Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the building in Chronicles. For the building in Age of Empires, see Academy (Age of Empires).

Used to research technologies to improve units and buildings.
Chronicles description

The Academy is a Classical Age research building in Chronicles. The Academy provides technologies to improve buildings (and defense overall) and missile firing units.

The Academy is the equivalent of University in Age of Empires II. The only difference between the two is that Academies (for Chronicles civilizations) do not get access to any equivalent of Bombard Tower, since gunpowder units are not present in Chronicles.

Tactics and placement[]

As a building incapable of attacking or producing units, the placement of a Academy must not be given much thought. All it needs to do is provide researches and optimally stand until it is done doing so. Once all necessary technologies have been researched, the Academy is a completely useless building and can freely be deleted (unless it is walling out an area of importance, in which case it should be replaced).

As the Academy provides essential technologies for defensive structures and missile-firing units, it should be built as soon as enough wood is available, especially when a turtling strategy is chosen or the player goes heavy on ranged units. Target Practice (Classical Age) and Flaming Arrows (Imperial Age) are the most important technologies here available for all civilizations and as such, their research should be prioritized. Murder Holes is also critical for defense and is available to all.

Since most Academy technologies are very situational, players (including the AI ones) hardly ever build more than one per game.


Archaic Age
Civic Age Chronicles
Classical Age
Imperial Age
Fortified Wall Flaming Arrows
Target Practice available Chronicles Siegeengineersavailable
Guard Tower
Lighthouse Arrowslits

Availability grid[]

The following table shows the availability of the technologies for every civilization. Technologies that are available to all civilizations are not shown in the table.

= Available
= Unavailable
Civilization Masonry aoe2de ArchitectureDE TreadmillCraneDE SiegeEngineersDE ArrowSlitsDE
Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids
Athenians Chronicles Athenians
Spartans Chronicles Spartans

Further statistics[]

Hpicon aoe2de Hit points Masonry aoe2de Masonry (+10%)
ArchitectureDE Architecture (+10%)
Armor Masonry aoe2de Masonry (+1/+1, +3 building armor)
ArchitectureDE Architecture (+1/+1, +3 building armor)
Conversion resistance Exorcism Chronicles Exorcism (+4 min, +4 max)
Hemlock Chronicles Hemlock (die upon getting converted)
Line of Sight TownWatchDE Town Watch (+4)
TownPatrolDE Town Patrol (+4)
Build speed TreadmillCraneDE Treadmill Crane (+20%)
Team bonuses
Conversion resistance Teutons AoE2 Teutons (+3 min, +1 max)
Research speed Malians AoE2 Malians (+80%)
Portuguese AoE2 Portuguese (+25%)
Other Georgians AoE2 Georgians (-25% repair cost)


Buildings in Chronicles
Civilian buildings
EconomicTown Center Chronicles Town Center · Port Chronicles Port · Fish trap aoe2DE Fish Trap · Mill Chronicles Mill · FarmDE Farm · Market aoe2DE Market · Lumber camp aoe2de Lumber Camp · Mining camp aoe2de Mining Camp
ResearchBlacksmith aoe2de Blacksmith · Academy Chronicles Academy
MiscellaneousHouse Chronicles House · Temple Chronicles Temple · Wonder Chronicles Wonder
Military buildings
ProductionBarracks aoe2DE Barracks · Archery range aoe2DE Archery Range · Stable aoe2DE Stable · Siege workshop aoe2DE Siege Workshop · Shipyard Chronicles Shipyard · Fort Chronicles Fort
TowerTown Center Chronicles Town Center · Outpost aoe2de Outpost · Watch Tower Chronicles Watch Tower · Guard Tower Chronicles Guard Tower · Bastion Chronicles Bastion · Fort Chronicles Fort
WallPalisade wall aoe2de Palisade Wall · Palisade gate aoe2DE Palisade Gate · Stone wall aoe2de Stone Wall · Gate aoe2de Gate · Fortified wall aoe2de Fortified Wall · Gate aoe2de Fortified Gate
Battle for Greece logo
Tent army small aoe2DE Greek Army Tent · Tent army small aoe2DE Greek Commander Tent · Temple Chronicles Oracle's Temple · Sapper Tunnel Chronicles Sapper Tunnel