Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the achievements in Chronicles. For the achievements in other games of the series, see Achievement.

These are the 26 Steam achievements in the release version of Chronicles.


Battle for Greece logo Battle for Greece[]

Icon Name and requirement Gamerscore Icon Name and requirement Gamerscore
Lysander Chronicles Tomb Raider
Complete "Pyres on the Coast" after looting every Messenian tomb.
15 Athenians Chronicles Athenian Victory
Win a game playing as the Athenians in Chronicles: Battle for Greece.
Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenid Victory
Win a game playing as the Achaemenids in Chronicles: Battle for Greece.
5 Polemarch Chronicles Promachos
Kill 10 enemy units with a Spartan Polemarch.
Naval Policy Chronicles Political Animal
Change your policy as the Athenians.
5 Defensive Town Center Chronicles By Ahuramazda's Grace
Research an Achaemenid Town Center upgrade.
Flaming Arrows Chronicles Combined Arms
Complete "The Fall of Athens" without researching any special infantry technologies.
15 Achievement Reject the Regent Chronicles Reject the Regent
Give a relic to Salamis in "Across the Wine-Dark Sea" and to Polycritus in "Wrath of the Regent".
Achievement Philolacon Chronicles Philolacon
Give a Relic to the Spartans in both "Across the Wine-Dark Sea" and "Wrath of the Regent".
15 Themistocles Chronicles Blockade Breaker
Destroy both naval blockades in "The Battle of Salamis".
Aristides Chronicles Crisis Management
Complete "The Fruits of Empire" without demanding medium or high tribute.
15 Achievement Sack and Burn Chronicles Sack and Burn
Loot Notium, Priene, and the three cities specified by Cyrus in "Blood and Gold".
Priestess Chronicles Leader of Men
Attain all available aura upgrades in the Battle for Greece campaign.
5 Brasidas Chronicles Friend of the Helots
Complete "Pyres on the Coast" without looting any Messenian tombs.
Shipyard Chronicles Thundering Zeus!
Do not lose a single Market or Port in Byzantium during "Wrath of the Regent".
20 Leviathan Chronicles Admirable Admiral
Research all naval technologies in "Raise the Sails".
Hoplite Chronicles Marathonomachos
Find and complete all quests in "The Battle of Marathon".
20 Datis Chronicles The Great King's Wrath
Defeat all enemy players in "Earth and Water"
Artemisia Chronicles Friend of Artemisia
Assist Artemisia in both "Chasing Smoke" and "Earth and Water".
15 Artaphernes Chronicles A Suitable Satrap
Complete "The Ionian Revolt" without Aristagoras ever holding more than four towns simultaneously.
Aristagoras Chronicles All Accounted For
Do not lose a single resource cart in "Greeks Bearing Gifts".
15 Pericles Chronicles First Citizen
Complete "Within the Long Walls" without your favor ever dropping below 50.
Leonidas Chronicles Fight in the Shade
Survive at Thermopylae for 5 minutes after completing the main objective in "The Hot Gates". (Secret achievement on Xbox)
15 Darius Chronicles Enter the Epic
Complete "Prologue: Gates of the Gods".
Elite Hoplite Chronicles Nemesis
Finish the entire Chronicles: Battle for Greece campaign.
5 Spartans Chronicles Spartan Victory
Win a game playing as the Spartans in Chronicles: Battle for Greece.


  • The description for "Crisis Management" on Steam incorrectly calls the scenario The Fruits of Empire "The Delian League".

References to popular culture[]

The names of some achievements are references to history and popular culture:

  • "Promachos" refers to someone from the first line of a phalanx of ancient Greek hoplites.
  • "Political Animal" refers to a concept of political philosophy, established by Aristotle in Politics.
  • "Philolacon" refers to someone who is a great admirer of ancient Sparta or their culture and values (philo meaning lover and lacon from Laconians/Lacedaemeonians).
  • "Marathonomachos" was used to refer to a veteran of the Battle of Marathon.
  • "First Citizen" refers to "the first citizen of Athens", a moniker given to Pericles by the contemporary historian Thucydides during the golden age of Athens.
  • "Fight in the Shade" refers to a line originally spoken by Dienekes at the Battle of Thermopylae, which was modified and misattributed to Leonidas by Roman writers in later centuries.
  • "Leader of Men" is a reference to the same name song by the rock band Nickelback.
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