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Advanced Combat is the sixth challenge scenario in Art of War in Age of Empires IV.

Campaigns in Age of Empires IV
TutorialPC: Intro Tutorial
Xbox: The Rise of a King
The Rise of a KingRebellion in Normandy · The Battle of Val-es-Dunes · A Township in Brittany · The Siege of Dinan · The Norman Invasion
Art of WarTraining: Early Economy · Late Economy · Basic Combat · Early Siege · Late Siege · Advanced Combat
Civilization: Ottomans · Malians
The NormansCampaign angevin the conquest Conquest: The Battle of Hastings · North to York
Campaign angevin possession Possession: The Fall of Bayeux · The Battle of Tinchebray · The Battle of Brémule
Campaign angevin the anarchy The Anarchy: First Battle of Lincoln · The Siege of Wallingford
Campaign angevin rebellion Rebellion: The Siege of Dover · The Siege of Rochester · Second Battle of Lincoln
The Rise of MoscowCampaign moscow fort to city Fort to City: Rebuilding Moscow
Campaign moscow city to state City to State: Tribute · The Battle of Kulikovo
Campaign moscow state to empire State to Empire: Hold Against the Horde · Fall of the Novgorod Republic · Great Stand on the Ugra River
Campaign moscow empire to superpower Empire to Superpower: Moscow versus Lithuania · The Siege of Kazan
The Hundred Years WarCampaign hundred chivalry Chivalry: The Combat of the Thirty · The Siege of Paris
Campaign hundred disorder Disorder: France in Chaos · The Battle of Pontvallain
Campaign hundred desperation Desperation: The Siege of Orléans · The Battle of Patay
Campaign hundred asxendancy Ascendancy: Retake Normandy · The Battle of Formigny
The Mongol EmpireCampaign mongol shock and awe Shock and Awe: The Battle of the Kalka River · The Great Wall · The Battle of Zhongdu
Campaign mongol conquest Conquest: The Siege of Kiev · The Battle of Liegnitz · The Battle of Mohi
Campaign mongol domination Domination: The Song Fortress · Blockade at Lumen Shan · The Fall of Xiangyang
The Sultans AscendCampaigninvasion Invasion: The Defense of Tyre
Campaign saladin Saladin: Into Egypt · Raiders of the Red Sea · The Horns of Hattin
Campaign slaves to sultans From Slaves to Sultans: The Battle of Mansurah · The Battle of Ayn Jalut · The Siege of Acre
Campaign pirates of the mediterranean Pirates of the Mediterranean: The Invasion of Cyprus