. It can be built in the Dark Age and upgraded with new 'wings' to provide various bonuses. Wings can be added in any order, and each wing that is added advances the civilization to the next Age. For more information about this unique mechanic, see the House of Wisdom's article.

Unique technologies[]

Ayyubids exclusives[]

Shared with the Abbasid Dynasty[]


  • Originally, Golden Age tier 2 research speed bonus was +50%. With patch 11.1.1201, it was reduced to +25%.


  • They were initially to be named Sultan's Army. Following the name's announcement, it was changed after community feedback.
  • The flag comprises the regular yellow banner of the Ayyubid Dynasty and has the Eagle of Saladin on it.



Civilizations in Age of Empires IV
AfricanMalians AoE4 Malians
AsianAbbasid Dynasty AoE4 Abbasid Dynasty · Chinese AoE4 Chinese · Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi Sultanate · Japanese AoE4 Japanese · Mongols AoE4 Mongols · Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans
EuropeanByzantines AoE4 Byzantines · English AoE4 English · French AoE4 French · HRE AoE4 Holy Roman Empire · Rus AoE4 Rus
Variant civilizations
AsianAyyubids AoE4 Ayyubids · Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy
EuropeanJeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'Arc · Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the Dragon
Campaign-only civilizations
AsianCivIcon-FatimidAoE4 Fatimid Caliphate · CivIcon-IlkhanateAoE4 Ilkhanate · CivIcon-MamlukSultanateAoE4 Mamluk Sultanate · Ayyubids AoE4 Saladin · CivIcon-SeljukEmpireAoE4 Seljuk Empire
EuropeanCivIcon-ASEAoE4 Anglo-Saxon England · CivIcon-AntiochAoE4 Antioch · CivIcon-CyprusAoE4 Cyprus · CivIcon-DanesAoE4 Danes · CivIcon-LithuaniaAoE4 Grand Duchy of Lithuania · CivIcon-JerusalemAoE4 Jerusalem · CivIcon-BohemiaAoE4 Kingdom of Bohemia · CivIcon-HungaryAoE4 Kingdom of Hungary · CivIcon-PolandAoE4 Kingdom of Poland · CivIcon-KnightsHospitallerAoE4 Knights Hospitaller · CivIcon-KnightsTemplarAoE4 Knights Templar · CivIcon-NormansAoE4 Normans · CivIcon-NovgorodAoE4 Novgorod Republic · CivIcon-TeutonicOrderAoE4 Teutonic Order
Classification of campaign-only civilizations is based on their base civilizations, not geographical locations.