Age of Empires Series Wiki

Transforms into a Athos Monastery for Coin generation and unique improvements.
—In-game description

The Athos Monastery Wagon is a Wagon in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - Knights of the Mediterranean that can only be received through the Athos Monasteries technology available to a player with a Trading Post/Tambo placed on a House of Phanar palace. It builds an Athos Monastery for free, which must be placed on a mine.

Further statistics[]

Unit strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Nothing
Weak vs. Everything
Hit points Oregon Trail Oregon Trail (+25%; United States only)
Gadaa System Gadaa System (+5%; Ethiopians only)
Tar kilns Tar Kilns (+5%)
Line of Sight Town Watch Town Watch (+3)
Speed Oregon Trail Oregon Trail (+25%; United States only)
Other Athos monasteries Athos Monasteries (delivers 2 Athos Monastery Wagons)

Home City Cards[]

Click for a list of Home City Cards related to the Athos Monastery Wagon
Some cards are highlighted with:
Green TEAM Shipment that is sent to each player in a team
Red Shipment that can be sent twice
Blue Shipment that arrives fast (5 seconds)


Card Description Age
Western reforms Western Reforms All units get +8% hit points and damage
Age IV tech tree aoe 3


Card Description Age
Ignatian spirituality Ignatian Spirituality All units get +5% hit points and regeneration capability even while in combat
Age IV tech tree aoe 3


Card Description Age
South Africa Home City (Wanderlust) Wanderlust Land military units and land villagers get +5% hit points; land villagers and construction wagons get +5% speed
  • "Wanderlust" is available to the British and Dutch upon revolting to South Africa, and can be sent 3 times.


Card Description Age
Shivajis tactics TEAM Shivaji's Tactics All units get +5% hit points and damage
Age IV tech tree aoe 3


