Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the god in Age of Mythology: The Titans. For the map in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - The African Royals, see Atlas (map).

You have advanced to the Mythic Age through the Daring of Atlas.
—Age up text in Age of Mythology

Atlas is a Mythic Age minor god for the Atlanteans in Age of Mythology. He is available to Gaia and Kronos.


God power[]

  • AoMR Implode icon Implode: Creates a black hole that sucks nearby non-flying units and buildings and then explodes.


  • AoMR Titan Shield icon Titan Shield: Destroyers have -50% pierce vulnerability.
  • AoMR Guardian of Io icon Guardian of Io: Upgrades the Argus to the Guardian of Io, increasing its Line of Sight by +5 and decreasing its special attack recharge time by -25%.
  • AoMR Devotees of Atlas icon Devotees of Atlas: Increases the attack and speed of Fanatics by +0.2% for every 1% missing hit points. (Since Retold)
  • Eyes of Atlas Eyes of Atlas: Myth units gain +9 Line of Sight. (Before Retold)

Myth unit[]

  • AoMR Argus icon Argus: Myth units that can spray acid which forms a temporary acidic pool that continuously damages enemies that linger over it.

Technology tree[]

AoMR Atlas artwork
AoMR Mythic Age icon
God power
AoMR Implode icon
AoMR Temple icon
AoMR Argus icon
AoMR Guardian of Io icon
Guardian of Io
AoMR Palace icon
AoMR Devotees of Atlas icon
Devotees of Atlas
AoMR Titan Shield icon
Titan Shield


Atlas improves the two Palace soldiers, the Destroyer and Fanatic. His Titan Shield technology reduces Destroyers' pierce vulnerability, making them even more effective against buildings. Titan Shield synergizes quite nicely with Hyperion's Heroic Renewal technology, making Hero Destroyers very hard to kill. Devotees of Atlas allows Fanatics to become stronger and faster the closer they are to death, thus becoming useful for either giving Fanatics the last bit of extra damage needed to finish off an enemy army before dying or allowing them to quickly retreat to safety where they can be rejuvenated by a healer unit.

Atlas provides the Argus, a myth unit capable of covering a small area in acid which repeatedly damages enemy units that linger on it, making it useful for area denial. Guardian of Io grants the Argus improved Line of Sight and a faster recharge time for its special ability, allowing it to engulf its opponents in acid even more often. Atlas also grants the Implode god power, which becomes much more destructive when targeted in an area swarming with enemy units and buildings. A Caladria may be used to scout the enemy main town in order to cast the Implode god power. The resulting destruction may leave an opponent scrambling to recover, buying the player time to better defend themselves or to end the game with an army or Titan.

Atlas' improvements benefits myth units and buildings, making him a good choice for turtling. He grants the Argus, which, although far from being the strongest myth unit, can shoot a glob of acid that instantly kills units. As it has fantastic Line of Sight and deals hack damage, it is ideal for guarding Town Centers from threats such as siege weapons or Behemoths. All myth units can have their Line of Sight increased with the Eyes of Atlas technology, providing better reconnaissance of the map. A Caladria may then be used to scout the enemy main town in order to cast the Implode god power. The resulting destruction may leave an opponent scrambling to recover, buying the player time to better defend themselves or to end the game with an army.

All of Atlas' buildings are made stronger with the Titan Shield technology. Gaia players may consider building a more durable, self-repairing Wonder, guarded by Argus and Orichalcum Walls. It is recommended to fully upgrade Wonders only after their completion, otherwise they will take longer to build and provide the enemy more time to respond. If the player chose Gaia and then worships Atlas, their buildings are surrounded by lush terrain which cannot be built on by enemies, regenerate hit points, and have -15% hack and crush vulnerabilities if Titan Shield is researched.


AoM The Titans icon The Titans[]

  • Atlas has access to Eyes of Atlas.

AoMIcon-Retold Retold[]

  • Eyes of Atlas removed. Atlas gains access to Devotees of Atlas.


The son of the Titan Lapetus[sic] and the nymph Clymene, Atlas was thought to be king of the legendary Atlantis. His attack on Olympus during a failed attempt by the Titans to overthrow Zeus resulted in being condemned to forever carry the heavens upon his shoulders. He is usually portrayed, however, bearing a globe on his shoulders. He was relieved of his burden temporarily by Heracles during one of that hero's 12 labors, but Atlas was tricked into taking the heavens back onto his shoulders. According to some he was later released of his burden and made guardian of the Pillars of Hercules, upon which the heavens were set in his stead, and which also were the gateway to the ocean home of Atlantis. His name has come to mean "bearer" or "endurer".
—In-game section


  • The in-game history section claims his father is named "Lapetus", instead of the historically accurate "Iapetus".
  • Atlas is shown holding up the Earth in both the original and Retold artworks, which is a common misconception in modern media. According to Greek mythology, he holds up the sky-dome, and is shown in classical sculpture to be holding a celestial sphere marked with the constellations of the sky, rather than the Earth or its features.


Gods in Age of Mythology
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age
AoMR Greeks icon Greeks AoMR Zeus icon Zeus
AoMR Hades icon Hades
AoMR Poseidon icon Poseidon
AoMR Athena icon Athena

AoMR Hermes icon Hermes

AoMR Ares icon Ares
AoMR Apollo icon Apollo

AoMR Dionysus icon Dionysus

AoMR Aphrodite icon Aphrodite
AoMR Hera icon Hera

AoMR Hephaestus icon Hephaestus

AoMR Artemis icon Artemis
AoMR Egyptians icon Egyptians AoMR Ra icon Ra
AoMR Isis icon Isis
AoMR Set icon Set
AoMR Bast icon Bast

AoMR Ptah icon Ptah

AoMR Anubis icon Anubis
AoMR Sobek icon Sobek ( HathorIcon Hathor)

AoMR Sekhmet icon Sekhmet

AoMR Nephthys icon Nephthys
AoMR Osiris icon Osiris

AoMR Horus icon Horus

AoMR Thoth icon Thoth
AoMR Norse icon Norse AoMR Thor icon Thor
AoMR Odin icon Odin
AoMR Loki icon Loki
AoMR Freyr icon Freyr
AoMR Freyja icon Freyja

AoMR Heimdall icon Heimdall

AoMR Forseti icon Forseti

AoMR Ullr icon Ullr
AoMR Skadi icon Skadi

AoMR Bragi icon Bragi

AoMR Njord icon Njord

AoMR Aegir icon Aegir
AoMR Baldr icon Baldr

AoMR Tyr icon Tyr

AoMR Hel icon Hel

AoMR Vidar icon Vidar
AoMR Atlanteans icon Atlanteans AoMR Kronos icon Kronos
AoMR Oranos icon Oranos
AoMR Gaia icon Gaia
AoMR Prometheus icon Prometheus

AoMR Leto icon Leto

AoMR Oceanus icon Oceanus
AoMR Hyperion icon Hyperion

AoMR Rheia icon Rheia

AoMR Theia icon Theia
AoMR Helios icon Helios

AoMR Atlas icon Atlas

AoMR Hekate icon Hekate
ChinesePortrait Chinese FuXiPortrait Fu Xi
NuWaPortrait Nü Wa
ShennongPortrait Shennong
HuangDiIcon Huang Di

SunWukongIcon Sun Wukong

ChangEIcon Chang'e
DaboGongIcon Dabo Gong

ZhongKuiIcon Zhong Kui

HeBoIcon He Bo
ChongliIcon Chongli

AoKuangIcon Ao Kuang

XiWangmuIcon Xi Wangmu