Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the age-up mechanic in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - The African Royals. For the random map in Return of Rome, see Alliance (map).

Alliances are a mechanic in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - The African Royals that allow the player to reach the next Age, in which the player chooses one of several minor or major civilizations to ally with. Once chosen, the ally will grant access to units that can be trained the Palace (unless noted otherwise) and technologies which can be researched at the Mountain Monastery or University.

Age Ally Shipments Bonuses

Flag Ethiopian aoe3de Ethiopians[]

Colonial age up
Alliance Somalis
Colonial age up 1 Native Embassy Builder and 300 influence
Fortress age up 7 Somali Issa Warriors
Industrial age up 9 Somali Issa Warriors
Imperial age up 17 Somali Issa Warriors
Alliance Habesha
Colonial age up 1 Camp Builder and 300 coin
Fortress age up 700 coin
Industrial age up 1,000 coin
Imperial age up 2,000 coin
Alliance Jesuits
Colonial age up 1 Church Wagon and 400 XP
Fortress age up 1 Church Wagon and 600 XP
Industrial age up 1 Church Wagon and 1,000 XP
Imperial age up 1 Church Wagon and 2,000 XP
Alliance Portuguese
Colonial age up 1 Arsenal Builder and 300 wood
Fortress age up 1 Arsenal Builder and 500 wood
Industrial age up 1 Arsenal Builder and 700 wood
Imperial age up 1 Arsenal Builder and 2,000 wood
Alliance Sudanese
Colonial age up 1 Native Embassy Builder and 300 influence
Fortress age up 7 Sudanese Dervishes
Industrial age up 10 Sudanese Dervishes
Imperial age up 20 Sudanese Dervishes
Fortress age up
Alliance Indians
Fortress age up 1 Indian Market Builder and 500 influence
Industrial age up 1 Indian Market Builder and 800 influence
Imperial age up 1 Indian Market Builder and 2,000 influence
Industrial age up
Alliance Oromo
Industrial age up 9 semi-fattened Goats with 120 food each
Imperial age up 18 semi-fattened Goats with 120 food each
Imperial Age
Alliance Arabs
4 Gatling Camels

Flag Hausa Hausa[]

Colonial age up
Alliance Berbers
Colonial age up 1 Native Embassy Builder and 300 influence
Fortress age up 4 Berber Camel Riders
Industrial age up 5 Berber Camel Riders
Imperial age up 10 Berber Camel Riders
Alliance Hausa
Colonial age up 1 Hausa Builder and 300 wood
Fortress age up 700 wood
Industrial age up 1,000 wood
Imperial age up 2,000 wood
Alliance Moroccans
Colonial age up 1 Mosque Wagon and 400 XP
Fortress age up 1 Mosque Wagon and 600 XP
Industrial age up 1 Mosque Wagon and 900 XP
Imperial age up 1 Mosque Wagon and 1,900 XP
Alliance Songhai
Colonial age up 1 Camp Builder and 300 coin
Fortress age up 700 coin
Industrial age up 1,000 coin
Imperial age up 2,000 coin
Alliance Akan
Colonial age up 1 Native Embassy Builder and 300 influence
Fortress age up 6 Akan Ankobias
Industrial age up 8 Akan Ankobias
Imperial age up 16 Akan Ankobias
Fortress age up
Alliance Fulani
Fortress age up 7 semi-fattened Goats with 120 food each
Industrial age up 9 semi-fattened Goats with 120 food each
Imperial age up 18 semi-fattened Goats with 120 food each
Industrial age up
Alliance Yoruba
Industrial age up 1,000 influence
Imperial age up 2,000 influence
Imperial Age
Alliance British
1 Arsenal Builder and 1 Heavy Cannon


