Age of Empires Series Wiki

A dangerous outcast.
—In-game description

The African Vagabond is an outlaw in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition, introduced in update 13.18214. It is trainable only in the Unknown at the moment. It was first introduced as a treasure guardian.


The African Vagabond can be compared to the Pikeman, with its similar tags and anti-cavalry usage. The African Vagabond is more expensive, with its cost of 100 coin, but in turn has more hit points, attack, and speed, with similar multipliers, but lower siege damage and triple the population requirement. Additionally, the African Vagabond resists ranged attacks, whereas the Pikeman resists hand attacks. This greater speed assists in catching cavalry, and the ranged resistance allows it to take more shots from opposing ranged infantry.

This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it.


The African Vagabond upgrades in the Industrial Age and the Imperial Age when Compunction, Folk Heroes, or Wild West are researched.

  • Industrial age up +30% hit points and damage
  • Imperial age up +50% hit points and damage

Further statistics[]

Unit strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Cavalry, shock infantry, buildings
Weak vs. Light infantry, counter-skirmishers, artillery
Hit points Corselet Corselet (+25%; Spanish only)
Atonement Compunction (+20%; Asians only)
Folk Heroes Folk Heroes (+20%; Europeans only)
Dance Hall Wild West (+20%; Mexicans and Native Americans only)
Maya Cotton Armor Maya Cotton Armor (+20%)
Infantry Breastplate Infantry Breastplate (+10%)
Cree Tanning Cree Tanning (+5%)
Navajo Weaving Navajo Weaving (+5%)
Tar kilns Tar Kilns (+5%)
Attack Atonement Compunction (+20%; Asians only)
Folk Heroes Folk Heroes (+20%; Europeans only)
Dance Hall Wild West (+20%; Mexicans and Native Americans only)
Zapotec Cult of the Dead Zapotec Cult of the Dead (+20%)
Carib Kasiri Beer Carib Kasiri Beer (+10%)
Master Lessons Master Lessons (+10%)
Yoga Yoga (+5%)
Mapuche Tactics Mapuche Tactics (+50% siege attack)
Resistance Somali oryx shields Somali Oryx Hide Shields (+5% ranged resistance)
Line of Sight Town Watch Town Watch (+3)
Speed Tillys Discipline Tilly's Discipline (+20%; Germans only)
Military Drummers Military Drummers (+10%)
Push of Pike Push of Pike (+10%; Swedes only)
Quechuan Mountaineering Quechuan Mountaineering (+10%)
Akan Drums Akan Fontomfrom (+5%)
Apache Endurance Apache Endurance (+5%)
Train time Atonement Compunction (-50%; Asians only)
Folk Heroes Folk Heroes (-50%; Europeans only)
Dance Hall Wild West (-50%; Native Americans only)
Standing Army Standing Army (-25%)
Akan Drums Akan Fontomfrom (-20%)
Quechuan Diet Quechuan Diet (-15%)
Immigrants Immigrants (-10%)
Cost Somali oryx shields Somali Oryx Hide Shields (-10%)
Mapuche Ad-mapu Mapuche Ad-mapu (-10% coin cost)
Golden liberty Golden Liberty (-5% coin cost)
Other Merritocracy Meritocracy (-20% upgrade cost)
Penalties Corselet Corselet (-15% speed; Spanish only)
Push of Pike Push of Pike (+10% train time; Swedes only)
Tillys Discipline Tilly's Discipline (+10% cost; Germans only)

Home City Cards[]

Click for a list of Home City Cards related to the African Vagabond
Some cards are highlighted with:
Green TEAM Shipment that is sent to each player in a team
Purple Shipment that can be sent an INFINITE number of times
Red Shipment that can be sent twice
Blue Shipment that arrives fast (5 seconds)


Card Description Age
Spanish Home City 3 (Fencing School) Fencing School Infantry (except Warrior Priests and Skull Knights) and shock infantry train time -40% (also +2 Uhlans for the Germans; +1 Hindu Villager for the Indians)
Age II tech tree aoe3
  • "Fencing School" is available to Europeans (except the French, Maltese, Ottomans, and Spanish), and the Indians.


