Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
Angelo Laudon

A photo of Angelo Laudon during his time at PeopleFun.

Angelo Laudon is a former programmer at Ensemble Studios.

Early life[]

Around the age of 10 or 11, Angelo Laudon was given a TI-99 4/A computer by his parents. He taught himself BASIC. By the time he joined Ensemble Studios, Angelo Laudon had been a professional programmer for several years.

Ensemble Studios[]

Angelo Laudon helped co-found Ensemble Studios in 1994 as its first programmer. There, he was the lead programmer for many of the games developed there, including Age of Empires, Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, Age of Empires II: The Conquerors, and Halo Wars. He was also involved in the programming of games such as Age of Mythology, and was credited as being part of "Management" starting with the release of Age of Empires III.

Post-Ensemble Career[]

Angelo Laudon joined Robot Entertainment in 2008, where he aided in the development of Orcs Must Die! In 2011, he co-founded PeopleFun with Tony Goodman, with the goal of creating mobile games. He remains there as of 2021, where he is the company's "Chief Architect."


  • During the development of the original Age of Empires, Angelo Laudon stated that his favorite games were Wing Commander I and II, Civilization, Day of the Tentacle, Doom, and WarCraft II. In particular, he has called Warcraft II "The best game I have ever played." Note that games such as Civilization and Warcraft II may have influenced the development of Age of Empires.

External links[]

Developers of Age of Empires series
Ensemble Studios Logo
Tony Goodman ยท Brian Sullivan ยท Bruce Campbell Shelley ยท Dave Pottinger ยท Sandy Petersen ยท Angelo Laudon ยท Brad J. Crow ยท Matt Pritchard ยท Stephen Rippy ยท Richard Geldreich
FE Logo White Green Medium
Bert Beeckman ยท Peter Piepenburg ยท Alexander Fleger ยท Matt Pritchard ยท Richard Geldreich ยท Atomhawk
Campaign creators
Ramsey Abdulrahim
Other development studios
BHG logo Big Huge Games ยท Robot Entertainment Logo Robot Entertainment ยท Hidden Path logo Hidden Path Entertainment ยท Skybox Lab logo small SkyBox Labs ยท Tantalus Media logo small Tantalus Media ยท Wicked Witch logo small Wicked Workshop ยท World's Edge Studio Logo World's Edge ยท Xbox logo small Xbox Game Studios* ยท Relic logo small Relic Entertainment ยท Keywords Studios logo small Keyword Studios ยท Capture Age logo CaptureAge ยท Virtuos logo small Virtuos