  • Although the description says "Arsenal Builder, Church Builder, Mosque Builder, Indian Market Builder", the player receives Wagons and Rickshaws instead of Builders.
Age up methods in Age of Empires III
Politicians for European civilizations
Colonial age up Commerce Age Politician governor The Governor · Politician imam The Imam · Politician inventor The Inventor · Politician logistician The Logistician · Politician naturalist The Naturalist · Politician philosopher prince The Philosopher Prince · Politician quarter master The Quartermaster · The Medici The Medici
Fortress age up Fortress Age Politician admiral The Admiral of the Ocean Sea · Politician adventurer The Adventurer · Politician bishop The Bishop · Politician ethiopian queen The Ethiopian Queen · Politician exiled prince The Exiled Prince · Politician gentlemen pirate The Gentleman Pirate · Politician marksman The Marksman · Politician mercenary contractor The Mercenary Contractor · Politician mohawk statesmen The Mohawk Statesman · Politician scout The Scout · Politician sergeant arms The Sergeant at Arms
Industrial age up Industrial Age Politician cavalier The Cavalry Marshal · Politician engineer The Engineer · Politician grand vizier The Grand Vizier · Politician kings musketeer The King's Musketeer · Politician logistician The Logistician · Politician papal guard The Papal Guard · Politician tycoon The Tycoon · Politician viceroy The Viceroy · Politician war minister The War Minister · The Pope The Pope
Imperial age up Imperial Age Politician el presidente El Presidente · Politician general The General · Politician black duke The Black Duke · Politician inventor The Inventor · Politician knight The Knight · Politician mercenary contractor The Mercenary Contractor · Politician Royalist The Royalist · Politician Scottish marshal The Scottish Marshal
Civilizations Flag BritishDE British · Flag DutchDE Dutch · Flag FrenchDE French · Flag GermanDE Germans · Flag ItalianDE Italians · Flag MalteseDE Maltese · Flag OttomanDE Ottomans · Flag PortugueseDE Portuguese · Flag RussianDE Russians · Flag SpanishDE Spanish · Flag SwedishDE Swedes
Tribal Council members for Native American civilizations
Colonial age up Commerce Age The Messenger · The Wise Woman · The Warrior · The Elder · The Chief
Civilizations Flag AztecDE Aztecs · Flag IroquoisDE Haudenosaunee · Flag IncanDE Inca · Flag SiouxDE Lakota
Wonders for Asian civilizations
Flag ChineseDE Chinese Confucian academy aoe3de Confucian Academy · PorcelainTowerDE Porcelain Tower · SummerPalaceDE Summer Palace · TempleOfHeavenDE Temple of Heaven · WhitePagodaDE White Pagoda
Flag IndianDE Indians AgraFortDE Agra Fort · CharminarGateDE Charminar Gate · KarniMataDE Karni Mata · TajMahalDE Taj Mahal · TowerOfVictoryDE Tower of Victory
Flag JapaneseDE Japanese GoldenPavilionDE Golden Pavilion · GiantBuddhaDE Great Buddha · ShogunateDE Shogunate · ToriiGatesDE Torii Gates · ToshoguShrineDE Toshogu Shrine
Federal States for United States
Colonial age up Commerce Age Federal state US delaware Delaware · Federal state US massachussetts Massachusetts · Federal state US pennsylvania Pennsylvania · Federal state US rhode island Rhode Island · Federal state US virginia Virginia
Fortress age up Fortress Age Federal state US indiana Indiana · Federal state US kentucky Kentucky · Federal state US maryland Maryland · Federal state US new hampshire New Hampshire · Federal state US tennessee Tennessee
Industrial age up Industrial Age Federal state US california California · Federal state US new jersey New Jersey · Federal state US ohio Ohio · Federal state US south carolina South Carolina · Federal state US vermont Vermont