Card Description Age
Chinese Home City 5 (Atonement) Atonement Iron Troops/Jat Lancers/Yojimbos can be trained at the Monastery and available one age early; outlaws take -2 population (to a minimum of 1)
Age II tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Chinese Home City 1 (TEAM Yongle Infrastructure) TEAM Yongle Infrastructure Delivers 1 Mongol Scout; infantry, land villagers, healing units, Envoys, and Disciples get +5% speed
Age II tech tree aoe3
Western reforms Western Reforms All units get +8% hit points and damage
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Acupuncture aoe3 Acupuncture All units' (except monks) train time -20%; Heavy Cannon, Flying Crow, and Summer Palace banner army spawn time -5%
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
  • "TEAM Yongle Infrastructure" does not stack with the Inca "TEAM Inca Bridges" card.


Card Description Age
Dutch Home City 2 (Infantry Hitpoints) TEAM Infantry Hitpoints Infantry get +10% hit points; Dutch-only infantry get +15% hit points instead
Age II tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Theaters Theaters Upgrades the Tavern to the Theater which can train Ronin; outlaws take -2 population (to a minimum of 1)
Age II tech tree aoe3
Indonesia Home City (Kraton Guards) Kraton Guards Pikemen get +25% hit points and damage; Revolutionaries get +15% hit points and damage
South Africa Home City (Wanderlust) Wanderlust Land military units and land villagers get +5% hit points; land villagers and construction wagons get +5% speed
  • "Theaters" is not available to the Germans.
  • "Kraton Guards" is available to the Dutch and Portuguese upon revolting to Indonesia.
  • "Wanderlust" is available to the British and Dutch upon revolting to South Africa, and can be sent 3 times.


Card Description Age
French Home City 3 (Royal Fencing School) Royal Fencing School Delivers 3 Royal Musketeers; infantry and shock infantry train time -40%
Age II tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
German Home City 5 (Witch Hammer) Witch Hammer Delivers 3 Inquisitors; Inquisitors can be trained at Taverns/Mercenary Camps, Town Centers, Church, Outposts, and Command Posts; outlaws take -2 population (to a minimum of 1); +2 Uhlans; +2 Uhlans
Age II tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Iroquois Home City 2 (Scout Infantry) TEAM Scout Infantry Delivers 1 Native Scout; infantry get +8 Line of Sight
Age II tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Inca Home City 2 (TEAM Inca Bridges) TEAM Inca Bridges Delivers 1 Chasqui; infantry, land villagers, healing units, and Envoys get +5% speed
Age I tech tree aoe3
  • "TEAM Inca Bridges" does not stack with the Chinese "TEAM Yongle Infrastructure" card.


