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Age of Empires Series Wiki

You have advanced to the Heroic Age through the chaos of Aegir.
—Age up text

Aegir is a Norse Heroic Age minor god in Age of Mythology: Retold - New Gods Pack: Freyr. He is available to Freyr. He provides improvements to the player's myth units and siege weapons.


God power[]

  • AoMR Tempest icon Tempest: Calls down a vicious hailstorm that damages and greatly slows down enemy units.

Myth units[]

  • AoMR Rock Giant icon Rock Giant: A towering personification of stone who crushes buildings. Its special attack is a taunt which deals area damage to nearby enemies and forces them to attack it.

Myth technologies[]

Technology tree[]

AoMR Aegir artwork
AoMR Heroic Age icon
God power
AoMR Tempest icon
AoMR Temple icon
AoMR Rock Giant icon
Rock Giant
AoMR Granite Maw icon
Granite Maw
AoMR Nine Waves icon
Nine Waves
AoMR Feasts of Renown icon
Feasts of Renown
AoMR Hill Fort icon
Hill Fort
AoMR Dock icon
AoMR Grasp of Ran icon
Grasp of Ran
AoMR Kraken icon
(Spawned by
Grasp of Ran)


Aegir's improvements target myth units and siege weapons, making them more useful throughout the rest of the game. His Nine Waves technology gives a boost in attack power and movement speed to heroes and siege units, making them stronger overall. Grasp of Ran also allows Dragon Ships to spawn Krakens at nearby enemies when attacking them, giving the player an edge in naval warfare and saving them resources that would have been used to train more Krakens from the Dock. Feasts of Renown lets Town Centers and both variations of the Hill Fort passively generate food and heal nearby units, allowing them to stay in action for longer and ensuring that the player always has an ample supply of food.

The Rock Giant, Aegir's myth unit, is a personification of stone with rock-solid durability that is strong against buildings and human soldiers alike. Its Jotunmodr ability involves it taunting nearby enemies, bolstering its armor and forcing the taunted enemies to fight it. These traits make the Rock Giant highly useful for protecting allies, even including worker units. The Granite Maw technology increases their damage and grants them a new special ability which allows them to steal hit points from buildings. If Hel is worshipped in the Mythic Age, her Granite Blood and Rampage technologies can further improve Rock Giants by boosting their hit points and almost completely eliminating their training time, respectively.

Aegir's god power, Tempest, damages and greatly slows down enemy units in the target area. It can be used offensively to weaken an enemy army enough to be able to finish them off, or defensively to stop a raid and protect worker units.


Aegir was the personification of the ocean and the god of the sea. His name literally means ocean in the Old Norse language. His characterization follows that of the ocean itself: at times, he was a mighty, violent force within mythology, and at others he was a charitable host. The kenning "jaws of Aegir" portrayed the ocean as a devourer of ships, and many Norse sagas bemoan the violence of Aegir for the loss of their kinsman, like Egill Skallagrimsson in his mourning poem Sonatorrek. On the other hand, the Poetic Edda depicts Aegir as a generous host in Grimnismal, Hymiskvida, and Lokasenna. One of the most famous stories involving Aegir appears in Hymiskvida, in which Aegir sends Thor to find a cauldron big enough for him to brew ale for the Aesir.
—In-game compendium section


Gods in Age of Mythology
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age
AoMR Greeks icon Greeks AoMR Zeus icon Zeus
AoMR Hades icon Hades
AoMR Poseidon icon Poseidon
AoMR Athena icon Athena

AoMR Hermes icon Hermes

AoMR Ares icon Ares
AoMR Apollo icon Apollo

AoMR Dionysus icon Dionysus

AoMR Aphrodite icon Aphrodite
AoMR Hera icon Hera

AoMR Hephaestus icon Hephaestus

AoMR Artemis icon Artemis
AoMR Egyptians icon Egyptians AoMR Ra icon Ra
AoMR Isis icon Isis
AoMR Set icon Set
AoMR Bast icon Bast

AoMR Ptah icon Ptah

AoMR Anubis icon Anubis
AoMR Sobek icon Sobek ( HathorIcon Hathor)

AoMR Sekhmet icon Sekhmet

AoMR Nephthys icon Nephthys
AoMR Osiris icon Osiris

AoMR Horus icon Horus

AoMR Thoth icon Thoth
AoMR Norse icon Norse AoMR Thor icon Thor
AoMR Odin icon Odin
AoMR Loki icon Loki
AoMR Freyr icon Freyr
AoMR Freyja icon Freyja

AoMR Heimdall icon Heimdall

AoMR Forseti icon Forseti

AoMR Ullr icon Ullr
AoMR Skadi icon Skadi

AoMR Bragi icon Bragi

AoMR Njord icon Njord

AoMR Aegir icon Aegir
AoMR Baldr icon Baldr

AoMR Tyr icon Tyr

AoMR Hel icon Hel

AoMR Vidar icon Vidar
AoMR Atlanteans icon Atlanteans AoMR Kronos icon Kronos
AoMR Oranos icon Oranos
AoMR Gaia icon Gaia
AoMR Prometheus icon Prometheus

AoMR Leto icon Leto

AoMR Oceanus icon Oceanus
AoMR Hyperion icon Hyperion

AoMR Rheia icon Rheia

AoMR Theia icon Theia
AoMR Helios icon Helios

AoMR Atlas icon Atlas

AoMR Hekate icon Hekate
ChinesePortrait Chinese FuXiPortrait Fu Xi
NuWaPortrait Nü Wa
ShennongPortrait Shennong
HuangDiIcon Huang Di

SunWukongIcon Sun Wukong

ChangEIcon Chang'e
DaboGongIcon Dabo Gong

ZhongKuiIcon Zhong Kui

HeBoIcon He Bo
ChongliIcon Chongli

AoKuangIcon Ao Kuang

XiWangmuIcon Xi Wangmu