Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the civilization in Age of Empires IV. For the civilization in Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, see Saracens.
Civilization Technology tree Mastery

The Abbasid Dynasty is a playable Asian civilization in Age of Empires IV.

Their variant civilization are the Ayyubids.

As an Arab civilization, they also feature in Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings as the Saracens.

Civilization overview[]

The Abbasid Dynasty is an adaptive civilization due to their ability to research unique upgrades at the House of Wisdom. These upgrades impact and alter core game elements and mechanics, providing a unique way to build your empire.

Age of Empires IV, the Abbasid Dynasty civilization spans the years 750-1517 CE and is based on the Abbasid Caliphate and the Mamluk Sultanate. The empire was born in modern-day Iraq, but after the Mongols destroyed its capital of Baghdad in 1258, the seat of power moved to Cairo.

You will experience the "Golden Age of Islam" playing the Abbasid Dynasty. This period saw flourishing technological innovations as the medieval world raced towards the modern era. The Abbasid Dynasty ruled the spiritual heart of the Islamic world for nearly 800 years, surviving civil wars, the Crusades, the Mongol invasion, relentless piracy, and rebellions.


The Abbasid Dynasty civilization is centered around their House of Wisdom, which provides unique upgrade opportunities and acts as the basis of their Golden Age mechanic.

As buildings are constructed around the House of Wisdom, the tier of their Golden Age increases, bringing with it increases to gather, research, and production rates.

Unique to their civilization, the Abbasid Dynasty receive Camel Archers and Camel Riders, which serve as unique anti-cavalry cavalry units.

The Abbasid Dynasty's unique ability to construct Landmarks and advance through the ages without needing to assign active villagers enables the Abbasid Dynasty to continue gathering resources, construct buildings, or perform other tasks allowing uninterrupted growth.

Civilization bonuses[]

  • Start the game with +50 wood.
  • Gather from Berry Bushes 30% faster, but cannot gather from Boar.
  • Villagers carry +3 Food from Berry Bushes.
  • Land Traders are 33% cheaper.
  • Camel units reduce damage by -20% to nearby enemy horse cavalry.
  • Constructing the Mill near Berry Bushes create Orchards, which increases the amount of food available by 100 (from 250 to 350 Food per Berry Bush).
  • Infantry units are able to construct Battering Rams and Siege Towers from the Dark Age without researching Siege Engineering. They can also construct Springalds and Mangonels from the Castle Age.
  • Age up without the need for Villagers by upgrading wings on the House of Wisdom.
  • Docks are 50% cheaper.
  • Enter a Golden Age by building structures within the influence of the House of Wisdom, increasing resource gather rate, research times, and production speed.
Golden Age Bonuses
Tier Structures Resource Gather Rate Research Speed Production Speed
AoE4 GoldenAgeTier1 10 +15%
AoE4 GoldenAgeTier2 30 +15% +15%
AoE4 GoldenAgeTier3 60 +20% +20% +20%

Starting resources[]

200 food, 200 wood, 100 gold

Unique units[]

  • AoE4 CamelArcher Camel Archer: Light ranged cavalry that deals bonus damage to light melee infantry.
  • AoE4 CamelRider Camel Rider: Light melee cavalry that deals bonus damage to cavalry.
  • AoE4 Ghulam Ghulam: Man-at-Arms replacement. Heavy melee infantry that can attack twice in a quick succession, as well as having increased hit points and faster movement speed, in exchange for lower base melee attack and increased cost and training time.
Unique to their civilization, the Abbasid Dynasty receive Camel Archers and Camel Riders, which serve as unique anti-cavalry cavalry units.

The Camel Archer is an anti-cavalry cavalry unit that reduces damage from nearby enemy cavalry units. Their expanded attack range and higher damage than average Horse Archers allows them to pick away at enemy cavalry from a safe distance.

The Imam is an inspirational community leader that can be created from the Abbasid's Mosque building.

Unique buildings[]

  • AoE4 HouseOfWisdom House of Wisdom (Economic Wing, Trade Wing, Military Wing and Culture Wing)
  • AoE4 AbbasidWonder Prayer Hall of Uqba (Wonder)


The House of Wisdom is the only Landmark available to the Abbasid Dynasty. It can be built in the Dark Age and upgraded with new 'wings' to provide various bonuses. Wings can be added in any order, and each wing that is added advances the civilization to the next Age. For more information about this unique mechanic, see the House of Wisdom's article.

Unique technologies[]