Card Description Age
Dravidian martial arts Dravidian Martial Arts All units get +15% all melee attack damage; Rajputs get +20% all melee attack damage instead; +1 Hindu Villager; +1 Hindu Villager
Age II tech tree aoe3
Shivajis tactics TEAM Shivaji's Tactics All units get +5% hit points and damage
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Indian Home City 3 (Conscript Sepoys) Zamindars Infantry train time -20%; delivers 2 Sepoys instead of 1 Hindu Villager with each Home City shipment, including this one
Age II tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Iroquois Home City 2 (Infantry Hitpoints) Infantry Hitpoints Infantry get +15% hit points
Age II tech tree aoe3
Italian Home City 2 (Schiavoni Swords) Schiavoni Swords Infantry, cavalry, and shock infantry get +15% all melee attack damage
Age II tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Onin war Onin War Infantry get +33% siege attack damage
Age II tech tree aoe3
Japanese Home City 3 (Cheaper Unit Upgrades) TEAM Sengoku Unit upgrades cost -20%
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Bakufu Bakufu Daimyo and Shogun Tokugawa get +5% speed, +10 Line of Sight and train units 15% faster; land military unit train time -20%, artillery and banner army train time -10% instead
Age III tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Maltese Home City 2 (TEAM Knights of the Round Table) TEAM Knights of the Round Table Delivers 1 Hospitaller for each Town Center and Command Post build; all units get +2% hit points
Age I tech tree aoe3
Maltese Home City 3 (Squires) Squires Military buildings train and research work 80% faster, except Forts which train and research work 260% faster
Age III tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Mexican Home City 2 (TEAM Mariachi) TEAM Mariachi For the next 30 seconds, military buildings work 400% faster and units get +10% speed
Age I tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Ottoman Home City 3 (Matrakci School) Matrakci School Infantry and shock infantry train time -30%; Janissary, Azap, Nizam Fusilier, Abus Gunner, and Humbaraci train time -40% instead
Age II tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Russian Home City 2 (Ransack) Ransack Infantry get +50% siege attack damage
Age III tech tree aoe3
Russian Home City 3 (Dueling School) Dueling School Infantry train time -25%
Age I tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Spanish Home City 1 (Hand Infantry Attack) TEAM Hand Infantry Attack Hand infantry get +15% damage
Age II tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 2 (Hand Infantry Hitpoints) Archaic Infantry Hitpoints Hand infantry and foot archers get +15% hit points; Rodeleros get +20% hit points instead
Age II tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 2 (Hand Infantry Combat) Archaic Infantry Combat Hand infantry and foot archers get +15% hit points and damage
Age III tech tree aoe3
Mexican Home City 3 (Liberation March) Liberation March Infantry, cavalry, and shock infantry get +5% speed and -35% train time
Age III tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 3 (Inquisition) TEAM Spanish Inquisition Delivers 1 Inquisitor; all units get +10 Line of Sight
Age II tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
German Home City 2 (Hand Infantry Attack) Hand Infantry/Hand Cavalry Attack Hand infantry and hand cavalry get +15% damage
Age II tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 2 (Hand Infantry Hitpoints) Hand Infantry/Hand Cavalry Hitpoints Hand infantry and hand cavalry get +15% hit points
Age II tech tree aoe3
Swedish Home City 2 (TEAM House of Bernadotte) TEAM House of Bernadotte Heavy infantry get +15% hit points
Age II tech tree aoe3

Treasure guardian[]

A dangerous outcast.
—In-game description

The African Vagabond is also a treasure guardian unit introduced first in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - The African Royals. It's not very different from the outlaw unit, adjusted with appropriate damage multipliers and unit types.

In-game dialogue[]

The African Vagabond speak Sudanese Arabic using Sudanese dialogue files.


