Age of Empires Wiki

La Dinastía abasí es una civilización asiática jugable en Age of Empires IV.


The Abbasid Dynasty is an adaptive civilization due to their ability to research unique upgrades at the House of Wisdom. These upgrades impact and alter core game elements and mechanics, providing a unique way to build your empire.

In Age of Empires IV, the Abbasid Dynasty civilization spans the years 750-1517 CE and is based on the Abbasid Caliphate and the Mamluk Sultanate. The empire was born in modern-day Iraq, but after the Mongols destroyed its capital of Baghdad in 1258, the seat of power moved to Cairo.

You will experience the “Golden Age of Islam” playing the Abbasid Dynasty. This period saw flourishing technological innovations as the medieval world raced towards the modern era. The Abbasid Dynasty ruled the spiritual heart of the Islamic world for nearly 800 years, surviving civil wars, the Crusades, the Mongol invasion, relentless piracy, and rebellions?


The Abbasid Dynasty civilization is centered around their House of Wisdom, which provides unique upgrade opportunities and acts as the basis of their Golden Age mechanic.

As buildings are constructed around the House of Wisdom, the tier of their Golden Age increases, bringing with it increases to gather, research, and production rates.

Unique to their civilization, the Abbasid Dynasty receive Camel Archers and Camel Riders, which serve as unique anti-cavalry cavalry units.

The Abbasid Dynasty’s unique ability to construct Landmarks and advance through the ages without needing to assign active villagers enables the Abbasid Dynasty to continue gathering resources, construct buildings, or perform other tasks allowing uninterrupted growth.

Bonificaciones de civilización[]

  • Start the game with +50 Wood (200 Wood instead of 150).
  • Gather from Berry Bushes 25% faster but cannot gather from Boar.
  • Constructing the Mill near Berry Bushes increases the amount of food available by 100% (from 250 to 500 Food per Berry Bush).
  • Infantry units are able to construct Battering Rams and Siege Towers (from the Dark Age), Springalds and Mangonels (from the Castle Age) without researching Siege Engineering.
  • Advance in Age by building wings from the House of Wisdom. It doesn't require that Villagers construct, unlike others civilizations. Nearby buildings gain +5 fire armor.
  • Enter a Golden Age (Tier 1 : 10 Structures, Tiers 2 : 30 Structures, Tiers 3 : 60 Structures) to speed up resource gather rate (Tier 1 : +10%, Tier 2 : +15%, Tier 3 : +20%), research times (Tier 2 : +15 %, Tier 3 : +20%), and production speed (Tier 3 : +20%).
  • Docks are 50% cheaper.

Unidades únicas[]

The Camel Archer is an anti-cavalry cavalry unit that reduces damage from nearby enemy cavalry units. Their expanded attack range and higher damage than average Horse Archers allows them to pick away at enemy cavalry from a safe distance.

The Imam is an inspirational community leader that can be created from the Abbasid’s Mosque building.

Edificios únicos[]

  • House of Wisdom (Economic Wing, Trade Wing, Military Wing and Culture Wing)
  • Prayer Hall of Uqba (Wonder)

Tecnologías únicas[]

  • Teak Masts (Dock)
  • Preservation of Knowledge (House of Wisdom)
  • Medical Centers (House of Wisdom)
  • Faith (House of Wisdom)
  • Fresh Foodstuffs (House of Wisdom)
  • Agriculture (House of Wisdom)
  • Improved Processing (House of Wisdom)
  • Camel Support (House of Wisdom)
  • Camel Rider Shields (House of Wisdom)
  • Boot Camp (House of Wisdom)
  • Spice Roads (House of Wisdom)
  • Armored Caravans (House of Wisdom)
  • Grand Bazaar (House of Wisdom)
  • Camel Handling (House of Wisdom)
  • Camel Barding (House of Wisdom)
  • Phalanx (House of Wisdom)
  • Composite Bows (House of Wisdom)



Civilizaciones en Age of Empires IV
AsiáticasChinos · Dinastía Abasí · Mongoles · Sultanato de Delhi
EuropeasFranceses · Ingleses · Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico · Rus