Card Description Age
Maltese Home City 2 (TEAM Knights of the Round Table) TEAM Knights of the Round Table Delivers 1 Hospitaller for each Town Center and Command Post build; all units get +2% hit points
Age I tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Mexican Home City 2 (TEAM Mariachi) TEAM Mariachi For the next 30 seconds, military buildings work 400% faster and units get +10% speed
Age I tech tree aoe3
Federal card colegio de san nicolas Colegio de San Nicolás Delivers Books of 500 XP; units get +4 and buildings (except Walls) get +8 Line of Sight; sees what enemies can see for 20 seconds
Age II tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Spanish Home City 3 (Inquisition) TEAM Spanish Inquisition Delivers 1 Inquisitor; all units get +10 Line of Sight
Age II tech tree aoe3
Civilian units in Age of Empires III
AllFishing ship aoe3de Fishing Boat · Settler aoe3de Settler · Covered wagon aoe3de Covered Wagon/Town Travois/Town Rickshaw/Town Center Builder · Outpost wagon aoe3de Trading Post Wagon, Lakota trading post aoe3de Trading Post Travois, and Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Trading Post Rickshaw · Outpost wagon aoe3de Dock Rickshaw/Dock Wagon/Dock Travois · Native embassy DE icon Native Embassy Travois/Native Embassy Builder/Royal Embassy Wagon
EuropeansPriest aoe3de Priest · Factory wagon aoe3de Factory Wagon · Fort wagon aoe3de Fort Wagon · Factory wagon aoe3de Homestead Wagon · Outpost wagon aoe3de Military Wagon · Factory wagon aoe3de Prospector Wagon (Factory wagon aoe3de Silver · Factory wagon aoe3de Gold)
Europeans and USSurgeon aoe3de Surgeon · Outpost wagon aoe3de Outpost Wagon · Spc wagon aoe3de Estate Wagon · Spc wagon aoe3de Mill Wagon
Native AmericansVillager aztec aoe3de Villager · Haudenosaunee healer aoe3de Healer · Team native aoe3de Native Scout* · Aztec travois aoe3de Farm Travois · Aztec travois aoe3de War Hut Travois
AsiansChinese castle wagon aoe3de Castle Rickshaw · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Market Rickshaw · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Monastery Rickshaw · Japanese grove aoe3de Rice Paddy Rickshaw
AfricansEthiopian fishing canoe portrait aoe3de Fishing Canoe · Camp portrait Camp Builder · Hausa builder portrait Kingdom Builder · Hausa builder portrait Livestock Market Builder · Palace portrait aoe3de Palace Builder · Hausa builder portrait Trade Builder
Unique units
Flag DutchDE DutchVillager dutch merchant portrait Merchant · Envoy aoe3de Envoy · Bank wagon aoe3de Bank Wagon
Flag FrenchDE FrenchCoureur aoe3de Coureur des Bois
Flag GermanDE GermansSettler wagon aoe3de Settler Wagon
Flag OttomanDE OttomansVillager ottoman yoruk portrait Yörük · Imam de Imam
Flag SpanishDE SpanishMissonary de Missionary
Flag AztecDE AztecsWarrior priest de Warrior Priest · Aztec travois aoe3de Nobles' Hut Travois
Flag IroquoisDE HaudenosauneeTravois portrait aoe3de Travois (Haudenosaunee)
Flag ChineseDE ChineseMongol scout aoe3de Mongol Scout · Outpost wagon aoe3de Blockhouse Wagon · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Consulate Rickshaw · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Village Rickshaw
Flag IndianDE IndiansIndian peasant aoe3de Hindu Villager · Indian castle grove aoe3de Grove Rickshaw · Indian town center rickshaw aoe3de Sacred Field Rickshaw
Flag JapaneseDE JapaneseFactory wagon aoe3de Livestock Pen Wagon · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Dojo Rickshaw · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Military Rickshaw · Japanese grove aoe3de Orchard Rickshaw · Chinese town center rickshaw aoe3de Shrine Wagon
Flag IncanDE IncaPriestess-icon-aoe3 Priestess · Travois inca AoE3de Builder Travois · Lakota trading post aoe3de Kallanka Travois · Lakota trading post aoe3de Stronghold Travois · Lakota trading post aoe3de Tambo Travois
Flag SwedishDE SwedesSpc wagon aoe3de Torp Wagon
Flag American act3 aoe3de United StatesFactory wagon aoe3de Coal Prospector Wagon · Outpost wagon aoe3de Infrastructure Wagon · Bank wagon aoe3de Meeting House Wagon · Bank wagon aoe3de State Capitol Wagon
Flag MexicanDE MexicansBank wagon aoe3de Cathedral Wagon · Factory wagon aoe3de Hacienda Wagon
Revolution RevolutionSansculotte portrait Sansculotte · Factory wagon aoe3de Diamond Prospector Wagon
Flag Ethiopian aoe3de EthiopiansAbun portrait aoe3de Abun · Rickshaw1 icon portrait Indian Market Rickshaw · Mountain monastery portrait aoe3de Mountain Monastery Builder
Flag Hausa HausaGriot aoe3de portrait Griot · Bank wagon aoe3de Mosque Wagon · Hausa builder portrait Hausa Builder · University portrait University Builder · Watch tower aoe3de portrait Watch Tower Builder
Flag ItalianDE ItaliansItalians architect portrait Architect · Bank wagon aoe3de Basilica Wagon · Bank wagon aoe3de Lombard Wagon · Bank wagon aoe3de Tavern Wagon
Flag MalteseDE MalteseOutpost wagon aoe3de Commandery Wagon · Spc wagon aoe3de Depot Wagon · Fort wagon aoe3de Fixed Gun Wagon
Berber nomad portrait Berber Nomad · Berber salt camel portrait Berber Salt Camel · Trading post african aoe3de Red Sea Wagon · Balloon portrait Hot Air Balloon · Cree coreur portrait updated Cree Coureur des Bois · Factory wagon aoe3de Arsenal Wagon · Bank wagon aoe3de Church Wagon · Outpost wagon aoe3de Frontier Post Wagon · Pilgrims icon definitive Pilgrim · Bank wagon aoe3de Athos Monastery Wagon · Outpost wagon aoe3de Battery Tower Wagon · Lakota trading post aoe3de American Citadel Travois