Mercenary and outlaw units in Age of Empires III
Aoe3 unit type mercenary Mercenaries
InfantryMercenary armored pistoleer portrait Armored Pistoleer · Arsonist aoe3de Arsonist · Askari aoe3de portrait Askari · Corsair de Barbary Corsair · Cannoneer portrait aoe3de Cannoneer · Dahomey amazon aoe3de portrait Dahomey Amazon · Fusilier de Fusilier · Mercenary giant grenadier portrait Giant Grenadier · Highlander de Highlander · Mercenary irish brigade portrait Irish Brigadier · Iron troop aoe3de Iron Troop · Jaeger portrait aoe3de updated Jaeger · Landsknecht de Landsknecht · Ninja de Ninja · Mercenary pandour portrait Pandour · Ronin de Ronin · Swiss pikeman aoe3de Swiss Pikeman · Zouave icon aoe3de Zouave
CavalryBlack rider aoe3de Black Rider · Mercenary bosniak rider portrait Bosniak · Elmeti aoe3de Elmetto · Gatling camel aoe3de portrait Gatling Camel · Hackapell aoe3de Hackapell · Harquebusier icon Harquebusier · Jat lancer de Jat Lancer · Kanuri guard aoe3de portrait Kanuri Guard · Mameluke aoe3de Mameluke · Manchu de Manchu · Mercenary mounted rifleman portrait Mounted Rifleman · Mercenary royal horseman portrait Royal Horseman · Sennar horseman aoe3de portrait Sennar Horseman · Stradiot aoe3de Stradiot · Yojimbo aoe3de Yojimbo · Zenata rider aoe3de portrait Zenata Rider
ArtilleryLil bombard aoe3de Li'l Bombard · Napoleon gun icon aoe3de Napoleon Gun · Gatling camel aoe3de portrait Gatling Camel
ShipBattleship portrait Battleship · Privateer aoe3de Privateer · War dhow portrait aoe3de War Dhow · Wokou junk aoe3de Wokou Junk · Xebec portrait aoe3de Xebec
InfantryAfrican vagabond portrait African Vagabond · Colonial looter portrait Colonial Looter · Cossack daredevil portrait Cossack Daredevil · Dacoit aoe3de Dacoit · Desert archer portrait aoe3de Desert Archer · Desert warrior portrait aoe3de Desert Warrior · Hajduk portrait Hajduk · Highwayman dismounted portrait Highwayman · Inquisitor portrait Inquisitor · Pistolero aoe3de Pistolero · Renegado aoe3de Renegado · Thuggee aoe3de Thuggee · Blind monk aoe3de Wokou Monk · Wayward ronin aoe3de Wokou Ronin
Shock infantryPirate aoe3de Pirate · Wokou pirate aoe3de Wokou Pirate
CavalryComanchero icon aoe3de Comanchero · Mounted cossack daredevil portrait Cossack Daredevil · Crabat portrait Crabat · Desert raider portrait aoe3de Desert Raider · Highwayman mounted portrait Highwayman · Wokou horseman aoe3de Wokou Horseman
ArtilleryCaptured mortar aoe3de Captured Mortar
ShipCatamaran aoe3de Marathan Catamaran
Flag MexicanDE MexicansDesperado portrait Desperado · Vaquero portrait Cuatrero · Bandido portrait Bandido
Flag American act3 aoe3de United StatesGunslinger aoe3de Gunslinger · Cowboy aoe3de Cowboy · Owlhoot aoe3de Owlhoot
Treasure guardians in Age of Empires III
HumansAfrican vagabond portrait African Vagabond · Ambushing shongo thrower portrait Ambushing Shongo Thrower · Caravan bandit portrait Caravan Bandit · Carib blowgunner aoe3de Carib Blowgunner · Colonial gunslinger portrait Colonial Gunslinger · Colonial looter portrait Colonial Looter · Colonial officer portrait Colonial Officer · Colonial oppressor portrait Colonial Oppressor · Colonial swashbuckler portrait Colonial Swashbuckler · Comanchero icon aoe3de Comanchero · Phanar evzone portrait Evzone · Guardian haramija portrait Haramija · Knife thrower aoe3de Knife Thrower · Outlaw pirate portrait aoe3de updated Pirate · Pistolero aoe3de Pistolero · Plague doctor portrait Plague Doctor · Renegado aoe3de Renegado · Wokou horseman aoe3de Wokou Horseman · Blind monk aoe3de Wokou Monk · Wokou pirate aoe3de Wokou Pirate · Wayward ronin aoe3de Wokou Ronin
Land animalsTibetan macaque aoe3de Baboon · Beast portrait Beast · Black bear aoe3de Black Bear · Black panther aoe3de Black Panther · Grizzly aoe3de Brown Bear · Cougar aoe3de Cougar · Pet wolf aoe3de Coyote · Elephant aoe3de Elephant · Ethiopian Wolf portrait Ethiopian Wolf · Hippo portrait Hippo · Honey Badger portrait Honey Badger · Hyena portrait aoe3de Hyena · Jaguar pet aoe3de Jaguar · Jaguar pet aoe3de Leopard · Lion aoe3de Lion · Liontailed macaque aoe3de Lion-Tailed Macaque · Guardian dog portrait Mad Dog · Orangutan portrait aoe3de Orangutan · Panda portrait aoe3de Panda · Polar bear aoe3de portrait Polar Bear · Rhino aoe3de Rhinoceros · Snow leopard aoe3de Snow Leopard · Snowmonkey aoe3de Snow Monkey · Tibetan macaque aoe3de Tibetan Macaque · Tiger icon aoe3de Tiger · Warthog portrait Warthog · White tiger aoe3de White Tiger · Warthog portrait Wild Boar · Pet wolf aoe3de Wolf
Marine animalsAlligator aoe3de Alligator · Alligator aoe3de Crocodile · Hippo portrait Hippo · Monitor lizard aoe3de Komodo Dragon · Orca aoe3de Orca · Greatwhiteshark aoe3de Shark
ShipsCatamaran aoe3de Marathan Catamaran · Wokou junk aoe3de Wokou Junk