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Age of Empires Series Wiki

Artaphernes is a mounted archer hero in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Chronicles: Battle for Greece. He has a unique model. As a hero, he cannot be converted and can regenerate health.

Campaign appearances[]

He is the protagonist in the first act (barring its last scenario) of the Battle for Greece campaign.

Battle for Greece logo Battle for Greece[]

  • Gates of the Gods: Artaphernes is tasked by Darius with bringing the supplies and paying off the mercenaries. After the wall of Babylon is breached, he and Datis will lead the invasion of the city.
  • Greeks Bearing Gifts: Artaphernes prepares the invasion of Naxos by securing the supplies sent from Persia for the invasion.
  • The Ionian Revolt: Artaphernes faces the rebellion lead by Aristagoras and must maintain Persian control over the outlying Ionian towns, before striking back at Aristagoras.
  • A City Ablaze: Artaphernes leads the defense of Sardis, driving back the Ionian besiegers under Aristagoras.
  • Chasing Smoke: Artaphernes chases down Aristagoras' pillagers on their retreat to Ephesus. After ambushing the Ionians, he will besiege Ephesus in an attempt to hunt down Aristagoras.
  • Death to Traitors: Artaphernes leads the invasion of Miletus, besieging the city and finally killing Aristagoras.
  • Earth and Water: Artaphernes briefly appears to see Datis before the latter invades the Cyclades.


Artaphernes was a prominent Persian noble and satrap of Lydia under the Achaemenid Empire during the late 6th and early 5th centuries BC. He was the half-brother of King Darius I, and reorganized the region by implementing fairer taxation and administrative reforms, stabilizing Persian rule in the area. He played a key role in suppressing the Ionian Revolt (499–493 BC), a rebellion of the Greek city-states in Persian territory led by Aristagoras. He then collaborated with the Median general Datis in the first Persian invasion of Greece, which culminated in the Battle of Marathon (490 BC).


Units in Chronicles
Non-combatVillager female ChroniclesVillager male Chronicles Villager · Tradecart aoe2DE Trade Cart · FishingShipDE Fishing Ship · Merchant Ship Chronicles Merchant Ship · Transport Ship Chronicles Transport Ship · King Chronicles King
ReligiousPriestess Chronicles Priestess
InfantryLevy Chronicles LevyMaceman Chronicles MacemanSwordsman Chronicles SwordsmanParagon Chronicles Paragon
Spearman Chronicles SpearmanGuardsman Chronicles GuardsmanElite Guardsman Chronicles Elite Guardsman
ArcherBowman Chronicles BowmanLaminated Bowman Chronicles Laminated BowmanRecurve Bowman Chronicles Recurve Bowman
Skirmisher Chronicles SkirmisherElite Skirmisher Chronicles Elite Skirmisher
Cavalry Archer Chronicles Cavalry ArcherHeavy Cavalry Archer Chronicles Heavy Cavalry Archer
Gastraphetoros Chronicles Gastraphetoros
CavalryScout Cavalry Chronicles Scout CavalryLight Cavalry Chronicles Light CavalryRaider Chronicles Raider
Lancer Chronicles LancerShock Cavalry Chronicles Shock CavalryImperial Cavalry Chronicles Imperial Cavalry
SiegeBattering ram aoe2DE Battering RamCapped ram aoe2DE Capped RamSiege ram aoe2DE Siege Ram
Mangonel aoe2DE MangonelOnager aoe2DE Onager
Scorpion aoe2DE ScorpionHeavyscorpion aoe2DE Heavy Scorpion
Siegetower aoe2DE Siege Tower
Palintonon packed Chronicles/Palintonon Chronicles Palintonon
WarshipLembos Chronicles LembosWar Lembos Chronicles War LembosHeavy Lembos Chronicles Heavy LembosElite Lembos Chronicles Elite Lembos
Monoreme Chronicles MonoremeBireme Chronicles BiremeTrireme Chronicles Trireme
Galley Chronicles GalleyWar Galley Chronicles War GalleyElite Galley Chronicles Elite Galley
Incendiary Raft Chronicles Incendiary RaftIncendiary Ship Chronicles Incendiary ShipHeavy Incendiary Ship Chronicles Heavy Incendiary Ship
Catapult Ship Chronicles Catapult ShipOnager Ship Chronicles Onager Ship
Leviathan Chronicles Leviathan
Regional units
InfantryHoplite Chronicles HopliteElite Hoplite Chronicles Elite Hoplite
CavalryWar Chariot Chronicles War ChariotElite War Chariot Chronicles Elite War Chariot
Battle for Greece logo
Immortal melee Chronicles/Immortal ranged Chronicles Immortal · Strategos Chronicles Strategos · Polemarch Chronicles Polemarch* · Hippeus Chronicles Hippeus
Battle for Greece logo
Aristagoras Chronicles Aristagoras · Aristides Chronicles Aristides · Artaphernes Chronicles Artaphernes · Artemisia Chronicles Artemisia · Brasidas Chronicles Brasidas · Cleon Chronicles Cleon · Darius Chronicles Darius · Datis Chronicles Datis · Dionysius Chronicles Dionysius · Leonidas Chronicles Leonidas · Lysander Chronicles Lysander · Miltiades Chronicles Miltiades · Polycritus Chronicles Polycritus · Themistocles Chronicles Themistocles (Warship)
Battle for Greece logo
Bactrian Archer Chronicles Bactrian Archer · Camel Raider Chronicles Camel Raider · Cretan Archer Chronicles Cretan Archer · Ekdromos Chronicles Ekdromos · Goat aoe2DE Goat (Unconvertible) · Greek Noble Cavalry Chronicles Greek Noble Cavalry · Mercenary Hoplite Chronicles Lysander's Raider · Mercenary Hoplite Chronicles Mercenary Hoplite · Mercenary Peltast Chronicles Mercenary Peltast · Rhodian Slinger Chronicles Rhodian Slinger · Sakan Axeman Chronicles Sakan Axeman · Scythian Axe Cavalry Chronicles Scythian Axe Cavalry · Sickle Warrior Chronicles Sickle Warrior · Sparabara Chronicles Sparabara · Tarantine Cavalry Chronicles Tarantine Cavalry