Imperial age up Imperial Age Federal state US connecticut Connecticut · Federal state US florida Florida · Federal state US illinois Illinois · Federal state US new york New York · Federal state US texas Texas
Federal States for Mexicans
Colonial age up Commerce Age Durango Durango · Michoacán Michoacán · Tlaxcala Tlaxcala · Chiapas Chiapas · Querétaro Querétaro
Fortress age up Fortress Age Sonora federal state Sonora · Coahuila Coahuila · Sinaloa Sinaloa · San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí · Tabasco Tabasco
Industrial age up Industrial Age Chihuahua Chihuahua · Zacatecas Zacatecas · Tamaulipas Tamaulipas · Guanajuato Guanajuato · Guerrero Guerrero
Imperial age up Imperial Age Oaxaca Oaxaca · Jalisco Jalisco · Estado de México Estado de México · Veracruz Veracruz · Puebla Puebla
Alliances for African civilizations
Flag Ethiopian aoe3de Ethiopians Alliance Habesha Habesha · Alliance Jesuits Jesuits · Alliance Portuguese Portuguese · Alliance Somalis Somalis · Alliance Sudanese Sudanese · Alliance Indians Indians· Alliance Oromo Oromo+ · Alliance Arabs Arabsx
Flag Hausa Hausa Alliance Akan Akan · Alliance Berbers Berbers · Alliance Hausa Hausa · Alliance Moroccans Moroccans · Alliance Songhai Songhai · Alliance Fulani Fulani· Alliance Yoruba Yoruba+ · Alliance British Britishx
* requires Fortress Age to be unlocked; + requires Industrial Age to be unlocked; x requires Imperial Age to be unlocked
Unused options for Tribal Council members, Wonders, and Alliances can be used in future Age-ups.
Gameplay elements in the Age of Empires series
Age · Ability (II · M · III · IV) · Architecture set (II · III) · Area of Effect (Trample damage) · Armor/Resists (hack/melee · pierce/ranged · crush/siege)  · Armor class/Tag/Unit type (I - original · I - Return of Rome · II) · Artificial intelligence · Attack (IV) · Attack delay · Attack ground · Aura (IV) · Auto Scout · Building (I · II · M · III · IV · C · AoE:DS) · Civilization (I · II · M · III · IV · C) · Civilization bonus · Cheat code (I · II · M · III · IV) · Conversion · Counter · Diplomacy · Gaia/Mother Nature · Game modes · Garrison · Gather Point · Healing · Hit points · Hotkey · Line of Sight · Mini map · Mobile building · Pass-through damage · Player · Population · Range · Rate of Fire · Regeneration · Relic (II · M · IV) · Repairing · Resource (Renewable resource) · Scenario Editor (I · II · M · III · IV) · Score · Signal Allies/Flare · Soundtrack (I · II · M · III · IV) · Speed · Stealth mode · Taunt · Technology (I · II · M · III · IV · C · Unique) · Technology tree (I · II · IV · C) · Terrain (AoE:DS · AoM:DS) · Town Bell · Trade (IV) · Tribute · Unit (I · II · M · III · IV · C · AoE:DS · AoM:DS) · Unit formation · Unit stance (III) · Upgrade (I · II · III · IV) · User interface · Victory · Villager Priority
Genie Engine
Frame delay · Full Tech Tree · Team bonus
ReturnRome-AoEIcon Age of EmpiresRuins · Discovery
AoE2-DLCicon-0 Age of Empires IIProjectile duplication
Bang Engine
Autoqueue · Multiplier · Snare
Aom original icon Age of MythologyGod (Major · Minor) · God power · Settlement
3Icon48px Age of Empires IIIAge-up methods (Politician/Tribal Council/Wonder/Federal State/Alliance· Banner army · Consulate · Damage Cap · Home City · Home City Card · Inspiring Flag · Minor civilization · Promotion · Revolution · Target Lock · Trade Monopoly · Trade Route · Treasure
GameIcon-AoE4 Age of Empires IV
GenericFire armor · Influence · Landmark · Religion · Sacred Site · Variant civilization
Civilization-uniqueBounty · Dynasty · Golden Age · Imperial Council (Vizier Point)
If a gameplay element has different pages across games, like civilization, the individual pages are linked in brackets.