Age of Empires Series Wiki

Archaic infantry (AbstractArchaicInfantry in the game code) is a tag in Age of Empires III introduced in update 13.4412 that affects certain bow and hand weapon infantry, which fits more the medieval times rather than the Modern gunpowder line infantry.

The tag is only related to the Spanish, who have a great synergy thanks to some of their Home City Cards that affect this class: "TEAM Hidalgos" allows faster training of archaic units for the whole team, while "Reconquista" ships 1 Conquistador for every 5 archaic infantry units lost.

All Pikeman and foot archers units are considered archaic infantry. Note that the Rodelero, although it could seem an archaic infantry, doesn't have that tag, while the War Dog does.

Most hand infantry that is not a Pikeman is not considered archaic infantry.

List of archaic infantry[]

Archaic Pikeman[]

All units tagged as Pikeman are considered archaic infantry:

Archaic foot archers[]

All foot archers are labeled as archaic infantry



  • Initially, in Age of Empires III, before the expansions, European archaic units (Pikemen, Crossbowmen, and Longbowmen) weren't upgradable past the Veteran level by normal means, except the Spanish Pikeman by the Royal Guard, Crossbowmen by the Portuguese Besteiros Church technology, and the use of the Yeoman card for British Longbowmen.
  • The Definitive Edition introduced the The Papal Guard politician that allows Guard and Imperial upgrades and discounts for it to Pikemen and Crossbowmen for some civilizations, and the Royal Guard for the Portuguese Crossbowman. The Swedish Crossbowman is an exception that can't be upgraded beyond the Veteran level.
  • The Definitive Edition also introduced more Archaic Royal Guards to new civilizations: Swedish Pikeman (Dalkarl) and Maltese Crossbowman (Arbalester).
Tags in Age of Empires III
Aoe3 unit type infantry Infantry
Aoe3 unit type heavy infantry Heavy infantryHand infantry ยท Aoe3 unit type hand infantry Pikeman ยท Musket infantry
Aoe 3 unit type skirmisher Light infantryFoot archer ยท Rifle infantry ยท Hand skirmisher
OtherCounter skirmisher ยท Grenade trooper
Aoe3 unit type cavalry Cavalry / Aoe3 unit type light infantry Shock infantry
Aoe3 unit type heavy cavalry Heavy cavalryAoe3 unit type melee cavalry Hand cavalry ยท Ranged heavy cavalry ยท Lance cavalry
Aoe3 unit type light cavalry Light ranged cavalryGunpowder cavalry
Aoe3 unit type light infantry Shock infantryAoe3 unit type hand shock infantry Hand shock infantry ยท Aoe3 unit type ranged shock infantry Ranged shock infantry
OtherCamel ยท Elephant
Siege units
Aoe3 unit type siege infantry Siege unit ยท Aoe3 unit type artillery Artillery ยท Stat icon siege elephant Siege Elephant ยท Gatling Camelยท Fixed Gunยท Arrow Knight*
Aoe3 unit type ship Ship
Fishing boat ยท Warship ยท Stat icon training ship Recruiting ship
Aoe3 unit type building Building
Stat icon resource enclosure Resource enclosure ยท Stat icon wall Wall ยท Frontier fortification ยท Barracks
Aoe3 unit type hero Hero ยท Aoe3 unit type mercenary Mercenary ยท Monk ยท Stat icon outlaw Outlaw ยท Aoe3 unit type pet Pet ยท Aoe3 unit type villager Villager
Mother nature
Aoe3 unit type huntable Huntable ยท Aoe3 unit type treasure guardian Treasure guardian
Support tags
Gunpowder unit ยท Archer ยท Healing unit ยท Native warrior ยท Elephant ยท Camel ยท Archaic infantry ยท Ranged infantry ยท Ranged cavalry ยท Consulate unit
All tags with icons are related to the bonus and penalties counter system, except *hidden tags that aren't in the UI