  • AoE4 FreshFoodstuffs Fresh Foodstuffs (Mill) - Villagers are 35% cheaper.
  • AoE4 TeakMasts Teak Masts (Dock) - Increases military ships' hit points by 10%.
  • AoE4 Phalanx Phalanx (Barracks) - Spearmen +100% attack range.
  • AoE4 CamelRiderShields Camel Rider Shields (Stable) - Camel Riders +3 melee armor.
  • AoE4 CamelHandling Camel Handling (Blacksmith) - Camel units' movement speed +15%
  • AoE4 CamelRiderBarding Camel Rider Barding (Stable) - Camel Riders' melee and ranged armor +2
  • AoE4 PreservationOfKnowledge Preservation of Knowledge (House of Wisdom with Culture Wing) - Technologies are 20% cheaper.
  • AoE4 MedicalCenters Medical Centers (House of Wisdom with Culture Wing) - Keeps and Town Centers heal nearby friendly units for 2 hit points per second.
  • AoE4 Proselytization Proselytization (House of Wisdom with Culture Wing) - Imams can convert single units without holding a Relic (called Proselytize).
  • AoE4 FertileCrescent Fertile Crescent (House of Wisdom with Economy Wing) - Reduces wood and stone cost of economic buildings and Houses by 30%.
  • AoE4 Agriculture Agriculture (House of Wisdom with Economy Wing) - Villagers gather 15% faster from Farms.
  • AoE4 ImprovedProcessing Improved Processing (House of Wisdom with Economy Wing) - Villagers drop off 8% more resources.
  • AoE4 BootCamp Boot Camp (House of Wisdom with Military Wing) - Infantry +15% hit points.
  • AoE4 CompositeBows Composite Bows (House of Wisdom with Military Wing) - Archers' reload time -0.375 seconds.
  • AoE4 CamelSupport Camel Support (House of Wisdom with Military Wing) - Camel units boost armor of nearby infantry by +2.
  • AoE4 GrandBazaar Grand Bazaar (House of Wisdom with Trade Wing) - Traders return an additional secondary resource.
  • AoE4 ArmoredCaravans Armored Caravans (House of Wisdom with Trade Wing) - Traders and Trade Ships +5 melee and ranged armor.
  • AoE4 SpiceRoads Spice Roads (House of Wisdom with Trade Wing) - Traders return 30% more gold.


  • Originally, Abbasid Dynasty gathered berries +25% faster and did not have a Berry Bush carry capacity bonus. With patch 11009, the gather rate bonus was increased to +30% and they gained a +3 carry capacity bonus.
  • Originally, building a Mill next to Berry Bushes increased their total food by +250. With the Season One Update, this was decreased to +100
  • With the Season Two Update 17718, the Golden Age tier 1 bonus was changed from +10% gather rate to +15% gather rate
  • With update 7.0.5861, the Abbasid Dynasty received the Ghulam unique unit to replace the standard Man-at-Arms on its roster.

In-game dialogue[]

The units of the Abbasid Dynasty speak Arabic

Abbasid Dynasty's dialogue lines across ages
GameIcon-DarkAgeAoE4 Dark AgeVillager and Trader · Scout · Spearman · Fishing Boat and Trade Ship
GameIcon-FeudalAgeAoE4 Feudal AgeArcher · Camel Archer · Horseman · Ram and Siege Tower · Transport Ship · Dhow and War Dhow · Explosive Dhow (no Feudal Age dialogues)
GameIcon-CastleAgeAoE4 Castle AgeGhulam · Crossbowman · Lancer · Camel Rider · Imam · Ranged siege weapons
GameIcon-ImperialAgeAoE4 Imperial AgeHandcannoneer · Xebec


  • The flag of the Abbasid Dynasty is the Black Standard, one of the flags flown by Muhammad in Muslim tradition. It was historically used by Abu Muslim in his uprising leading to the Abbasid Revolution in 747 and is also associated with the Abbasid Caliphate.
  • The Abbasid Dynasty is the only civilization in the game not to appear in any of the game single player campaigns, nor any of the Art of War challenges until the Season One Update, where they are the enemy in the Advanced Combat scenario.
  • The time span of the civilization begins in 750, with the establishment of the Abbasid Caliphate, and ends in 1517, the year that the Ottomans conquered Mamluk Egypt and ended the Abbasid Dynasty of Caliphs and established the Ottoman Caliphate.



Civilizations in Age of Empires IV
AfricanMalians AoE4 Malians
AsianAbbasid Dynasty AoE4 Abbasid Dynasty · Chinese AoE4 Chinese · Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi Sultanate · Japanese AoE4 Japanese · Mongols AoE4 Mongols · Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans
EuropeanByzantines AoE4 Byzantines · English AoE4 English · French AoE4 French · HRE AoE4 Holy Roman Empire · Rus AoE4 Rus
Variant civilizations
AsianAyyubids AoE4 Ayyubids · Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy
EuropeanJeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'Arc · Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the Dragon
Campaign-only civilizations
AsianCivIcon-FatimidAoE4 Fatimid Caliphate · CivIcon-IlkhanateAoE4 Ilkhanate · CivIcon-MamlukSultanateAoE4 Mamluk Sultanate · Ayyubids AoE4 Saladin · CivIcon-SeljukEmpireAoE4 Seljuk Empire
EuropeanCivIcon-ASEAoE4 Anglo-Saxon England · CivIcon-AntiochAoE4 Antioch · CivIcon-CyprusAoE4 Cyprus · CivIcon-DanesAoE4 Danes · CivIcon-LithuaniaAoE4 Grand Duchy of Lithuania · CivIcon-JerusalemAoE4 Jerusalem · CivIcon-BohemiaAoE4 Kingdom of Bohemia · CivIcon-HungaryAoE4 Kingdom of Hungary · CivIcon-PolandAoE4 Kingdom of Poland · CivIcon-KnightsHospitallerAoE4 Knights Hospitaller · CivIcon-KnightsTemplarAoE4 Knights Templar · CivIcon-NormansAoE4 Normans · CivIcon-NovgorodAoE4 Novgorod Republic · CivIcon-TeutonicOrderAoE4 Teutonic Order
Classification of campaign-only civilizations is based on their base civilizations, not geographical locations.